About 900 children have been marked across Uttarakhand so far who have lost one or both parents or the sole earning member of their family to the Covid-19 disease. Currently, the Women Welfare Directorate is receiving data from all the districts about such children eligible to be the beneficiaries of Mukhyamantri Vatsalya Yojana (MVY).

According to the director of the Women Welfare Directorate, Yogendra Yadav, he has received the data of about 900 children from across the State so far who have been claimed as eligible for MVY.

Yadav said that as per the data provided by the districts, the number of children who lost one of their parents due to Covid-19 is more than those who lost both parents. As per Yadav, there are about 840 children in the State who lost a single parent to Covid while there are 55 children who lost both parents to this disease.

It is pertinent to mention here that the recently announced that under Mukhyamantri Vatsalya Yojana, children who have lost one or both parents, or the sole earning member of their family to the Covid would be provided with free Education, ration and Health facilities besides providing monthly monetary support of Rs 3000 till the age of 21 years.