Amid rumours, Bihar deputy CM Tarkishore Prasad denies any move to amend liquor law

Amid rumours of a move for fresh amendment in the provisions of the law that is caught in crossfires in the wake of frequent hooch deaths, the main opposition party, RJD, on Tuesday claimed that it would move a No-Confidence Motion against the government in the budget session if the proposed amendments are not in the interest of the people or in tune with its principles.

The last amendment to the prohibition law was made in 2018 to set free a person caught drinking liquor for the first time on the payment of a fine of Rs50,000. However, it was put in abeyance.

As per the new unconfirmed reports, the proposed amendments have been mooted by the state excise and prohibition department and sent to the Home department for clearance to pave the way for its scrutiny and final approval by the law department.

As per the rumours, the government is mulling over dividing the offences in two groups ordinary (liquor consumers, that pertain to the drunk or those caught drinking) and serious offences (liquor manufacturer, hoarder, distributor, supplier).