Current Affairs Exam

Andhra Pradesh constitutes new Pay Revision Commission

Former special chief secretary Dr Manmohan Singh has been appointed as Pay Revision Commissioner (PRC) chairman. The 1985-batch Ias officer, Dr Singh, last served as Chief Commissioner Land Administration (CCLA) before demitting office in 2019.

The issued a GO appointing Dr Singh as one-man commission. He has been directed to submit his report within a year. Although, the state government constituted the 12th PRC as per the demands of employees unions, setting 12 months deadline for submission of reports would eventually means that the recommendations could be implemented only by the next government as the assembly Elections are due in April-May.

Interestingly, the state government had initially decided to the practice of appointment of PRC at every four years keeping in view of the financial constraints of the state. The state government wanted to follow the Central PRC recommendations as the Centre had been revising the employees salaries once in a decade.

However, the state government, under pressure from the employees unions, reversed its decision and constituted another PRC. The salaries bill of employees in AP had touched 135 percent of the States Own Revenues by the time it implemented the previous PRC recommendations in 2022.

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