Current Affairs Exam

Agricultural departments boost to cultivation of turmeric in Goa

Farmersin Goa have been showing interest in growingturmericgiven its viability as a commercial spice crop. In a bid to boost turmericcultivationin Goa the directorate of Agriculture-notes-for-state-psc-exams”>Agriculture is taking up the initiative of urging farmers to grow turmeric as an intercrop along with cashew. Besides being used as a common kitchen ingredient, turmeric also has a demand for its medicinal properties as well as pharmaceutical value.

Other than arecanut and black pepper, farmers in Goa do not usually opt for other spice crops. Most farmers in the state grow turmeric only in a few pockets with the total area cultivated not exceeding two to three hectares. This is usually organic turmeric that is grown without using Fertilizers. It is planted in the hilly areas of Goa but can be grown in any type of as long as there is no waterlogging in the area.

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