Employment and Unemployment-size of workforce, rate of participation, occupational structure, rural & urban unemployment, employment policies/schemes in India

  EMPLOYMENT and Development: Human Resource Management and Human resource development and its indicators in India. Nature, types and Problems of Unemployment in India. Employment Schemes and Programmes both of Union Government and Uttarakhand Government. Rural Development and Community Development Programmes- Role of related Institutions and Organizations including all centrally and State sponsored schemes.   … Read more

Skill India

Skill development Introduction India is passing through the phase of demographic transition which could be the biggest opportunity or the biggest concern of the country depending upon the utilization of its huge work force. India adds 12 million people to its workforce annually, but very few have any formal skill training. Today, less than four … Read more

Make in India and Start-Ups

Make-in India – Start- up and Stand-up programmes Make-in India Make in India is the government’s flagship campaign intended to boost the domestic manufacturing Industry and attract foreign investors to invest into the Indian economy. The Indian Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi first mentioned the keyphrase in his maiden Independence Day address from the ramparts … Read more

Fiscal, investment and monetary policy issues and their impact

  Monetary Policy TOOL:   There are several direct and indirect instruments that are used for implementing monetary policy. Repo rate: The (fixed) interest rate at which the Reserve Bank provides overnight liquidity to banks against the collateral of government and other approved securities under the Liquidity Adjustment facility (LAF). Reverse Repo Rate: The (fixed) … Read more

Capital formation in agriculture

Agricultural credit provided directly to farmers, called direct finance to farmer for agriculture, is either short-term or long-term. While short-term credit enables cultivators to procure inputs such as fertiliser and seeds needed for agricultural operations, long-term credit is meant for Investment in fixed assets such as Irrigation pumps, tractors, agricultural machinery and so on, thus … Read more

Deficit and Subsidies

Current Account deficit and Unfavorable Balance of Payment Current Account Deficit The current account deficit is a measurement of a country’s trade where the value of the goods and Services it imports exceeds the value of the products it exports. The current account includes net income, such as interest and dividends, and transfers, such as … Read more

Indian Public finance: Indian tax system

India has a well developed Taxation structure. The tax system in India is mainly a three tier system which is based between the Central, State Governments and the Local Government organizations. In most cases, these local bodies include the local councils and the municipalities. According to the Constitution of India, the government has the right … Read more

Food security, Agricultural pricing, Food Procurement and Public Distribution System

WHO Defines Food Security to exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food which meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. Food security has three interlinked contents such as :- Availability of food, Access to food and absorption of food. Food … Read more

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