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<<2/”>a href=””>h2>CDI: A Comprehensive Guide

What is CDI?

CDI, or Contexts and Dependency Injection, is a powerful Java specification that simplifies the development of enterprise Java applications by providing a standard way to manage dependencies and handle context-aware objects. It promotes loose coupling, reduces boilerplate code, and enhances testability.

Key Features of CDI

  • Dependency Injection: CDI automatically injects dependencies into beans, eliminating the need for manual wiring and promoting modularity.
  • Contexts: CDI defines various contexts, such as request, session, and application, which determine the scope and lifecycle of beans.
  • Interceptors: CDI allows developers to intercept method calls on beans, enabling cross-cutting concerns like logging, security, and transaction management.
  • Producers: CDI provides a mechanism to create and manage objects that are not managed by the container, such as external Resources or custom objects.
  • Events: CDI supports event-driven programming, allowing beans to subscribe to and react to events triggered by other beans or the application.
  • Alternatives: CDI enables developers to provide alternative implementations for specific beans, allowing for flexibility and customization.
  • Extensibility: CDI is extensible, allowing developers to create custom annotations, scopes, and interceptors to tailor the framework to their specific needs.

Benefits of Using CDI

  • Reduced Boilerplate Code: CDI eliminates the need for manual dependency injection and configuration, reducing the amount of code required to manage dependencies.
  • Improved Testability: CDI promotes loose coupling, making it easier to test individual components in isolation.
  • Enhanced Maintainability: CDI simplifies the management of dependencies and contexts, making applications easier to maintain and evolve.
  • Increased Reusability: CDI promotes the creation of reusable components that can be easily integrated into different applications.
  • Improved Performance: CDI can optimize the performance of applications by reducing the overhead associated with dependency management.

CDI Architecture

CDI is built on a layered architecture:

  • Container: The CDI container is responsible for managing the lifecycle of beans, handling dependency injection, and providing other CDI Services.
  • Beans: CDI beans are Java classes that are managed by the container. They can be annotated with CDI annotations to define their scope, dependencies, and other characteristics.
  • Annotations: CDI annotations are used to configure beans and define their behavior.
  • Extensions: CDI extensions allow developers to extend the functionality of the framework by adding custom annotations, scopes, and interceptors.

CDI Annotations

CDI provides a rich set of annotations for configuring beans and defining their behavior. Some of the most commonly used annotations include:

  • @Inject: Used to inject dependencies into beans.
  • @Named: Used to give a bean a name, allowing it to be referenced by name in other beans.
  • @ApplicationScoped: Defines a bean that lives for the entire lifetime of the application.
  • @RequestScoped: Defines a bean that lives for the duration of a single HTTP request.
  • @SessionScoped: Defines a bean that lives for the duration of a user’s session.
  • @Produces: Used to create and manage objects that are not managed by the container.
  • @Observer: Used to subscribe to events.
  • @Interceptor: Used to define interceptors that can intercept method calls on beans.

Example: Injecting a Dependency

public class MyService {

private MyDependency dependency;

public void doSomething() {


In this example, the MyService bean has a dependency on the MyDependency bean. The @Inject annotation tells CDI to inject an instance of MyDependency into the dependency field.

Example: Using a Producer

public MyDependency createDependency() {
return new MyDependency();

This example defines a producer method that creates an instance of MyDependency and makes it available for injection.

Example: Observing an Event

public void handleEvent(MyEvent event) {
// Handle the event

This example defines a method that will be called whenever a MyEvent event is fired.

CDI in Java EE

CDI is a core part of the Java EE platform and is integrated with other Java EE technologies, such as JSF, EJB, and JPA. CDI provides a unified framework for managing dependencies and contexts across different Java EE technologies.

CDI and Spring

CDI and Spring are both popular frameworks for dependency injection and context management. While CDI is a Java specification, Spring is a comprehensive framework that provides a wide range of features, including dependency injection, aspect-oriented programming, and data access.

CDI and Spring can be used together in a Java EE application. Spring provides a CDI extension that allows Spring beans to be managed by the CDI container.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the difference between CDI and Spring?

A: CDI is a Java specification that defines a standard way to manage dependencies and contexts. Spring is a comprehensive framework that provides a wide range of features, including dependency injection, aspect-oriented programming, and data access. CDI and Spring can be used together in a Java EE application.

Q: How do I configure CDI in my application?

A: CDI is typically configured automatically by the Java EE container. However, you can configure CDI using the beans.xml file or by using annotations.

Q: What are the different scopes in CDI?

A: CDI defines several scopes, including:

  • ApplicationScoped: The bean lives for the entire lifetime of the application.
  • RequestScoped: The bean lives for the duration of a single HTTP request.
  • SessionScoped: The bean lives for the duration of a user’s session.
  • ConversationScoped: The bean lives for the duration of a conversation.
  • Dependent: The bean is created and destroyed along with the bean that depends on it.

Q: What are interceptors in CDI?

A: Interceptors are classes that can intercept method calls on beans. They can be used to implement cross-cutting concerns, such as logging, security, and transaction management.

Q: How do I use CDI with JSF?

A: CDI is integrated with JSF, allowing you to inject CDI beans into JSF components. You can also use CDI to manage the lifecycle of JSF components.

Q: What are the advantages of using CDI?

A: CDI offers several advantages, including:

  • Reduced boilerplate code: CDI eliminates the need for manual dependency injection and configuration.
  • Improved testability: CDI promotes loose coupling, making it easier to test individual components in isolation.
  • Enhanced maintainability: CDI simplifies the management of dependencies and contexts, making applications easier to maintain and evolve.
  • Increased reusability: CDI promotes the creation of reusable components that can be easily integrated into different applications.
  • Improved performance: CDI can optimize the performance of applications by reducing the overhead associated with dependency management.

Q: What are some of the limitations of CDI?

A: CDI has some limitations, including:

  • Limited support for non-Java EE environments: CDI is primarily designed for Java EE applications.
  • Complexity: CDI can be complex to learn and use, especially for beginners.
  • Limited support for legacy applications: CDI may not be suitable for all legacy applications.

Table 1: CDI Annotations

Annotation Description
@Inject Used to inject dependencies into beans.
@Named Used to give a bean a name, allowing it to be referenced by name in other beans.
@ApplicationScoped Defines a bean that lives for the entire lifetime of the application.
@RequestScoped Defines a bean that lives for the duration of a single HTTP request.
@SessionScoped Defines a bean that lives for the duration of a user’s session.
@Produces Used to create and manage objects that are not managed by the container.
@Observer Used to subscribe to events.
@Interceptor Used to define interceptors that can intercept method calls on beans.

Table 2: CDI Scopes

Scope Description
ApplicationScoped The bean lives for the entire lifetime of the application.
RequestScoped The bean lives for the duration of a single HTTP request.
SessionScoped The bean lives for the duration of a user’s session.
ConversationScoped The bean lives for the duration of a conversation.
Dependent The bean is created and destroyed along with the bean that depends on it.
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