Concept Of Biotechnology

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Concept of Biotechnology

The term ‘Biotechnology’ may Sound futuristic, but it is nearly as old as civilization itself. We have begun growing crops and raising animals 10,000 years ago to provide a stable supply of food and clothing. We have been using the biological processes of Microorganisms for 6,000 years to make useful food products such as bread, cheese and to preserve Dairy products. The term ‘biotechnology’ has been used to signify activities relating to biological process and technologies. Traditional biotechnology and its development processes were entirely experiential. It was aimed at understanding the mechanisms for improving every activity from farming to Food Processing. Early farmers selected particular Plants to grow crops and saved their seeds for the following season. Over the years, they bred the varieties of seeds they found best and learned how to grow them more efficiently through techniques of Irrigation and weed control. The process of choosing certain seeds for their expressed characteristics and Learning how to irrigate and rotate the crops was the genesis of earlier days of biotechnology.

The expression ‘modern biotechnology’ can be differentiated form traditional use of biological process which was commonly termed as classical biotechnology. Even though biotechnology has been in practice for thousands of years, the technological explosion occurred only in the twentieth century. Various branches of science like physics, chemistry, engineering, computer application and information technology helped revolutionise the development of life sciences and it ultimately resulted in the evolution of modern biotechnology. Unlike classical biotechnology, modern biotechnology operates at the molecular level of life. It is modern in the sense that the techniques are applied mainly to cells and Molecules. Life at the molecular level is the same among every species from humans to bacterium. Every living thing on earth is built with molecules which are similar and there exists hardly any difference among humans, fishes, trees, worms and bacterium at molecular level. Only the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) coding is different among various species and it ultimately makes every living thing what it is.

The term biotechnology for the purpose of understanding can be divided in to two ‘bio’ and ‘technology’. ‘Bio’ means the use of biological processes and ‘technology’ means to solve problems or make useful products.  Biotechnology is a collection of many different technologies. It is a highly multidisciplinary subject. It involves the contribution of scientists from various fields like biology, chemistry, engineers, statisticians, mathematicians, and information technology. It also involves contributions from financial, legal, and managerial experts. It is a rapidly growing technological terrain, recognised by its significant contribution to life science research like the agricultural, medical and pharmaceutical sectors. In order to have a better understanding of the major issues raised by biotechnology, we must have some grasp of what biotechnology and bioscience are. The concepts and jargons frequently used in biotechnology are not familiar to legal researchers. This chapter makes an attempt to familiarise the common concepts and terminologies used in biotechnology for the better understanding of legal issues relating to biotechnology and research data protection.

The simple definition of ‘biotechnology’ is the commercialization of cell biology”. Biotechnology is an umbrella term that covers various techniques for using he properties of living organisms to make products or provide Services. The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) defines biotechnology as: “any technological application that uses biological systems, living organisms, or Derivatives thereof, to make or modify products for specific use.” This definition includes medical and industrial applications as well as many of the tools and techniques that are common in agriculture and food production.

The developments of modern biotechnology

The era of modern biotechnology is believed to have started with the discovery of the Microscope. The path of genetic manipulation can be said to have started in 1665 when the English scientist Robert Hook published a review of some observations he had made while peering through a microscope. He saw tiny spaces surrounded by walls while he was observing samples of cork. He is the one who coined the word “cell.” Ten years later Anton van Leeuwenhoek designed the microscope with magnifying power as great as 270 times. He was the first person to observe and describe micro-organisms which he called “very little animalcules”. He was also the first person to observe the “bacteria” which according to him were twenty five times smaller than the blood cells. He also discovered the presence of sperms in semen in human and other animals.

Even though cells were found everywhere from plants to animals, nobody came up with the idea that the cells were fundamental to life. More than 70 years later, two Germen biologists Matthias Schleiden and Theodore Schwann introduced the cell theory which says that all living organism are made of cells. According to them cells are the basic structural and functional units of a living organisms. The research on cells further led to the discovery of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) which is believed to be the heart of life. The area of biotechnology developed as a result of man’s increasing desire to know the mechanisms that maintain living organisms.

The landmark moment in the history of science occurred on April 25, 1953 when James D. Watson and Francis Crick published “A Structure for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid” in the journal, Nature. Watson and Crick, along with their colleague Maurice Wilkins, received the 1962 Nobel Prize in physiology and medicine for “their discoveries concerning the molecular structure of nucleic acids and its significance for information transfer in living material.

