Current Affairs Exam

Agri sector receives fund for modernization in Kerala

To attract more youngsters and persons who have lost their jobs due to the pandemic to the agri sector, the finance minister said that fair prices will be ensured for farm products.

As part of this, Krishi Bhavans to be modernized as smart offices and the finance minister has allocated Rs10 crore as preliminary expenditure. Integration of various stages from distribution of quality planting materials, cultivation (depending on the nature of the ), extension activities of Agriculture-notes-for-state-psc-exams”>Agriculture, harvest, use of warehouses, cold storage chain and Marketing will be modernized using advanced digital technologies like cloud computing, blockchain, AI for the benefits of farmers.

Subiksha Keralam scheme started during the tenure of the previous government to address Food scarcity and increasing income duringCovidhas enhanced production on a large scale. He said that shortage of godowns equipped with facilities for preservation, drawbacks in procurement and marketing networks, pushed farmers into distress.

A sum of Rs 10 crore has been earmarked for a computerized service Network for marketing agri products. Two districts will be chosen for the pilot project this year in which farmer producer companies, co-operative societies and agri markets shall be included in this scheme. An amount of Rs10 crore is earmarked for this.

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