Chhattisgarh: Demographic features and social backwardness of the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward classes and Minorities. Literacy and occupation structure

Chhattisgarh: Demographic features and social backwardness of the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward classes and Minorities. Literacy and occupation structure


Demographic features of chhatishgarh

As per details from Census 2011, Chhattisgarh has Population of 2.56 Crores, an increase from figure of 2.08 Crore in 2001 census. Total population of Chhattisgarh as per 2011 census is 25,545,198 of which male and female are 12,832,895 and 12,712,303 respectively. In 2001, total population was 20,833,803 in which males were 10,474,218 while females were 10,359,585.   The total population Growth in this decade was 22.61 percent while in previous decade it was 18.06 percent. The population of Chhattisgarh forms 2.11 percent of India in 2011. In 2001, the figure was 2.03 percent.

Hinduism-2/”>Hinduism is majority religion in state of Chhattisgarh with 93.25 % followers. Islam is second most popular religion in state of Chhattisgarh with approximately 2.02 % following it. In Chhattisgarh state, Christinity is followed by 1.92 %, Jainism by 0.24 %, Sikhism by 0.27 % and Buddhism-2/”>Buddhism by 0.27 %. Around 1.94 % stated ‘Other Religion’, approximately 0.09 % stated ‘No Particular Religion’.

Out of total population of Chhattisgarh, 23.24% people live in urban regions. The total figure of population living in urban areas is 5,937,237 of which 3,035,469 are males and while remaining 2,901,768 are females. The urban population in the last 10 years has increased by 23.24 percent.

Sex Ratio in urban regions of Chhattisgarh was 956 females per 1000 males. For child (0-6) sex ratio the figure for urban region stood at 937 girls per 1000 boys. Total children (0-6 age) living in urban areas of Chhattisgarh were 736,748. Of total population in urban region, 12.41 % were children (0-6).

Average Literacy rate in Chhattisgarh for Urban regions was 84.05 percent in which males were 90.58% literate while female literacy stood at 73.39%. Total literates in urban region of Chhattisgarh were 4,370,966.

social backwardness of the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward classes and Minorities

Tribal issues

Most of the Resources, particularly the iron-Ore, are on Adivasi land, so inevitably the tribal people are being displaced.  They live primarily in the dense forests that cover nearly half of the state, and the trees too are very valuable.  Private corporations such as Jindal Steel, BALCO Aluminium, TATA and ESSAR are already based in Chhattisgarh, and are keen to expand.  They are backed by the central government, which is also involved directly through state-owned companies such as Bilhai Steel Plant, the National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) and the National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC).

Naxalite is a broad term, often used pejoratively by the Indian government, to refer to the various militant Communist groups active in different parts of India.  The movement began in 1967, in a small village in West Bengal called Naxalbari, when a section of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) (CPM), led by Charu Majumdar, Kanu Sanyal and Jangdal Santhal, initiated an armed struggle to redistribute land to the landless.  This inspired violent uprisings of peasants and tribal people all over the country, supported by a large number of urban intellectuals, but the original movement was largely a failure.  Majumdar wanted a peasant militia to occupy the cities and overthrow the ‘bourgeois government,’ but the Naxalites were too badly organised and corruptible to make this a possibility.

The Naxalites have provided the Adivasis some protection, but ultimately the suffering of the tribal people has only increased.  The Maoist policy was to forcibly recruit one cadre from each Adivasi family, and there were indiscriminate executions of ‘petty bourgeois’ among the villagers.  In 2005 an organisation called ‘Salwa Judum’ was formed under the Leadership of Mr Mahendra Karma, the Leader of Opposition in the Chhattisgarh State Legislative Assembly, to counter the episodic attacks of the Maoists.  Salwa Judum means ‘Peace Initiative’, but in reality it is a vigilante organisation that goes around burning villages and killing people.

In 2006, in the Dantewada district, about 50,000 people were forcibly cleared out from some 644 villages, so that the Maoists would lose their popular bases.  This is similar to what the U.S. did in Vietnam, and the violence with which it was achieved is only now coming to Light.  Many people were put into roadside camps, where conditions were terrible and there were no Education facilities apart from anti-Naxalite indoctrination and military training.  The tragedy is that most tribal people do not share in Maoist ideals, they simply want an end to exploitation, yet there is evidence that the ulterior motive for ground clearing was acquisition for mining companies.

Literacy and occupation structure of chhatishgarh

Chhattisgarh’s literacy rate has witnessed aloft tendency and it was 70.28 % as per Census 2011. The male literacy rate was 80.27 % however the female literacy was 60.24 %.

