Bolster industrial competitiveness: Assocham to Hry

The trade body AssochamsHaryanaState Development Council has submitted a memorandum to Haryana government, suggesting enhancement of competitiveness and sustainable industrial Growth. These suggestions were made byAssochamduring the pre-budget meeting preceding the state budget with the chief minister of Haryana.

The memorandum was submitted by Assocham to bolster the industrial competitiveness in areas like Skill development,MSME, and tourism.

Shedding Light on MSMEs, he said, Lot of efforts, allocations & schemes have been made by the Centre and state for MSME upliftment. ButUdyamregistration of just 11% at India level and 23% at state level is an indicator of MSME indifference & reluctance towards availment. Simplistic digital mobile-based ecosystem is the need of the hour.