Current Affairs Exam

3,793 encroachments identified on govt land across Uttarakhand

Uttarakhandauthorities — as part of the ongoing anti-encroachment drive on government land under the directions of chief minister Pushkar Singh Dhami — have identified a total 3,793 encroachments across the state, of which it has succeeded in getting 1,288 vacated.

The information was revealed in the data shared by one of the senior officials of the state Home department. It includes figures related to the action taken against encroachers since the start of the drive on April 29 to May 7.
According to the data, before the drive was started under the state home department, only 2,608 encroachments were identified by the authorities which rose to 3,793 after the drive. Of the total encroachments, 1,288 were removed, with 2,505 remaining.

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