7.4 lakh stop availing benefits under food security scheme in Rajasthan

The state’s food and civil supplies department has identified 7.38 lakhNational Act(NFSA) beneficiaries who have not picked up wheat from fair price shops in the last seven to eight months. Out of these, the names of 2.89 lakh beneficiaries have already been deleted from theNFSAlist.

The department has launched an exercise to identify those beneficiaries who are now financially Sound (or do not require benefits under the scheme anymore) and have stopped availing themselves of the benefits under the scheme.

There are around 4.44 crore NFSA beneficiaries in Rajasthan. The department has so far recovered Rs 72.69 crore from 59,260 defaulter government employees who had received benefits under NFSA. In all, 83,687 such employees have been identified in the state.