National Pollution Control Day Is Observed On December 2

India marks the National Pollution Control Day on December 2 in remembrance of the people who lost their lives in the Bhopal Gas Tragedy.


The National Pollution Control Day is commemorated in India to make the citizens aware of laws in India that help contain pollution.

The day is observed on the following objectives.

To create awareness in developing Air Pollution.

To educate people on controlling and operating industrial disasters.

To make everyone aware of pollution control laws in the country.

To create awareness on ways to decrease the level of pollution.

To prevent industrial pollution that is affected by human carelessness.

The National Pollution Control Day, 2021 theme is to create awareness about the importance of pollution control and educate people on preventing pollution.

Gk bit : Laws of India To prevent and control pollution.

Environment-impact-assessment”>Environment Impact Assessment, 2006

Maharashtra biodegradable garbage control ordinance, 2006

Batteries management and handling rules, 2001

Municipal solid Waste Management and handling rules, 2000

Noise Pollution regulation and control rules, 2000

Ozone-depleting substances regulation rules, 2000

Recycled plastics manufacture and usage rules, 1999

Biomedical waste management and handling rules, 1998

Chemical accidents emergency, preparedness, planning and response rules, 1996

National environment tribunal act, 1995

Manufacture, import, storage, export and storage of hazardous Microorganisms genetically engineered organisms or cells rules, 1989

Hazardous waste management and handling rules, 1989

Manufacture, import and storage of hazardous chemical rules, 1989

Environment protection act, 1986

Environment protection rules, 1986

Air prevention and control of pollution act, 1981

Water prevention and control of pollution act, 1977