Concepts of power, authority, legitimacy, responsibility and delegation.


Power, in the context of politics, can be defined as the ability to get others to do things even when they might not want to. Power can operate through Persuasion, so that people cooperate willingly and freely, on the basis of reasons they accept (which may include incentives that are offered for cooperation); or through coercion – the use of threats, sanctions, and force.

States have power, in the end, because they can make laws. And laws are enforced by the police, again in the end, by the use of force. If you don‘t obey the law, at some point, you will be fined or jailed or worse. However, we want to be able to make a distinction between cases in which it is right that the state has power, and cases in which it is wrong or objectionable in some way. To make this distinction, we need the concepts of ‗authority‘ and ‗legitimacy‘.


Authority is a much more complex concept, and we need to make distinctions between several different ideas of authority.

A first sense of authority is theoretical authority or expertise. This is the sense in which a person can be ‗an authority‘, an expert, on a particular topic. We ask the advice of theoretical experts, as they can give us reasons for what to believe – for instance, whether whales are fish – but also for what to do – for example, an engineer knows how to build a bridge that won‘t collapse.

Our interest is in the second sense of authority, practical authority. This is the sense in which a person can be an ‗authority figure‘. An authority can get us to act in particular ways, because they have power. However, just having power is not enough to also having authority.

There are two senses of practical authority. In the descriptive sense of practical authority, a state has authority if it maintains public order and makes laws that are generally obeyed by its citizens. It has the power to make and impose laws successfully. Authority goes beyond power because it can secure public order, which depends in part, on people respecting the law. Contrast with this a state in which many people break the law, but the state still has a police force that punishes some of the law-breakers. In this case, in which citizens and the state are in conflict, the state no longer has authority.

In the normative sense, a state has practical authority if its authority in the descriptive sense is legitimate (‗normative‘ means relating to ‗norms‘, rules or reasons for conduct. In this case, it means that the practical authority is right, justified, supported by good reasons).


So in addition to whether a state has authority, in the sense that people obey its laws, we can ask whether it has legitimacy. The term legitimate comes from the Latin for lawful‘. In the most basic sense, a state is legitimate if it exists and operates according to the law. But this definition is too shallow: if a country has no laws about how a government can come to power, then no matter how the government came to power, it will be legitimate. Or again, if a government is elected lawfully, but then changes the laws to create a police state ruled by a Dictatorship, the dictatorship will be legitimate. But this is not what we mean by a legitimate government.

If a government is legitimate, then in some way, the fact that it has power is right or justified. If it is right it has power, then we can argue that we ought to obey it. If it is objectionable that it has power, then we don‘t have an obligation to obey it.

We can object that this definition does not require that the people over which the government has authority willingly obey it. A state could have legitimate authority in this sense without those under its rule recognising its authority as legitimate. Second,

it does not claim that the people have a duty to obey the state. It only requires thatthe exercise of power is morally justified.

If we add these conditions, we can say that the state is legitimate if it can impose duties on the people under it. To impose a duty is not the same as forcing someone to do something. To impose a duty is to put them in a position where they have an obligation to do something, in this case, to obey the law.

The definition does not specify who the imposed duties are owed to. There are two possible answers: we owe it to the state to obey the law, or we owe it to our fellow citizens. Which is the better answer? If we consider the state of nature story, at the point at which we Consent to obey the law, who do we agree this with? Not with the state, because the state doesn‘t exist yet. The state is created through our agreement.

So we agree it with other people. Our obligation to obey the law is therefore owed to other citizens. This reflects the idea that we are equal; our obligation is not to something that has power over us, but to other people, and it is all of us – not the state – that will benefit from the agreement.



Delegation is the act of assigning formal authority and responsibility to the subordin ate to carry out specific activity. The more tasks the manager delegate the more opportunity they have to seek higher responsibilities. Delegation cause employee to accept accountability and exercise judgment. Delegation not only helps to train them but al so improves their self confidence and willingness to take initiative. Delegation leads to better DECISION MAKING as employee have clear view of the fact. Effective delegation n speeds up decision making process because delay is eliminated when employee is authorized to take necessary steps.

