Climatic Elements As Factors Of Crop Growth

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Climatic Elements as factors of crop Growth

The climatic factors are abiotic or non-living components of the environmental factors (outside of genetic factors) that affect plant growth and development. They are elements of Climate. There are other abiotic environmental factors, that is, topography and Soil, which are treated in a separate page.   Under favorable conditions, gene expression is maximized. Ultimately, enhanced growth and development translates into high crop yields.


Light plays an important part in Photosynthesis activity in Plants. The time required by a crop to achieve maturity is a function of the length of the day (photo period) and, therefore, preference for a variety is judged by its maximum utilization of light energy.

In general, a crop planted in the winter season requires more calendar days to mature than the same crop planted later. In cloudy areas, cloud cover often reduces the amount of light available. This has great significance in regions where ripening of crops and their harvesting in dry condition are often in doubt. Cloud cover and excessive rainfall also prevent double Cropping.


Water is an essential requisite to life. Some organisms can live without Oxygen (called anaerobic), but these organisms and all others including all plants and animals inclusive of humans will perish without it.  Rainfall is the most common form of Precipitation and source of water to plants. It is the falling of water in droplets on the surface of the Earth from clouds. The amount and regularity of rainfall vary with location and climate types and affect the dominance of certain types of vegetation as well as crop growth and yield.


The crops to be grown, the agricultural operations and agricultural patterns are closely influenced by the prevailing temperature condi­tions of the region.  The agricultural scientists have proved that each crop has a specific zero below which it cannot grow. There is also an optimal temperature in which the crop is at its. Greatest vigour. For each of the functions of crop life, weather germination, foliation, blossoming or fructification a specific zero and optimum can be ob­served in the temperature.

The impact of temperature on agricultural patterns may be seen from the fact that the northern limit of the regions in which the date- palm bears ripe fruit coincides almost exactly with the mean annual isotherm of 19° C. The essential factor in the limit of grape orchards seems to be the temperature in summer, for the grape ripens only in those countries in which the mean temperature from April to October exceeds 15° C. Similarly, it has been calculated that maize ripens at the period of the year when the sum of the daily maximum tempera­tures has reached 2500° C.

In general, crops like barley, rye, oats and winter wheat perform well when the mean daily temperature ranges between 15° C and 25° C. Contrarily, tropical crops like cacao, coffee, spices, squash, dates, rubber, and tobacco require high temperature throughout the year, while crops like peas, gram, lentil, wheat, potato, mustard, rapeseed, linseed, lucern and bar seem require relatively warm temperatures during the growing and ripening periods and low temperatures (around 20° C) during the growth and development stage.


Frost is also an important factor which restricts the cultivation of crops at higher latitudes and altitudes. The sowing dates, germina­tion, emergence of seeds, dates of budding, flowering, ripening and dates of harvest are all affected by frost free period in a given region. The phenomenon of frost, however, does not occur in the lowlands of the equatorial and tropical regions. Frost free period is progressively shorter with increasing latitudes.

In the areas of frost occurrence, frost kills the standing crops. Many a time, the damage may be disastrous over larger areas. The occurrence of frost during the earlier stages of plant growth before plants have made the necessary physiological adjustments may be hazardous. In the tropical; latitudes the citrus orchards are highly vul­nerable to frost. Germinating seeds are not often affected by surface frost, but young seedlings may be damaged or killed unless they are frost hardy varieties.

Crops like tomatoes, potatoes, melon, cucumber and musk-melon are highly frost sensitive right upto their maturity. The flowering stage of all Cereals and orchard crops is also critically vulnerable to frost. The quality and quantity of all crops including the orchard crops are adversely affected under frost conditions. Fruits af­fected by frost are less tasty and have little market value. Frost resis­tant crops are grown in areas susceptible to frequent frost.


All crops need water. They take water and moisture from the soil. This moisture may be available from rains or from surface or under­ground Irrigation systems. Within wide temperature limits, moisture is more important than any other environmental factor in crop pro­duction. There are optimum moisture conditions for crop develop­ment just as there are optimum temperature conditions. Plants obtain their water supplies primarily through their root system. The mainte­nance of soil moisture is, therefore, the most compelling problem of agriculture.

The excessive amount of water in the soil alters various chemical and biological processes, limiting the amount of oxygen and increasing the formation of compounds that are toxic to plant roots. The excess of water in the soil, therefore, leads to stunted growth of plants. The problem of inadequate oxygen in the soil can be solved by drainage practices in an ill-drained tract.

Rain is the cheapest source of water provided it is timely and adequate in quantity. But rainfall in the greater parts of the world is uncertain and highly unevenly distributed. Failure of rains or exces­sive rainfall in a short period has brought repeated crop failures and famines in many parts of the world. Indian farmers like others have often suffered on account of the failure of rains or fury of floods.




Drought has devastating consequences on the crops and land use of a region. Soil drought has been described as a condition in which the amount of water needed for Transpiration and direct Evaporation ex­ceeds the amount available in the soil. Drought damages the crops when plants are inadequately supplied with moisture from the soil. Land use practices which tend to increase run off decrease vital soil moisture storage accordingly.