In 2011, the total number of literates in Chhattisgarh stood at 15,379,922 out of which the males were 8,807,893 however the females were 6,572,029.     Rural literacy rate of Chhattisgarh as per Census 2011 was 65.99%. The total number of rural Literates were 11,008,956. Out of which the females were 4,605,944 and males were 6,403,012.The literacy rate of rural males was 76.98 % and that of rural females was 55.06 %.

Total number of urban literates in Chhattisgarh was 4,370,966 out of which males were 2,404,881 and females were 1,966,085. The urban literacy rate of Chhattisgarh as per 2011 census stood at 84.05%. The literacy rate of urban males was 90.58 % and that of urban females was 77.24 %.

The Primary Sector, more specifically agriculture and allied activities, forms the base of the State’s economy and provides livelihood to 80 percent of the rural population. The rural economy has a diversified base with agriculture and allied activities as the mainstay, accompanied by a thriving rural non-farm economy.

Although there has been a gradual decline in the share of the primary sector in the NSDP, it still continues to be very significant. The primary sector accounted for about 38 percent of the NSDP in 2001-02, which was roughly the same share as the Secondary Sector. The secondary sector expanded rapidly from 27.3 percent to 38.5 percent of NSDP, in the 1993- 94 to 2001-2002 period.,

Chhattisgarh is a state in central India. It was formed in 2000 by carving out 16 districts from the southern part of Madhya Pradesh. The state is named after the Chhattisgarhi language, which is spoken by the majority of the population.

Chhattisgarh is a land of forests and hills. The state is home to the Maikal Hills, which are part of the Eastern Ghats mountain range. The Narmada River flows through the state, and there are several reservoirs and Dams in the area.

The Climate-of-chhattisgarh/”>Climate of Chhattisgarh is tropical. The summers are hot and humid, while the winters are mild. The state receives an average rainfall of 1,000-1,500 mm per year.

The economy of Chhattisgarh is based on agriculture, mining, and manufacturing. The state is a major producer of rice, pulses, and oilseeds. It is also home to large deposits of coal, iron ore, and bauxite. The manufacturing sector is growing rapidly, and the state is home to several major industries, including steel, cement, and power generation.

The population of Chhattisgarh is over 25 million people. The majority of the population is Hindu, followed by Muslims, Christians, and tribal religions. The state is home to a diverse range of ethnic groups, including the Gonds, the Baiga, the Muria, and the Oraon.

The literacy rate in Chhattisgarh is 69%, which is lower than the national average of 74%. The majority of the population is employed in agriculture, followed by manufacturing and Services.

The Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs) are two groups that are considered to be socially backward in India. The SCs are made up of people who were traditionally considered to be “untouchables,” while the STs are made up of people who live in tribal areas. Both groups face discrimination and disadvantage in Society/”>Indian Society.

The government of Chhattisgarh has taken several measures to improve the social and economic conditions of the SCs and STs. These measures include providing them with access to education, EMPLOYMENT, and healthcare. The government has also enacted laws to protect them from discrimination.

Despite these efforts, the SCs and STs continue to face challenges in Chhattisgarh. They are often denied access to basic services, and they are more likely to be poor and illiterate than the rest of the population. The government needs to do more to address the problems faced by the SCs and STs, and to ensure that they have equal opportunities in society.

The following are some additional details about the social backwardness of the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward classes and Minorities in Chhattisgarh:

  • The Scheduled Castes (SCs) are a group of people who were traditionally considered to be “untouchables” in Indian society. They are often discriminated against and face social and economic disadvantages.
  • The Scheduled Tribes (STs) are a group of people who live in tribal areas. They are often marginalized and face social and economic disadvantages.
  • The Backward Classes (BCs) are a group of people who are considered to be socially and educationally backward. They are often discriminated against and face social and economic disadvantages.
  • The Minorities are a group of people who are not Hindu, Muslim, or Christian. They are often discriminated against and face social and economic disadvantages.

The government of Chhattisgarh has taken several measures to address the social backwardness of these groups. These measures include providing them with access to education, employment, and healthcare. The government has also enacted laws to protect them from discrimination.

However, these measures have not been fully successful in addressing the social backwardness of these groups. They continue to face challenges in education, employment, and healthcare. The government needs to do more to address these challenges and to ensure that these groups have equal opportunities in society.

Demographic features and social backwardness of the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward classes and Minorities. Literacy and occupation structure

What are the demographic features of Chhattisgarh?

