Current Affairs Exam

AI Supercomputer AIRAWAT puts India among top supercomputing league

TheInternational Supercomputing Conference (ISC 2023) in Germany,the AI SupercomputerAIRAWAT,situated at C-DAC, Pune, achieved an impressive global ranking of 75th on the esteemed Top 500 Global Supercomputing List. This accomplishment establishes India as a leading nation in the field of AI supercomputing. AIRAWAT is part of the Government of Indias National Program on AI and represents a significant stride forward in the countrys AI capabilities.

The AIRAWAT PoC of 200 AI Petaflops integrated with PARAM Siddhi AI of 210 AI Petaflops gives a total peak compute of 410 AI Petaflops Mixed Precision and sustained compute capacity of 8.5 Petaflops (Rmax) Double Precision. The peak compute capacity (Double Precision, Rpeak) is 13 Petaflops.

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