25cr boost to enhance emergency police helpline

Assam Police is set to enhance its availability by revamping the Dial-112 project and creating a world-classAssam Police Emergency Management System(APEMS) as finance ministerAjanta Neogallocated Rs 25 crore in this yearsbudgetproposals for the purpose.

Neog said any resident in a distress situation such as kidnapping, robbery, sexual assault, vehicle theft, domestic violence, conflict situation can reach out to police via telephonic call, SMS, web portal and mobile app.

The modern and well-equipped Centralised Police Emergency Response Centre in Guwahati operated by well-trained all-Women personnel will receive the calls round the clock. The actionable incidents will be passed on by the trained police dispatch officers in real time to the specially trained police staff in the field in emergency response vehicles (ERVs). They will reach the caller via GPS tracked ERVs in the shortest possible time and shall attend to the emergency as first responder