Literary and Scholarly studies during british India

Literary and Scholarly studies during british India Bengali Literature Before the impact of the West, the Bengali literature had two distinct sources—that of the learned and the well-to-do, and of the common people. The aristocratic type of literature, that is the former type, was patronised by the Courts, the Chiefs, the landlords. The poets who … Read more

Gram Swaraj, Satyagraha and Bhoodana

Gram Swaraj, Satyagraha and Bhoodana Gram Swaraj Gram swaraj, or village self-rule, was a pivotal concept in Gandhi’s thinking. It was the centerpiece of his vision of Economic Development in India. Gandhiji’s Gram Swaraj was not the reconstruction of the old village but the formation of fresh independent units of villages having self-sufficient economy. Self-sufficiency … Read more

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