Madhya Pradesh second state to produce sex sorted semen for cattle

Madhya Pradeshhas developed a facility to pre-determine sex of a calf becoming only the second state in the country to have the sex-sorted-semen technique. The only other state with this technology is Uttarakhand. Chief minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan inaugurated the state-ofthe-art sex-sorted-semen production laboratory, to be set up at a cost of Rs 47.50 crore under the National Gokul Mission.

ver 90% demand in the market is for productive animal. Cow and bulls are only required for reproductive purpose the demand for which is less than 10%. Officials said, in the sex sorting technique X and Y chromosome is sorted out and separated. The sorted semen can be stored in the liquid nitrogen for years. Depending upon the demand, frozen semen straw of the desired sex can be inseminated in the cow.

Cost of a semen straw in the international market is roughly13 US dollars, but the State Government would subsidise the cost so that farmers could get it at an affordable price and get the calf of desired sex.

This second major laboratory of the country has been set up at the central institute of semen, Bhadbhada. The cost of the project includes 60% of the centre share and 40% of the state share. Officials said 90% of high breed female calves will be produced from semen doses to be made available tocattlerearers of the state from here. In the near future, 90% female calves of high genetic quality such as Gir, Sahiwal, Tharparkar cows and Murrah buffaloes will be born in the state in the sex-sorted-semen facility project at central semen institute, Bhopal.