Acceding to the demand of BKU (Ugrahan), Punjab Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi has enhanced the amount of compensation from Rs 13,200 to Rs 18,700 per acre including 10% relief to the farm labourers in lieu of the damage caused to the cotton crop due to pink bollworm pest attack.

Channi had announced to enhance the existing amount of compensation from Rs 12,000 to Rs 17,000 per acre to the growers in the Malwa belt of Southern Punjab. He also announced 10% relief to the cotton pickers over and above the aforesaid norms of compensation. Resultantly, the farm labourers/cotton pickers would now also get enhanced compensation of Rs 1,700 per acre from the earlier Rs 1,200 per acre.

Meanwhile, the Chief Minister also pointed out that the enhanced amount of Rs 5,000 per acre as relief would be soon paid by the State Government to the farmers besides 10% of this amount would be paid to the farm labourers.

Thanking the Chief Minister, BKU Ugrahan Chief Joginder Singh Ugrahan who called on the former in this regard said this much needed relief to the farmers and labourers would immensely help them to overcome the financial loss suffered by them on this count.