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Plants, growing in the wild or in cultivation, face numerous threats from insects, bacteria, viruses, and Fungi, as well as from other plants. Biopesticides are inert substances or living organisms that can help protect plants from such threats. Chemical pesticides can offer similar protection but, by contrast, are neither alive nor made by living organisms.

A variety of chemicals produced by plants help ensure that parasites, predators, plant feeders, and herbivores seldom increase in number sufficiently to destroy the plant populations they prey upon. Chemicals found in very low concentrations in certain plants have been found to help keep locusts from feeding on those plants, and some trees produce nearly 1,000 different chemical compounds that help them resist herbivores and parasites.

Plant predators are themselves subject to attack by predators, parasites, and microbes, all of which can indirectly help protect a plant and therefore are also considered biopesticides. An oak tree may have about 100 species of insect herbivores feeding on it. In turn, there can be up to 1,000 species of predators, parasites, and microbes feeding on the herbivores. The microbes, parasites, and predators attacking the herbivore populations are considered “biopesticides,” as are any protective chemicals produced by the tree

Such living biopesticides play a vital role in agriculture and nature, helping to control insect pests, plant pathogens, and Weeds. Numerous organisms, including viruses, fungi, protozoa, bacteria, and nematodes , as well as insects, such as parasitic wasps, can attack pest insects and weeds. In some cases, biologists search around the world to find natural organisms to help control an insect, a plant pathogen , or weed populations.

More than 95 percent of all crops have some degree of pathogen resistance bred into them, with resistance to fungi, bacteria, and viruses being most common. Most of this resistance was either added by farmer selection or plant breeder selection, rather than through Genetic engineering. It is because of this natural resistance that has been bred into the crops that only 12 percent of the pesticides used in U.S. agriculture are fungicides.

Some viral resistance, however, has been bred into a number of crops through insertion of viral genes into the plant Chromosomes. These genes may lead to the plant’s producing viral proteins—biopesticides of a sort—that hamper a virus’s own actions. This pathogen-derived resistance has been successfully used to protect Hawaii’s papaya crop from the devastating papaya ringspot potyvirus. The viral gene was inserted into the papaya genome using a “gene gun,” which shoots viral genes into papaya embryo cells.

Some crops (e.g. corn) are being engineered to contain both herbicide Tolerance and the BT toxin. Generally, the use of herbicide-tolerant crops will likely increase the use of herbicides. This has the potential to increase environmental pollution since it might increase the farmers’ reliance on chemicals rather than mechanical and other means of weed control.


Biofuel, any fuel that is derived from Biomass/”>Biomass—that is, plant or algae material or animal waste. Since such feedstock material can be replenished readily, biofuel is considered to be a source of RENEWABLE ENERGY, unlike fossil fuels such as petroleum, coal, and natural gas. Biofuel is commonly advocated as a cost-effective and environmentally benign alternative to petroleum and other fossil fuels, particularly within the context of rising petroleum prices and increased concern over the contributions made by fossil fuels to Global Warming. Many critics express concerns about the scope of the expansion of certain biofuels because of the economic and environmental costs associated with the refining process and the potential removal of vast areas of arable land from food production.

Types Of Biofuels

Some long-exploited biofuels, such as wood, can be used directly as a raw material that is burned to produce heat. The heat, in turn, can be used to run generators in a power plant to produce electricity. A number of existing power facilities burn grass, wood, or other kinds of biomass.

Liquid biofuels are of particular interest because of the vast Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE already in place to use them, especially for transportation. The liquid biofuel in greatest production is ethanol (ethyl alcohol), which is made by fermenting starch or sugar. Brazil and the United States are among the leading producers of ethanol. In the United States ethanol biofuel is made primarily from corn (maize) grain, and it is typically blended with gasoline to produce “gasohol,” a fuel that is 10 percent ethanol. In Brazil, ethanol biofuel is made primarily from sugarcane, and it is commonly used as a 100-percent-ethanol fuel or in gasoline blends containing 85 percent ethanol. Unlike the “first-generation” ethanol biofuel produced from Food Crops, “second-generation” cellulosic ethanol is derived from low-value biomass that possesses a high cellulose content, including wood chips, crop residues, and municipal waste. Cellulosic ethanol is commonly made from sugarcane bagasse, a waste product from sugar processing, or from various Grasses that can be cultivated on low-quality land. Given that the conversion rate is lower than with first-generation biofuels, cellulosic ethanol is dominantly used as a gasoline additive.

The second most common liquid biofuel is biodiesel, which is made primarily from oily plants (such as the soybean or oil palm) and to a lesser extent from other oily sources (such as waste cooking fat from restaurant deep-frying). Biodiesel, which has found greatest acceptance in Europe, is used in diesel engines and usually blended with petroleum diesel fuel in various percentages. The use of algae and cyanobacteria as a source of “third-generation” biodiesel holds promise but has been difficult to develop economically. Some algal species contain up to 40 percent lipids by weight, which can be converted into biodiesel or synthetic petroleum. Some estimates state that algae and cyanobacteria could yield between 10 and 100 times more fuel per unit area than second-generation biofuels.



Economic And Environmental Considerations regarding biofuels

In evaluating the economic benefits of biofuels, the energy required to produce them has to be taken into account. For example, the process of growing corn to produce ethanol consumes fossil fuels in farming equipment, in fertilizer manufacturing, in corn transportation, and in ethanol distillation. In this respect, ethanol made from corn represents a relatively small energy gain; the energy gain from sugarcane is greater and that from cellulosic ethanol or algae biodiesel could be even greater.

