Amid protest against the police lathicharge on BJP leaders and workers outside the Assembly, the Hemant Soren Government on Wednesday passed three Bills in the House. The Bills include the Jharkhand Municipal (Amendment) Bill 2021, Jharkhand Goods and Service Bill 2021 and Jharkhand State Employment of Local Candidates Bill, 2021. Among these three Bills, the Jharkhand State Employment of Local Candidates Bill is important as it paves way for 75 per cent reservation to locals in jobs upto Rs 40,000 per month at private sector.

Once the Jharkhand State EMPLOYMENT of Local Candidates Bill is enacted in the State, Jharkhand will become the third State in the country after Andhra Pradesh and Haryana having a law providing for reservation in private sector jobs for local residents. As the bill pertains to reservations of locals in the private sector, the Government gets passed the bill without much difficulty. On one side the Soren Government was getting passed three bills, BJP leaders and workers were staging Assembly gherao against the allotment of room at Assembly for offering Namaz. Inside the house too, BJP lawmakers were protesting against the allotment of room for Namaz.

It may be noted that the bill was earlier tabled during the budget session in March this year and was referred for vetting to six member committee formed by Speaker Rabindra Nath Mahto. The six member committee was headed by Labour Minister Satyanand Bhokta and members from different parties. The committee after going through the bill gave its Consent while making some changes.

The committee had added the words “private sector” in the amended bill, changing its name from ‘The Jharkhand State Employment of Local Candidates Bill, 2021’ to ‘The Jharkhand State Employment of Local Candidates in Private Sector Bill, 2021’. The amended legislation increased the salary limit to Rs 40,000 from the earlier Rs 30,000.

The draft resolution of bill mandates that every employer shall fill up seventy-five percent of the total existing vacancies on the date of notification of this Act and subsequent thereto by local candidates with respect to such posts where the gross monthly salary or wages are not more than Rs 40,000.

The Central Government or the shall not be included but the provisions of this Act shall apply on the organizations providing Services through Outsourcing to the Central Government or the State Government organization/undertaking, the bill says.

The other bill which was passed today was the Jharkhand Municipal (Amendment) Bill which gives power to the Jharkhand government to remove the mayor and the Chairman in the municipal bodies. As per the bill the election of mayor and Chairman in the municipal bodies in the state will not be conducted on party symbols. Apart from this mayor and deputy mayor will be elected by the elected councillors on the basis of majority.

The passing of the Bill assumes importance as reports about differences between government and municipal bodies have escalated in the past few months with most of the Municipal bodies in the State being represented by BJP.