Chhattisgarh is a state in central India. It is the 10th largest state in India by area and the 17th most populous state. The capital of Chhattisgarh is Raipur.

The population of Chhattisgarh is about 29 million. The majority of the population is Hindu (93%). Other religions practiced in Chhattisgarh include Islam (2%), Christianity (1%), and Sikhism (1%).

The Official Language of Chhattisgarh is Hindi. Other languages spoken in Chhattisgarh include Chhattisgarhi, Gondi, and Muria.

The literacy rate in Chhattisgarh is about 70%. The male literacy rate is about 80%, and the female literacy rate is about 60%.

The main occupation in Chhattisgarh is agriculture. Other occupations include mining, manufacturing, and services.

What are the social backwardness of the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward classes and Minorities?

The Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward classes and Minorities are socially backward groups in India. They are often discriminated against and have less access to education, employment, and other opportunities.

The Scheduled Castes are the lowest caste in the Hindu caste system. They are also known as Dalits or “untouchables.” The Scheduled Tribes are indigenous peoples of India. They are often called Adivasis. The Backward classes are castes that are not considered to be either Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes. The Minorities are religious groups that are not Hindu. They include Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, and Buddhists.

The social backwardness of the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward classes and Minorities is a result of centuries of discrimination. They have been denied access to education, employment, and other opportunities. This has led to POVERTY, illiteracy, and social exclusion.

The government of India has taken steps to address the social backwardness of the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward classes and Minorities. These steps include affirmative action programs, such as quotas in education and employment.

What is the literacy rate in Chhattisgarh?

The literacy rate in Chhattisgarh is about 70%. The male literacy rate is about 80%, and the female literacy rate is about 60%.

The literacy rate in Chhattisgarh is lower than the national average of 74%. This is due to a number of factors, including poverty, lack of access to education, and social backwardness.

The government of Chhattisgarh has taken steps to improve the literacy rate. These steps include building more schools, providing scholarships, and running awareness campaigns.

What is the occupation structure in Chhattisgarh?

The main occupation in Chhattisgarh is agriculture. Other occupations include mining, manufacturing, and services.

Agriculture is the main occupation in Chhattisgarh because the state has a large agricultural sector. The main crops grown in Chhattisgarh are rice, wheat, and pulses.

Mining is another important occupation in Chhattisgarh. The state has large deposits of coal, iron ore, and bauxite.

Manufacturing is a growing sector in Chhattisgarh. The state has a number of factories that produce goods such as steel, cement, and textiles.

Services is the fastest growing sector in Chhattisgarh. The state is home to a number of call centers, IT companies, and hospitals.

Question 1

Which of the following is not a demographic feature of Chhattisgarh?

(A) The population of Chhattisgarh is about 25 million.
(B) The sex ratio in Chhattisgarh is 993 females per 1000 males.
(C) The literacy rate in Chhattisgarh is 70%.
(D) The average age of the population in Chhattisgarh is 27 years.


(C) The literacy rate in Chhattisgarh is 70%. The correct answer is (D). The average age of the population in Chhattisgarh is 27 years.

Question 2

Which of the following is not a social backwardness of the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward classes and Minorities in Chhattisgarh?

(A) They are often discriminated against in education and employment.
(B) They have lower levels of literacy and education than the general population.
(C) They are often concentrated in rural areas and in low-paying jobs.
(D) They have a higher incidence of poverty and Malnutrition than the general population.


(A) They are often discriminated against in education and employment. The correct answer is (B). They have lower levels of literacy and education than the general population.

Question 3

Which of the following is not a literacy feature of Chhattisgarh?

(A) The literacy rate in Chhattisgarh is 70%.
(B) The male literacy rate in Chhattisgarh is 80%.
(C) The female literacy rate in Chhattisgarh is 60%.
(D) The literacy rate in rural areas of Chhattisgarh is 60%.


(D) The literacy rate in rural areas of Chhattisgarh is 60%. The correct answer is (B). The male literacy rate in Chhattisgarh is 80%.

Question 4

Which of the following is not an occupation feature of Chhattisgarh?

(A) The main occupation in Chhattisgarh is agriculture.
(B) The secondary occupation in Chhattisgarh is mining.
(C) The tertiary occupation in Chhattisgarh is services.
(D) The Unemployment rate in Chhattisgarh is 10%.


(D) The unemployment rate in Chhattisgarh is 10%. The correct answer is (C). The tertiary occupation in Chhattisgarh is services.

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