The discovery of double helix DNA structure was a huge controversy during that period. In fact the crystallographer Rosalind Franklin, who generated the legendary “photograph 51” using the X-ray diffraction photo, was the first one to reveal DNA’s double-helix structure. The controversy was that the Rosalind Franklin’s X-ray crystallography image, “photo”, was shown to Watson and Crick without her knowledge and Consent. The image which actually indicated the doublehelix structure of DNA, was not the discovery of Watson and Crick which earned them the Nobel Prize. They could not have proposed their celebrated structure of the DNA without access to the experimental results obtained by Rosalind Franklin, particularly her crucial X-ray diffraction photograph. She was known as the dark lady of DNA.

The major development in medical biotechnology was the discovery and development of antibiotics. The first antibiotic was ‘moldy soybean curd’ used by the Chinese almost 2,500 years ago to treat skin infections. The Sudanese-Nubian civilization of Africa used a form of the same micro organism which created tetracycline as an antibiotic as early as 350 B.C.41 The traces of tetracycline have been found in human skeletal remains of ancient Sudanese Nubia. The distribution of tetracycline in bones was only understandable after exposure to tetracyclinecontaining materials in the diet of these ancient people. In the middle ages in Europe, tinctures made from plant extracts or cheese curds were used to ward off infection. The tetracycline as a large family of generic antibiotics was discovered as natural products by Benjamin Minge Duggar in 1948.






Biotechnology is the application of biological processes for industrial and other purposes. It is a rapidly growing field with a wide range of applications, from the production of food and medicine to the development of new drugs and therapies.

One of the most important applications of biotechnology is in the production of food. Genetic engineering has been used to create crops that are resistant to pests and diseases, as well as crops that are more nutritious. Biotechnology is also being used to develop new ways to produce meat and dairy products.

Biotechnology is also being used to develop new drugs and therapies. Genetic engineering has been used to create bacteria that can produce insulin, a hormone that is essential for people with diabetes. Biotechnology is also being used to develop new Vaccines and treatments for cancer.

In addition to its applications in food and medicine, biotechnology is also being used in a variety of other industries. For example, biotechnology is being used to develop new biofuels, to clean up pollution, and to create new materials.

Biotechnology is a rapidly developing field with a wide range of potential applications. It is important to note, however, that biotechnology also raises a number of ethical concerns. For example, some people are concerned about the potential for genetic engineering to be used to create “designer babies” or to create new forms of life that could pose a threat to humanity.

It is important to have a public discussion about the ethical implications of biotechnology. As this technology continues to develop, it is important to ensure that it is used in a responsible and ethical manner.

Here are some additional details on the subtopics under the concept of biotechnology:

What is biotechnology?

Biotechnology is the use of living organisms or their components to make or modify products, improve plants or animals, or develop new processes for Industry or medicine.

What are the different types of biotechnology?

There are many different types of biotechnology, but some of the most common include:

What are the benefits of biotechnology?

Biotechnology has many benefits, including:

What are the risks of biotechnology?

Biotechnology also has some risks, including:

What is the future of biotechnology?

Biotechnology is a rapidly developing field with a bright future. It is likely that biotechnology will continue to be used to develop new products and therapies, and to improve our lives in many ways. However, it is important to carefully manage the risks of biotechnology to ensure that it is used for good and not for harm.

  1. Biotechnology is the application of biological processes for industrial and other purposes.
  2. Biotechnology is a rapidly growing field with many potential applications.
  3. Some of the most common applications of biotechnology include:
  4. Biotechnology is a controversial field, with some people concerned about the potential risks of its applications.
  5. However, biotechnology has the potential to address some of the world’s most pressing problems, and it is likely to play an increasingly important role in the future.

Here are some MCQs on biotechnology:

  1. Which of the following is not an application of biotechnology?
    (A) Agriculture
    (B) Medicine
    (C) Environmental protection
    (D) Energy

  2. Which of the following is a potential risk of biotechnology?
    (A) The development of new diseases
    (B) The contamination of food and water
    (C) The creation of new forms of pollution
    (D) All of the above

  3. Which of the following is a potential benefit of biotechnology?
    (A) The development of new drugs and therapies
    (B) The improvement of crop yields
    (C) The development of new sources of energy
    (D) All of the above

  4. Which of the following is a controversial issue related to biotechnology?
    (A) The use of genetically modified organisms
    (B) The use of cloning
    (C) The use of stem cells
    (D) All of the above

  5. Which of the following is a fact about biotechnology?
    (A) Biotechnology is a new field.
    (B) Biotechnology is a controversial field.
    (C) Biotechnology has the potential to address some of the world’s most pressing problems.
    (D) All of the above

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