80% Hry Covid deaths were in 45-84 age group: IDSP report

More than 80% of Haryanas Covid-19 deaths in the pandemics first two waves were in the age group of 45 to 84, as claimed in the integrated disease surveillance programme (IDSP) report.

Health department officials say that this analysis is based on weekly reports and will help them set the course for preparedness. Since, the death count in the past two months had not even entered double figures, the situation can be considered under control. The report compiled till October 3 and released last week suggests that Hisar had maximum rural deaths at 593, while Gurgaon had the highest toll of 870 in the urban category. After Hisar came Bhiwani and Jind, with 370 and 248 rural deaths, respectively.

In the uran deaths, Faridabad and Hisar followed Gurgaon with tolls of 650 and 538, respectively, while the overall casualty figure in this category was 5,818. Maximum deaths which come to 3,765 or 38% of the patients, did not have comorbidities associated, while 2,810 or 28% had those. These cases include 1,313 diabetics and the rest with other issues. Most of the deaths came while to patients were on Oxygen, bipap, or ventilator support.