Prerequisite of delegation:

Willingness of manager –

Give employee freedom ,Let them choose methods that is different than his ,Give fre edom to make mistakes ,Mistakes are not viewed as excuse to stop delegation & Opportunity to offer training

Open Communication between employee and manager –

Manager need to know the capabilities of employee?

,Manager need to encourage their ability and back them up

Manager‘s ability to analyze and understand the factors

Organizational goal

Capability of employee

?Task‘s requirements

Steps of delegation:

  1. Decide Which task can be delegated:

 Many items should be delegated

 First, minor decisions and recurring chores

 Demanding jobs and challenging tasks to capable one

  1. Decide who should get the assignment:

 Who have available time

 For whom it would be a useful developmental exercise

 Who have special skill

  1. Provide sufficient resource to carry out delegated tasks:

 Financial Resources

 Staff resources

 Time resources

  1. Delegating the assignment:

 Provide all relevant information about task

 Specify expected result

 Cultivate a Climate of open communication

  1. Be prepared to run interference if necessary:

 Resources may be insufficient

 Person may run up against resistance of others

  1. Establish a feedback system:

 Establish checkpoints and feedback system

 Design feedback system carefully

 Tighter the control less actual delegation will take place,

Power, authority, legitimacy, responsibility, and delegation are all important concepts in the study of human behavior. They are often interrelated, and it can be difficult to distinguish between them. However, it is important to understand the differences between these concepts in order to effectively manage and lead others.

Power is the ability to influence the behavior of others. It can be based on a number of factors, such as position, resources, or personal characteristics. For example, a manager may have power over their employees because they have the authority to hire and fire them. A celebrity may have power over their fans because they have the ability to influence their behavior.

Authority is the right to exercise power. It is often based on a formal position or role. For example, a police officer has the authority to arrest someone because they are in a position of authority. A judge has the authority to sentence someone to prison because they are in a position of authority.

Legitimacy is the belief that a person or institution has the right to exercise power. It is based on factors such as tradition, law, or popular support. For example, a king may have legitimacy because they are the traditional ruler of a country. A democratically elected government may have legitimacy because they were elected by the people.

Responsibility is the obligation to act in a certain way. It can be based on a number of factors, such as role, contract, or personal morality. For example, a parent has the responsibility to take care of their children. A doctor has the responsibility to treat their patients. A person may have a personal responsibility to help others in need.

Delegation is the act of assigning responsibility to another person. It can be done formally or informally. For example, a manager may delegate the task of writing a report to one of their employees. A parent may delegate the task of taking care of their children to a babysitter.

It is important to understand the differences between power, authority, legitimacy, responsibility, and delegation in order to effectively manage and lead others. Power is the ability to influence the behavior of others. Authority is the right to exercise power. Legitimacy is the belief that a person or institution has the right to exercise power. Responsibility is the obligation to act in a certain way. Delegation is the act of assigning responsibility to another person.

By understanding these concepts, you can better understand how to motivate and influence others. You can also better understand the limits of your own power and authority. This understanding can help you to avoid abusing your power and to make better decisions about how to use it.

In addition, understanding these concepts can help you to better understand the role of power in Society. Power can be used for good or for evil. It can be used to help others or to harm them. It is important to be aware of the potential dangers of power and to use it responsibly.


  • What is power?
    Power is the ability to influence others to do what you want them to do.

  • What are the different types of power?
    There are many different types of power, but some of the most common include:

  • Coercive power: This is the power to punish or harm others.
  • Reward power: This is the power to give others rewards, such as Money or praise.
  • Legitimate power: This is the power that comes from being in a position of authority.
  • Expert power: This is the power that comes from being an expert in a particular field.
  • Referent power: This is the power that comes from being admired or respected by others.

  • How can power be used?
    Power can be used for good or for evil. It can be used to help others or to hurt them. It can be used to build up or to tear down.

