Electric motor

Electric motor Electric motor, any of a class of devices that convert electrical energy to mechanical energy, usually by employing electromagnetic phenomena.  Most electric motors develop their mechanical torque by the interaction of Conductors carrying current in a direction at right angles to a Magnetic Field. The various types of electric motor differ in the … Read more

Electric Generators

working principle and use of Generator Generator is a machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. It works based on principle of faraday law of electromagnetic induction. The faradays law states that whenever a conductor is placed in a varying Magnetic Field, EMF is induced and this induced EMF is equal to the rate … Read more


Simple Telescope And Astronomical Telescope, Construction working, uses, ray diagram Simple telescope A simple working telescope requires nothing more than a pair of lenses mounted in a tube. The lens in front, known as the objective, focuses an image; the lens in back, known as the eyepiece, magnifies the image. Although it may seem like … Read more

Radio activity, Nuclear Fission & Fusion

Radio activity Radioactivity is a physical process. As the name implies it is the act of emitting radiation spontaneously. In simple terms if atomic nucleus is unstable and want to loose some energy, it will release energy in the form of radiations. There are several types of particles or waves that may shoot out of … Read more

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