Chhattisgarh Forest Policy and conservation

Chhattisgarh Forest Policy and conservation

The basic objectives that should govern the State Forest Policy are the following:

  • Unlocking of the vast array of forest Resources on sustainable basis for enhanced well-being of local people by converting these open access resources (OAR) into community controlled, prioritized, protected and managed resources.
  • A shift in accent from major to minor forest produces, from crown to multi tier Forestry and from flagship species to smaller denizens of the forests.
  • Maintenance of environmental stability through preservation and where necessary, restoration of ecological balance that has been adversely disturbed by serious depletion of forests in the state.
  • Conserving the Bio- cultural heritage of the state by preserving the biologically rich natural forests that provide the essential cultural milieu to the tribals of the state.
  • Checking the denudation of forests and Soil erosion in the catchment area of the rivers, and reservoirs for soil and water conservation; mitigating the floods and droughts; recharging of water bodies, aquifers and for the retardation of siltation of the reservoirs.
  • Increasing the forest / tree cover in forest deficient districts through afforestation and agro forestry/ Farm forestry programmes, especially on all denuded, degraded and unproductive lands.
  • Meeting the requirements of fuel wood, fodder, minor forest produce and small timber of the rural and tribal Population with due regard to the carrying capacity of the forests.
  • The derivation of direct economic benefit from the forests of the state shall be subordinated to the requirements of the environmental stability and maintenance of ecological balance in the state.
  • Creating appropriate policy and legal framework for the achievement of these objectives.



Essentials of forest management in chattisgarh

  • Existing forests and forest lands should be fully protected and their productivity increased. It is necessary to promote efficient methods of timber harvest and utilisation to maximize economic returns from the forests.
  • The Network of national parks, sanctuaries, Biosphere-reserves/”>Biosphere reserves and other Protected Areas should be strengthened and extended adequately for the conservation of total bio cultural diversity in the state.
  • Targeting on broad range of goods and Services in terms of physical, material, human, social, cultural and environmental assets in Conjunction with appropriate entitlement regime, People’s Protected Area (PPA)envisions a proactive and people’s friendly framework to ensure long term protection and maintenance of biological diversity and providing at the same time a sustainable flow of natural products and services to meet local community needs. Therefore, a network of PPAs should be established as poor people’s pool of assets for strengthening livelihood security of forest dwellers.
  • Provision of sufficient fodder, fuel and small timber to local people, especially in areas adjoining forests, is necessary to prevent further depletion of forests beyond their sustainable capacity. As fuel wood continues to be the predominant source of domestic energy in rural areas, the programme of afforestation should be intensified with special emphasis on augmenting fuel wood production to meet the requirements of the people. Furthermore, to reduce the pressure on forests due to increasing demand for fuelwood, its substitution by alternative sources of energy should be promoted.
  • Minor Forest Produce (MFP) including medicinal Plants provide sustenance to the tribal population and to other communities residing in and around the forests. Such produce should be protected, improved and their non-destructive harvesting methods enhanced with due regard to providing EMPLOYMENT and income generation opportunities to the dependent people. MFP is the major source of livelihood of tribals and other forest based rural communities. Therefore, rather than exporting MFP in raw form, efforts should be made, as far as possible, to promote processing and value addition of the same, at the local level.

Strategy of forest management

Area under forests: The national goal is to have a minimum of one-third of the total land area of the country under forest or tree cover. Though the state has the rare distinction of having more than one third of its geographical area under forest, there are few districts, where the forest area is less than the norm, and where there is a need to expand the forest cover in addition to preserving the existing forest cover.

No forest should be permitted to be worked without a duly approved working/management plan, which should be in a prescribed format and in keeping with the National Forest Policy / State Forest Policy and the principles of sustainable forest management. The effects of forest management on forests should be periodically measured with the help of set criteria and indictors (C&I). The state should issue necessary guidelines to put in place a monitoring mechanism to ensure regular compliance of management/working plan prescriptions.

. In order to meet the growing needs of people for the essential goods and services that the forests provide, it is necessary to enhance the forest cover in forest deficient districts and to increase the productivity of the existing forests through appropriate scientific and technical inputs.

No exotic species should be introduced, through public or private sources, unless long-term scientific trials undertaken by specialists in ECOLOGY, forestry, Sociology and agriculture have established that they are suitable and have no adverse impact on indigenous vegetation, ecology and bio cultural Environment of the state.

Joint forest management (JFM) practices should form the basis of forest management in the state. Necessary provisions should be made for the adequate participation at all levels of DECISION MAKING by the landless, marginal farmers and Women in all JFM bodies like the VFC (Village Forest Committee), FPC (Forest Protection Committee) and EDC (Eco Development Committee).

