Health Indicators

Health indicators are quantifiable characteristics of a Population which researchers use as supporting evidence for describing the health of a population. Central  Government is limited to family welfare and disease control programs, the state governments are responsible for primary and secondary medical care with a limited role in specialty care. Vital Health Indicators for India are:- Life … Read more

Public Private Partnership In Health Care Services In India

Public/Private PARTNERSHIP In Health Care Services In India It is widely accepted that the deficiencies in public sector health system can only be overcome by significant reforms. The need for reforms in India’s Health sector has been emphasized by successive plan documents since the Eighth Five-Year Plan in 1992, by the 2002 national health policy … Read more

Health and Nutrition

Nutrition Nutrition, nourishment, or aliment, is the supply of materials – food – required by organisms and cells to stay alive. In science and human medicine, nutrition is the science or practice of consuming and utilizing foods. Nutrients are the substances that form foods. These may include the following:  Carbohydrates They provide us with energy … Read more

Chhattisgarh Economy-Mock Sample Questions CGPSC Prelims Test Series 2018

What is the contribution of Animal Husbandry in Gross State Domestic Product of Chhattisgarh at constant prices in the year 2015-16 (A) 2.56% (B) 1.27% (C) 2.27% (D) 1.33%   What contribution of tax revenue is estimated in total Revenue Receipts of Chhattisgarh in the year 2015-16? (A) 18.18% (B) 17.27% (C) 12.27% (D) None … Read more

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