Achievementsof NESIDS and Special Development Package (SDP)

The erstwhile Non-Lapsable Central Pool of Resources-State (NLCPR-State) Scheme was restructured as North East Special Development Scheme (NESISD) w.e.f. 15.12.2017.NESIDS is a central sector scheme, aimed to support filling up gaps of infrastructurein the Region in identified sectors like water supply, power, connectivity, tourism and social infrastructure in the areas of primary and secondary sectors of Education and Health.

During January to November 2022, total 54 projects of cost Rs. 952.94 crore have been sanctioned under NESIDS including 11 projects costing Rs. 89.93 crore inEducation; 20 projects of cost Rs. 221.27crore inHealth; 2 projects of cost Rs. 41.03 crore inPower; 16 projects of cost Rs. 508.44 crore inRoads & Bridges; and 5 projects of cost Rs. 92.28 crore inDrinking Water Supplysectors. Of these, 3 projects of 85.36 crores are completed. Further, Under Bodo Territorial Council (BTC) SDP 3 projects costing Rs 250 crore have been sanctioned during January to November 2022.