Andhra Pradesh: Capital region farmers gave up land for better future

Establishment of a states capital is a one-time exercise and cannot be done again and again as and when there is a change of mind on the part of the .

Even in theState Reorganisation Act, the Parliament spoke about a capital, Diwan said, adding that though it does not necessarily mean only one capital, but the intention of the Parliament is to create a capital city for the state of AP to compensate the loss that arose after losing Hyderabad toTelangana.

It was for this purpose that the Union Government constituted an expert committee to identify probable locations for creation of a new capital city and extended financial assistance to the AP government in accordance with the State Reorganisation Act, he said. The expert committee took the opinion of people from across the state, in which 52% voted for Vijayawada-Guntur as the capital city, 10.72% in favour ofVisakhapatnam, while 7% voted for Kurnool as capital city.