Biofuels also supply environmental benefits but, depending on how they are manufactured, can also have serious environmental drawbacks. As a renewable energy source, plant-based biofuels in principle make little net contribution to global warming and Climate change; the carbon dioxide (a major greenhouse gas) that enters the air during combustion will have been removed from the air earlier as growing plants engage in Photosynthesis. Such a material is said to be “carbon neutral.” In practice, however, the industrial production of agricultural biofuels can result in additional emissions of greenhouse gases that may offset the benefits of using a renewable fuel. These emissions include carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels during the production process and nitrous oxide from Soil that has been treated with nitrogen fertilizer. In this regard, cellulosic biomass is considered to be more beneficial.




Biopesticides are pesticides derived from living organisms or natural materials that can be used to control pests. They are often considered to be more environmentally friendly than synthetic pesticides, and they can be used to control a wide range of pests.

Biological control agents are living organisms that are used to control pests. They can be insects, mites, nematodes, fungi, bacteria, or viruses. Biological control agents are often used to control insect pests, but they can also be used to control mites, nematodes, fungi, bacteria, and viruses.

Entomopathogenic nematodes are nematodes that are parasitic on insects. They are often used to control insect pests in agricultural crops.

Entomopathogenic fungi are fungi that are parasitic on insects. They are often used to control insect pests in agricultural crops and forests.

Bacterial pesticides are bacteria that are used to control pests. They can be used to control a wide range of pests, including insects, mites, nematodes, fungi, bacteria, and viruses.

Viral pesticides are viruses that are used to control pests. They can be used to control a wide range of pests, including insects, mites, nematodes, fungi, bacteria, and viruses.

Acaricidal mites are mites that are used to control other mites. They are often used to control spider mites in agricultural crops.

Plant-incorporated protectants are pesticides that are produced by plants. They are often used to control insect pests, but they can also be used to control mites, nematodes, fungi, bacteria, and viruses.

Semiochemicals are chemicals that are used to attract, repel, or disrupt pests. They are often used to control insect pests, but they can also be used to control mites, nematodes, fungi, bacteria, and viruses.

Botanical pesticides are pesticides that are derived from plants. They can be used to control a wide range of pests, including insects, mites, nematodes, fungi, bacteria, and viruses.

Mineral pesticides are pesticides that are derived from Minerals. They can be used to control a wide range of pests, including insects, mites, nematodes, fungi, bacteria, and viruses.

Other biopesticides are pesticides that do not fit into any of the other categories. They can be used to control a wide range of pests, including insects, mites, nematodes, fungi, bacteria, and viruses.

Biopesticides have a number of advantages over synthetic pesticides. They are often more environmentally friendly, as they are less likely to harm non-target organisms. They can also be more effective at controlling pests, as they are often more specific to the target pest. Additionally, biopesticides can be used in integrated pest management (IPM) programs, which can help to reduce the reliance on synthetic pesticides.

However, biopesticides also have some disadvantages. They can be more expensive than synthetic pesticides, and they may not be as effective in controlling certain pests. Additionally, biopesticides may not be available for all pests, and they may not be effective in all climates.

Despite their disadvantages, biopesticides are an important tool for pest control. They can help to reduce the use of synthetic pesticides, which can benefit the Environment and human Health. Additionally, biopesticides can be used in IPM programs, which can help to reduce the overall cost of pest control.

Here are some examples of biopesticides:

Biopesticides are an important tool for pest control. They can help to reduce the use of synthetic pesticides, which can benefit the environment and human health. Additionally, biopesticides can be used in IPM programs, which can help to reduce the overall cost of pest control.

What are biopesticides?

Biopesticides are pesticides derived from natural materials such as plants, animals, or minerals. They are used to control pests, such as insects, mites, nematodes, fungi, and weeds. Biopesticides are considered to be more environmentally friendly than conventional pesticides because they are less toxic to humans and other animals, and they break down more quickly in the environment.

What are the different types of biopesticides?

There are several different types of biopesticides, including:

How do biopesticides work?

Biopesticides work in a variety of ways to kill pests. Some biopesticides, such as Bt, produce toxins that kill pests when they eat the pesticide. Other biopesticides, such as NPV, infect pests with viruses that kill them. Still other biopesticides, such as pyrethrum, disrupt the nervous systems of pests, killing them.

What are the benefits of using biopesticides?

There are several benefits to using biopesticides, including:

What are the drawbacks of using biopesticides?

There are a few drawbacks to using biopesticides, including:

What is the future of biopesticides?

The use of biopesticides is expected to grow in the future. This is due to the increasing demand for environmentally friendly pest control methods. Biopesticides are also being developed to control new and emerging pests.

  1. Which of the following is not a type of biopesticide?
    (A) Bacteria
    (B) Viruses
    (C) Fungi
    (D) Pesticides

  2. Biopesticides are effective against which of the following pests?
    (A) Insects
    (B) Weeds
    (C) Diseases
    (D) All of the above

  3. Biopesticides are considered to be environmentally friendly because they:
    (A) Are not harmful to humans or animals
    (B) Do not persist in the environment
    (C) Break down quickly in the environment
    (D) All of the above

  4. Which of the following is an example of a biopesticide?
    (A) Bacillus thuringiensis
    (B) Trichoderma harzianum
    (C) Beauveria bassiana
    (D) All of the above

  5. Biopesticides are used in a variety of agricultural settings, including:
    (A) Field crops
    (B) Orchards
    (C) Greenhouses
    (D) All of the above

  6. Biopesticides are regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    (A) True
    (B) False

  7. Biopesticides are a relatively new technology.
    (A) True
    (B) False

  8. Biopesticides are more expensive than conventional pesticides.
    (A) True
    (B) False

  9. Biopesticides are less effective than conventional pesticides.
    (A) True
    (B) False

  10. Biopesticides are not as safe as conventional pesticides.
    (A) True
    (B) False

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