In addition to temperature and moisture conditions in a region, winds’ direction and their intensity also have an influence on the cropping pattern and agricultural productivity of the region. The cold and dry severe winds in the northern plains of China, for example, re­strict the growth of certain crops which otherwise could have been grown there. In the arid and semiarid areas, Hot Winds do great dam­age to agriculture and, therefore, in the hot deserts, growing of crops is confined only to the tiny patches of oases.

Winds have both the direct and indirect effects on crops. Direct winds result into the breaking of plant structures, dislodging of cere­als, fodder and Cash Crops and shattering of the seed-heads. Fruit and nut crops may be stripped from the trees in high winds. Small plants are sometimes completely covered by wind-blown dust or sand. The indirect winds transport moisture and heat in the air. The movement of winds increases evaporate.


Snowfall is also an important climatic constraint in the agricultural operations. It results into hardship to Livestock and damage to the crops. Hill sheep farming in Scottish highlands and Welsh Mountains is adapted to snow conditions and the sheep are moved to safer areas when snowfall is severe. Sheep can live for two weeks or so in snow drifts but rescue operations are arduous and losses are heavy. In plain areas of higher latitudes fodder crops are damaged, leading to fodder shortages.


Climatic elements are the factors that make up the climate of a particular place. They include temperature, light, water, carbon dioxide, soil, air, pests and diseases, Weeds, and soil erosion. These elements can have a significant impact on crop growth.

Temperature is one of the most important climatic elements for crop growth. Most crops grow best at temperatures between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. If the temperature is too high, the crop may wilt or die. If the temperature is too low, the crop may not grow at all.

Light is also essential for crop growth. Plants need light to photosynthesize, which is the process by which they convert sunlight into energy. Most crops need at least six hours of sunlight per day. If the plant does not get enough sunlight, it will not grow properly.

Water is another important climatic element for crop growth. Plants need water to transport nutrients and Minerals from the soil to their leaves. Most crops need about an inch of water per week. If the plant does not get enough water, it will wilt or die.

Carbon dioxide is a gas that is essential for photosynthesis. Plants take in carbon dioxide from the air and use it to create food. Most crops need about 300 parts per million of carbon dioxide in the air. If the concentration of carbon dioxide is too low, the plant will not grow properly.

Soil is the medium in which plants grow. The soil provides the plant with nutrients, water, and air. The type of soil, the pH of the soil, and the amount of organic matter in the soil can all affect crop growth.

Air is necessary for the Respiration of plants. Plants take in oxygen from the air and use it to break down food. Most crops need about 21% oxygen in the air. If the concentration of oxygen is too low, the plant will not grow properly.

Pests and diseases can damage crops and reduce yields. Pests include insects, rodents, and diseases. Diseases are caused by Fungi, bacteria, and viruses. Pests and diseases can be controlled by using pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides.

Weeds are plants that compete with crops for water, nutrients, and sunlight. Weeds can be controlled by using herbicides, Tillage, and hand weeding.

Soil erosion is the removal of soil from the land by wind or water. Soil erosion can reduce crop yields and make it difficult to grow crops. Soil erosion can be controlled by using conservation tillage, planting cover crops, and building terraces.

Climate Change is the long-term change in the Average weather patterns that have come to define Earth’s local, regional and global climates. Climate change could refer to a particular location or the planet as a whole. Climate change may cause weather patterns to be less predictable. This could make it difficult to grow crops.

In conclusion, climatic elements can have a significant impact on crop growth. Temperature, light, water, carbon dioxide, soil, air, pests and diseases, weeds, and soil erosion are all important factors that need to be considered when growing crops.

What are the factors that affect crop growth?

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What are the different types of crops?

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What are the benefits of growing crops?

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What are the challenges of growing crops?

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What are the future trends in crop production?

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  1. Which of the following is not a climatic element?
    (A) Temperature
    (B) Rainfall
    (C) Soil
    (D) Sunlight

  2. The amount of sunlight a plant receives is important for its growth because it provides the plant with energy to photosynthesize.
    (A) True
    (B) False

  3. The ideal temperature for most plants is between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
    (A) True
    (B) False

  4. Plants need water to grow.
    (A) True
    (B) False

  5. The amount of water a plant needs depends on the type of plant, the climate, and the soil.
    (A) True
    (B) False

  6. Plants need soil to grow.
    (A) True
    (B) False

  7. The ideal soil for most plants is loose and well-drained.
    (A) True
    (B) False

  8. Plants need nutrients to grow.
    (A) True
    (B) False

  9. The most important nutrient for plants is nitrogen.
    (A) True
    (B) False

  10. Plants need to be protected from pests and diseases to grow.
    (A) True
    (B) False

  11. Pesticides can be used to protect plants from pests.
    (A) True
    (B) False

  12. Herbicides can be used to protect plants from weeds.
    (A) True
    (B) False

  13. Fungicides can be used to protect plants from diseases.
    (A) True
    (B) False

  14. Integrated pest management (IPM) is a system of pest control that uses a variety of methods, including biological control, cultural control, and chemical control.
    (A) True
    (B) False

  15. Sustainable agriculture is a system of agriculture that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
    (A) True
    (B) False

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