Punjab Chief Secretary Vijay Kumar Janjua said that 142 Aam Aadmi Clinics will be dedicated to people on March 31.
Chairing a meeting to review the opening of these clinics, he said that these have proved to be a cornerstone in imparting quality Health Services to people. He said that till now around 500 Aam Aadmi Clinics are operational in the state and lakhs of people are taking benefit from these clinics every day.
Janjua said that now 142 more such clinics will be operationalised on March 31 and these will be opened in Jalandhar, Amritsar, Ludhiana, Patiala and Phagwara. He said that these clinics are dream project of the Chief Minister, who is according top priority to them and the recruitment for staff in these clinics is also going on in full swing. Janjua said that he will personally monitor the progress of these clinics on day to day basis.