For sustainable forest development, livelihood security and bio- cultural diversity conservation, People’s Protected Areas (PPAs) should be established. This paradigm shift of adaptive management can reconcile the dichotomy of threat perception arising out of conservation-development orthodoxy by taking into account the human sensitivities like their socio-cultural norms, beliefs and systems borne out of history, culture and traditions.

Management of Sal and Bamboo Forests

Sal and Bamboo forests in the state constitute an important component of the FOREST ECOSYSTEM of the state. The state has large chunks of ecotone forests between Sal and Miscellaneous forests requiring special management practices. Such forests are not only ecologically sensitive, but also provide bamboo and other basic needs that constitute the essential Elements of the livelihood security of the poor and tribal people of the state. Therefore, special treatment of ecotone sal forests and the restoration of the degraded bamboo forests as well as the maintenance of good bamboo forests should be the state’s priority.

Conservation of Medicinal Plants

Forests have been the source of invaluable medicinal plants since the time man realized their preventive and curative properties and started using them for human Health cover. In view of the richness of medicinal and herbal plants in the state, a mechanism should be developed for in situ and ex situ conservation, domestication and nondestructive harvesting with the active support from local people including traditional healers and vaidyas. The socio-cultural, spiritual and medicinal arena of the rural populace particularly the tribal should form the backbone of community based conservation and utilisation of medicinal and herbal plants.


Forests are one of the most important Natural Resources on Earth. They provide us with a variety of benefits, including clean air, water, and soil; habitat for wildlife; and recreation opportunities. Forests also play an important role in the fight against Climate change.

Chhattisgarh is one of the most forested states in India. The state’s forests cover an area of over 17 million hectares, or about 40% of its total land area. These forests are home to a wide variety of plant and animal life, including many endangered species.

The Forest Policy of Chhattisgarh was adopted in 2006. The policy aims to ensure the sustainable management of the state’s forests. It also aims to promote the conservation and development of forests, and to ensure the equitable distribution of forest benefits to the people of Chhattisgarh.

The Forest conservation Act of 1980 is the main legislation governing forest management in India. The act prohibits the diversion of forest land for non-forest purposes, unless certain conditions are met. The act also provides for the establishment of forest conservation committees to oversee the implementation of the act.

The Forest Department of Chhattisgarh is responsible for the management of the state’s forests. The department is headed by the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (PCCF). The PCCF is assisted by a number of other officers, including the Chief Conservator of Forests (CCF), the Conservator of Forests (CF), and the Deputy Conservator of Forests (DCF).

The Forest Department is responsible for a variety of activities, including forest protection, forest management, forest development, and forest research. The department also works to promote the conservation and development of forests, and to ensure the equitable distribution of forest benefits to the people of Chhattisgarh.

Forests in Chhattisgarh are facing a number of challenges, including deforestation, forest degradation, and forest fires. Deforestation is the permanent removal of trees from a forested area. Forest degradation is the decline in the quality of a forest, due to factors such as over-exploitation, pests, and diseases. Forest fires are uncontrolled fires that occur in forests.

Deforestation, forest degradation, and forest fires are all major threats to the forests of Chhattisgarh. These threats can have a number of negative impacts on the environment, the economy, and the people of Chhattisgarh.

Deforestation can lead to a number of problems, including soil erosion, Water Pollution, and Climate Change. Soil erosion is the removal of soil from the land by wind or water. Water pollution is the contamination of water by harmful substances. Climate change is the long-term change in the Earth’s climate.

Forest degradation can lead to a number of problems, including the loss of Biodiversity-2/”>Biodiversity, the decline in water quality, and the increase in soil erosion. Biodiversity is the variety of life on Earth. Water quality is the condition of water in terms of its physical, chemical, and biological properties. Soil erosion is the removal of soil from the land by wind or water.

Forest fires can lead to a number of problems, including the loss of life and property, the destruction of forests, and the release of greenhouse gases into the Atmosphere. The loss of life and property can occur due to the direct effects of the fire, such as burns and smoke inhalation. The destruction of forests can lead to a number of problems, including the loss of biodiversity, the decline in water quality, and the increase in soil erosion. The release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere can contribute to climate change.

Despite the challenges facing forests in Chhattisgarh, there are a number of opportunities for forest conservation and development in the state. These opportunities include the development of sustainable forest management practices, the promotion of forest-based livelihoods, and the involvement of local communities in forest management.

Sustainable forest management is the management of forests in a way that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainable forest management practices can help to protect forests from deforestation, forest degradation, and forest fires.

The promotion of forest-based livelihoods can help to reduce pressure on forests. Forest-based livelihoods are livelihoods that are based on the use of forest resources. These livelihoods can include activities such as forest harvesting, forest product processing, and ecotourism.

The involvement of local communities in forest management can help to ensure that forests are managed in a way that benefits the people who live in and around forests. Local communities can be involved in forest management through a variety of mechanisms, such as forest user groups, forest management committees, and joint forest management.

