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The indigenous people of Southern Africa, whose homeland covers much of Botswana, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland and Angola, are often also known as Bushmen or the San people. They are traditionally nomadic hunters and gatherers who moved over vast areas of land throughout Southern Africa. The Bushmen are split into northern and southern bushmen due to their differences in language. The most significant populations are divided between Botswana (55,000), Namibia (27,000) and South Africa (10,000) with most being based around the Kalahari Desert.

They have a fairly egalitarian Society with Women being accorded much respect and authority. Kinship and family is very important with large family groups living together. Leisure time is important as they spend a lot of time recreationally in family and kin groups. Most important of all is the hunt for food and for water as they live in an arid and barren desert region. Drought is a real threat to them and their way of life and one of the reasons various governments have tried to force them into farming. The Bushmen of Botswana have been involved in long running legal battles to be allowed to return to the Central Kalahari Game Reserve one of their most important and protected homelands.

The Bushmen of the Kalahari or San people first came to worldwide prominence when Laurens Van Der Post  filmed a documentary series on the Bushmen for the BBC in the 1950s. It was a huge hit and triggered a worldwide fascination with this ancient and forgotten tribe of Africa. His views of them were very European but led the way to a deeper understanding and respect of their way of life from later anthropologists and academics.

The further investigations of Bushman culture and traditions have demonstrated a common link with other ancient races such as the Native Americans and South American rainforest tribes in their experiences with trances and “soul quests”. Many anthropologists are very excited by the fact that these seem to be common experiences amongst early man despite never having been in contact with each other.



Kyrgyz, also spelled Kirgiz or Kirghiz, Turkic-speaking people of Central Asia, most of whom live in Kyrgyzstan. Small numbers reside in Afghanistan, in western China, and in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Turkey. The Kyrgyz language belongs to the Northwestern, or Kipchak, group of the Turkic languages, a subfamily of Altaic languages. The people are largely Sunni Muslim in religion.

Like other Central Asian peoples, the Kyrgyz were traditionally nomadic and pastoral. During the second half of the 19th century, Kirgiziya (the country’s Russian name) became a major area of Russian colonization, and much of the best land was given to Russian settlers. This was a major cause of the revolt of 1916, in the suppression of which the Kyrgyz suffered very heavily; whole villages were put to the torch, and nearly a third of the Kyrgyz fled to China. After the Russian Revolution of 1917, Kirgiziya was the scene of much guerrilla opposition to the Soviet regime. From 1926 to 1959 there was a heavy influx of Russians and Ukrainians into the area, and the proportion of Kyrgyz in the total Population fell from about 66 percent to 40 percent. The development of agriculture and heavy Industry, along with the Growth of cities, did much to change the traditional Kyrgyz way of life.





The Bushmen, also known as San, are a group of indigenous peoples of Southern Africa. They are believed to be the oldest continuous culture in the world, with a history dating back over 20,000 years. The Bushmen are hunter-gatherers who live in small, nomadic groups. They are known for their unique culture, which includes a rich oral tradition, a complex system of beliefs, and a distinctive art style.

The Bushmen are thought to have originated in East Africa and migrated to Southern Africa over 10,000 years ago. They were the first people to inhabit the Kalahari Desert, and they have adapted to life in this harsh Environment by developing a unique set of skills and technologies. The Bushmen are skilled hunters and trackers, and they are able to survive on a diet of wild Plants and animals.

The Bushmen have a rich oral tradition, which includes stories, songs, and poems. They also have a complex system of beliefs, which is based on the idea that all living things are connected. The Bushmen believe in a supreme being, as well as a number of lesser spirits. They also believe in reincarnation, and they believe that the souls of the dead can be reborn into animals.

The Bushmen have a distinctive art style, which is characterized by its use of bold colors and geometric shapes. They create paintings, sculptures, and jewelry, and their art is often used to tell stories or to communicate religious beliefs.

The Bushmen have been living in Southern Africa for thousands of years, but their way of life has been threatened by contact with Europeans. In the 19th century, the Bushmen were forced off their land and into reservations. They were also subjected to forced labor and other forms of discrimination. As a result, the Bushman population has declined significantly, and their traditional way of life has been disrupted.

