117 years of data show Goa saw over 100% increase in heavy rain

With extreme rainfall events showing a disturbing rising streak, the number of rainy days with very heavy and exceptionally heavy rainfall has increased worrisomely by more than 100%, theGoa State Action Planfor https://exam.pscnotes.com/Climate-change”>Climate Change 2023-33 (GSAPCC) states.

After crunching rainfall figures from 1901 until 2018, scientists and experts observed a slight drop in the frequency of Light and moderate rainfall events.

But the rise in the frequency of extreme rainfall events in the state for over a century has been phenomenal. The days of heavy rain have increased by about 60%, and those of very heavy and exceptionally heavy rain have shot up to a disturbing 100%, as per the GSAPCC document.
The action plan was released last week and was prepared by Nabcons, a subsidiary of NABARD, under the guidance of the Goa State Biodiversity Board (GSBB), with a host of adaptation strategies in various sectors.