The future of forests in Chhattisgarh depends on the actions that are taken to address the challenges facing forests in the state. By taking steps to promote sustainable forest management, to promote forest-based livelihoods, and to involve local communities in forest management, it is possible to ensure the sustainable management and development of forests in Chhattisgarh.

What is forest policy?

Forest policy is a set of rules and regulations that govern the management of forests. It is designed to protect forests from degradation and ensure that they are used sustainably.

What is forest conservation?

Forest conservation is the practice of protecting forests from degradation and ensuring that they are used sustainably. It can be achieved through a variety of methods, such as sustainable forest management, reforestation, and afforestation.

What are the benefits of forest conservation?

Forest conservation has a number of benefits, including:

  • Protecting biodiversity: Forests are home to a wide variety of plants and animals. By conserving forests, we can help to protect these species from extinction.
  • Reducing climate change: Forests play an important role in absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. By conserving forests, we can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate change.
  • Providing clean water: Forests help to filter water and prevent soil erosion. This helps to ensure that we have access to clean water.
  • Promoting Economic Development: Forests can be used to produce a variety of products, such as timber, paper, and fuelwood. By conserving forests, we can help to promote economic development in rural areas.

What are the challenges of forest conservation?

Forest conservation faces a number of challenges, including:

  • Deforestation: Deforestation is the clearing of forests for other uses, such as agriculture, mining, and development. It is one of the major threats to forests around the world.
  • Forest fires: Forest fires can be caused by a variety of factors, such as lightning strikes, human activity, and climate change. They can cause significant damage to forests and the wildlife that live in them.
  • Illegal logging: Illegal logging is the harvesting of timber without a license or permit. It is a major problem in many parts of the world, and it contributes to deforestation and forest degradation.
  • Climate change: Climate change is causing changes in temperature and Precipitation patterns, which are having a negative impact on forests. These changes are leading to forest fires, droughts, and pests, which are all contributing to deforestation and forest degradation.

What can we do to conserve forests?

There are a number of things that we can do to conserve forests, including:

  • Reduce our consumption of forest products: We can reduce our consumption of forest products, such as paper, wood, and fuelwood. This will help to reduce the demand for forest products, which will in turn help to reduce deforestation.
  • Support sustainable forest management: We can support sustainable forest management practices. This involves managing forests in a way that meets the needs of people today without compromising the ability of forests to meet the needs of future generations.
  • Plant trees: We can plant trees to help restore forests that have been lost to deforestation. Trees help to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, which helps to mitigate climate change.
  • Donate to organizations that conserve forests: We can donate to organizations that are working to conserve forests. This will help to support their work and help to protect forests around the world.

What is the future of forest conservation?

The future of forest conservation is uncertain. The challenges facing forests are significant, but there are also a number of things that we can do to conserve them. By working together, we can help to ensure that forests are protected for future generations.

  1. Which of the following is not a type of forest?
    (A) Tropical rainforest
    (B) Temperate rainforest
    (C) Boreal forest
    (D) Desert forest

  2. Which of the following is the largest type of forest in the world?
    (A) Tropical rainforest
    (B) Temperate rainforest
    (C) Boreal forest
    (D) Desert forest

  3. Which of the following is the most biodiverse type of forest?
    (A) Tropical rainforest
    (B) Temperate rainforest
    (C) Boreal forest
    (D) Desert forest

  4. Which of the following is the most threatened type of forest?
    (A) Tropical rainforest
    (B) Temperate rainforest
    (C) Boreal forest
    (D) Desert forest

  5. Which of the following is the most important role of forests?
    (A) To provide Oxygen
    (B) To regulate the climate
    (C) To provide habitat for wildlife
    (D) To provide timber and other resources

  6. Which of the following is the most common threat to forests?
    (A) Deforestation
    (B) Climate change
    (C) Pollution
    (D) Overexploitation

  7. Which of the following is the most effective way to protect forests?
    (A) Reduce deforestation
    (B) Mitigate climate change
    (C) Reduce pollution
    (D) Reduce overexploitation

  8. Which of the following is the most important thing that individuals can do to help protect forests?
    (A) Reduce their consumption of forest products
    (B) Support organizations that are working to protect forests
    (C) Contact their elected officials and urge them to take action to protect forests
    (D) All of the above

  9. Which of the following is the most important thing that governments can do to help protect forests?
    (A) Enact laws that protect forests
    (B) Provide funding for forest conservation programs
    (C) Support research on forest conservation
    (D) All of the above

  10. Which of the following is the most important thing that businesses can do to help protect forests?
    (A) Use sustainable forest practices
    (B) Purchase products that are made from sustainably harvested wood
    (C) Support organizations that are working to protect forests
    (D) All of the above

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