Today, the Bushmen are facing a number of challenges, including POVERTY, Malnutrition, and disease. They are also at risk of losing their land and their traditional way of life. However, there are a number of organizations working to protect the Bushmen and their culture. These organizations are working to improve the Bushmen’s access to Education, healthcare, and other basic Services. They are also working to protect the Bushmen’s land and their traditional way of life.

The future of the Bushmen is uncertain, but there are a number of reasons to be hopeful. The Bushmen are a resilient people, and they have a strong sense of cultural identity. They are also working to improve their situation, and there are a number of organizations working to support them. With continued support, the Bushmen can overcome the challenges they face and build a better future for themselves.

Here are some additional facts about the Bushmen:

What is the difference between a tribe and a nation?

A tribe is a social group consisting of a number of families linked together by common descent, language, culture, or territory. A nation is a large group of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.

What are the different types of tribes?

There are many different types of tribes, but some of the most common include hunter-gatherer tribes, pastoral tribes, and agricultural tribes. Hunter-gatherer tribes are groups of people who live by hunting animals and gathering wild plants. Pastoral tribes are groups of people who raise Livestock. Agricultural tribes are groups of people who grow crops.

What are the characteristics of a tribe?

Tribes are typically characterized by a common language, culture, and religion. They often have a strong sense of community and kinship. Tribes are often organized around a chief or leader.

What are the benefits of living in a tribe?

There are many benefits to living in a tribe. Tribes provide a sense of community and belonging. They can also provide economic support and protection. Tribes can also help to preserve traditional cultures and languages.

What are the challenges of living in a tribe?

There are also some challenges to living in a tribe. Tribes can be isolated from the outside world. They can also be vulnerable to disease and conflict. Tribes can also be resistant to change.

What is the future of tribes?

The future of tribes is uncertain. Many tribes are facing challenges such as poverty, disease, and conflict. However, there are also many efforts underway to preserve and promote tribal cultures and languages. It is possible that tribes will continue to exist for many years to come.

What is the difference between a culture and a civilization?

A culture is the shared beliefs, values, and practices of a group of people. A civilization is a complex society with a high level of development in culture, technology, and government.

What are the different types of cultures?

There are many different types of cultures, but some of the most common include traditional cultures, modern cultures, and hybrid cultures. Traditional cultures are cultures that have been passed down for generations. Modern cultures are cultures that have been influenced by new technologies and ideas. Hybrid cultures are cultures that are a mix of two or more other cultures.

What are the characteristics of a culture?

Cultures are typically characterized by their language, religion, art, music, food, and customs. They often have a strong sense of identity and pride. Cultures can also be divided into subcultures, which are smaller groups within a larger culture.

What are the benefits of having a culture?

There are many benefits to having a culture. Cultures provide a sense of identity and belonging. They can also provide economic support and protection. Cultures can also help to preserve traditional values and practices.

What are the challenges of having a culture?

There are also some challenges to having a culture. Cultures can be resistant to change. They can also be intolerant of other cultures. Cultures can also be exploited by those in power.

What is the future of cultures?

The future of cultures is uncertain. Many cultures are facing challenges such as Globalization/”>Globalization-3/”>Globalization, assimilation, and conflict. However, there are also many efforts underway to preserve and promote cultural diversity. It is possible that cultures will continue to exist for many years to come.

Here are some multiple choice questions about the topics of the Bushmen, the Kalahari Desert, and the San people:

  1. The Bushmen are a group of people who live in the Kalahari Desert. They are also known as the San people. True or False?
  2. The Bushmen are the oldest continuous culture in the world. True or False?
  3. The Bushmen are hunter-gatherers. They live off the land by hunting animals and gathering plants. True or False?
  4. The Bushmen have a rich culture and history. They have their own language, music, and art. True or False?
  5. The Bushmen are facing many challenges today. They are losing their land and their way of life. True or False?

1. True
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. True

Here are some additional facts about the Bushmen:

Despite the challenges they face, the Bushmen are a resilient people. They are determined to preserve their culture and way of life.

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