  • What are the dangers of power?
    Power can be dangerous if it is not used responsibly. It can be used to control others, to manipulate them, or to harm them. It can also be used to corrupt people, to make them greedy and selfish.

  • How can power be used responsibly?
    Power can be used responsibly by using it to help others, to build up, and to create positive change. It can also be used to protect others from harm and to promote Justice.


  • What is authority?
    Authority is the right to give orders and expect them to be obeyed.

  • What are the different types of authority?
    There are many different types of authority, but some of the most common include:

  • Formal authority: This is the authority that comes from a position of power, such as being a manager or a government official.
  • Informal authority: This is the authority that comes from being respected or admired by others.
  • Expert authority: This is the authority that comes from being an expert in a particular field.

  • How can authority be used?
    Authority can be used for good or for evil. It can be used to help others or to hurt them. It can be used to build up or to tear down.

  • What are the dangers of authority?
    Authority can be dangerous if it is not used responsibly. It can be used to control others, to manipulate them, or to harm them. It can also be used to corrupt people, to make them greedy and selfish.

  • How can authority be used responsibly?
    Authority can be used responsibly by using it to help others, to build up, and to create positive change. It can also be used to protect others from harm and to promote justice.


  • What is legitimacy?
    Legitimacy is the belief that a person or institution has the right to exercise power.

  • What are the different types of legitimacy?
    There are many different types of legitimacy, but some of the most common include:

  • Traditional legitimacy: This is the legitimacy that comes from tradition or custom.
  • Rational-legal legitimacy: This is the legitimacy that comes from following rules and procedures.
  • Charismatic legitimacy: This is the legitimacy that comes from the personal charisma of a leader.

  • How can legitimacy be gained?
    Legitimacy can be gained in many ways, but some of the most common include:

  • By following the rules and procedures of a particular system.
  • By being a good leader who is respected and admired by others.
  • By being seen as a legitimate authority figure by the people who are subject to their authority.

  • What are the benefits of legitimacy?
    Legitimacy has many benefits, including:

  • It makes it easier for people to obey orders and follow rules.
  • It makes it easier for people to cooperate with each other.
  • It makes it easier for people to trust each other.

  • What are the dangers of illegitimacy?
    Illegitimacy has many dangers, including:

  • It makes it more difficult for people to obey orders and follow rules.
  • It makes it more difficult for people to cooperate with each other.
  • It makes it more difficult for people to trust each other.


  • What is responsibility?
    Responsibility is the obligation to do something or to answer for something.

  • What are the different types of responsibility?
    There are many different types of responsibility, but some of the most common include:

  • Legal responsibility: This is the responsibility to obey the law.
  • Moral responsibility: This is the responsibility to do what is right.
  • Professional responsibility: This is the responsibility to uphold the standards of one’s profession.
  • Personal responsibility: This is the responsibility to take care of oneself and to act in a way that is not harmful to others.
  1. Which of the following is not a type of power?
    (A) Coercive power
    (B) Reward power
    (C) Legitimate power
    (D) Referent power
    (E) Expert power

  2. Which of the following is not a type of authority?
    (A) Formal authority
    (B) Informal authority
    (C) Coercive authority
    (D) Reward authority
    (E) Legitimate authority

  3. Which of the following is not a type of legitimacy?
    (A) Traditional legitimacy
    (B) Rational-legal legitimacy
    (C) Charismatic legitimacy
    (D) Coercive legitimacy
    (E) Reward legitimacy

  4. Which of the following is not a type of responsibility?
    (A) Legal responsibility
    (B) Moral responsibility
    (C) Professional responsibility
    (D) Financial responsibility
    (E) Social responsibility

  5. Which of the following is not a type of delegation?
    (A) Horizontal delegation
    (B) Vertical delegation
    (C) Functional delegation
    (D) Divisional delegation
    (E) Project delegation

1. (C)
2. (C)
3. (D)
4. (D)
5. (C)

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