Paintings of tamil nadu

Paintings of Tamil nadu In the evolution of human cognitive expressions, painting is a significant milestone. Paintings fundamentally are made up of lines and colours. Humans used lines that enfold the space to fashion both abstract and real forms. What began as drawing lines to represent abstract forms several millenniums ago slowly evolved into depiction … Read more

Folk dance and music of tamil nadu

Folk dance and music of Tamil nadu Karakattam Karagam is a folk dance with musical accompaniment performed balancing a pot on the head. Traditionally, this dance was performed by the villagers in praise of the rain goddess Mari Amman and river goddess, Gangai Amman. In Sangam literature, It is mentioned as ‘Kudakoothu’. This dance has … Read more

Fair and festival of tamil nadu

Fair and festival of Tamil nadu Pongal This is the most important Harvest festival celebrated by the people of Tamil Nadu. It lasts for a period of 4 days and is normally celebrated on the 13th of January till the 16th. This festival is actually mainly celebrated to thank or show appreciation to the Sun … Read more

Art and crafts in tamil nadu

Art and crafts in Tamil nadu The graceful arts and crafts of Tamil Nadu have found generous mention in the archives of Kautilya, Pliny and a number of other scholars who were in awe of the soft muslin, fine silk, elaborate ivory work and precious gems like tortoise shells, diamonds, pearls and rubies produced by … Read more

Architecture of tamil nadu

Architecture of Tamil nadu Pallava Architecture The Pallava rock-cut temples are of Mahendravarman style. He carved temples out of the rocks and thus they were known as rock cut temples. It was really an innovation in the sphere of art because he did not use any other building materials. Therefore, he was hailed s Vichitra … Read more

Modern history of tamilnadu

Modern history of tamilnadu Colonial Settlements The Portuguese, the Dutch, the French and the British came as traders from Europe. Tamil Nadu was then a fragmented nation with many Nayaks, Nawabs and other local chieftains. The traders became rulers because some local rulers sought their help against others and the Europeans soon became their masters … Read more

Medieval history of tamil nadu

Medieval history of Tamil nadu Chola empire The founder of the Chola Empire was Vijayalaya, who was first feudatory of the Pallavas of Kanchi. He captured Tanjore in 850 A.D. He established a temple of goddess Nishumbhasudini (Durga) there. By the end of the ninth century, INFRASTRUCTURE. Corruption. Caste discrimination. Communal violence. Environmental Degradation. Terrorism. … Read more


  Languages of Tamilnadu Tamil is the Official Language of Tamil Nadu state and one of the 18 languages mentioned in the eighth schedule of the Indian constitution. Tamil is one of the classical languages of the world, with a rich heritage of literature. It is the most widely spoken language in Tamil Nadu. Besides … Read more


  Tamilnadu has a rich history of culture and tradition that has evolved over centuries. Perhaps the most profused flowering of the Tamil culture is in the handicrafts of Tamilnadu. Flights of fancy are tempered by tradition. Imagination and creativity find expression in the skill of loving, caring, disciplined hands. The crafts of Tamilnadu speak … Read more

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