Women Entrepreneurship Policy 202328 unveiled

To promote among Women, Chhattisgarh has unveiled a State Women Entrepreneurship Policy 202328. It provides financial assistance (loan) to women to establish industries.

Loans can be given up to Rs 50 lakhs to set up manufacturing enterprises, up to Rs 25 lakhs for service enterprise projects and up to Rs 10 lakhs for business venture projects, an official Communication said on Tuesday.

The policy will also provide economic Investment incentives to new micro, small and medium manufacturing and service enterprises established by women.

Fixed capital investment grants up to 3055 per cent of the fixed capital investment made in enterprises, 45-70 per cent on the term loan obtained for enterprises, WORKING CAPITAL provisioned in the project report (equal to the requirement of a maximum of three months) and the maximum interest subsidy ranging from Rs. 1560 lakhs will be provided, it is said. Margin Money grant of 50 per cent, up to a maximum of Rs 75 lakhs, Net State Goods and Services Tax (Net SGST) reimbursement for 616 years from the date of commencement of commercial production, while electricity and stamp duty as well as transport grant for establishing new enterprises will be exempted from the market fee.

Women’s self-help groups will get an additional grant of 5 per cent as economic investment incentive.