14,000 houses in state to get high-speed internet services

The ‘s K-FON project aimed at providing high-speed Internet connectivity to government offices, educational institutions and economically-weak households will be launched by chief minister Pinarayi Vijayan.

In the initial phase of the project, K-FON will offer internet Services to 14,000 households that are financially backward and 30,000 government offices through an optical fibre Network. The commercial website of K-FON and the K-FON mobile application will also be launched. During the launch, the chief minister will virtually interact with selected K-FON subscribers, including representations from beneficiary families, residents of tribal hamlets at Panthaladikkunnu in Wayanad, school students and government institutions.

Presently, KFON has been successfully installed in 26,492 government offices, of which 17,354 offices have live internet access. According to K-FON officials, internet connectivity will be made available to all government offices by June-end this year as per the provided list. Currently, K-FON has more than 1,000 household subscribers, and optical fibre cables for providing over 7,000 connections have been laid.