Bio-diversity – Types and Depletion

Biodiversity-2/”>Biodiversity-Defination, types, importance, hotspots, threats and conservation

The term biodiversity was coined as a contraction of biological diversity by E.O. Wilson in 1985. Biodiversity may be defined as the variety and variability of living organisms and the ecological complexes in which they exist. In other words, biodiversity is the occurrence of different types of Ecosystems, different species of organisms with the whole range of their variants and genes adapted to different climates, environments along with their interactions and processes.

Types of biodiversity

There are three interrelated hierarchical Levels of Biodiversity namely, Genetic diversity, Species diversity and community or ecosystem diversity.

Genetic diversity

It describes the variation in the number and types of genes as well as Chromosomes present in different species. The magnitude of variation in genes of a species increases with increase in size and environmental parameters of the habitat.  The genetic variation arises by gene and chromosome mutation in individuals and in sexually reproducing organisms and it is spread in the Population by recombination of genetic materials during cell division after sexual Reproduction.

Species diversity

It describes the variety in the number and richness of the spices with in a region. The Species richness may be defined as the number of species per unit area. The richness of a species tells about the extent of biodiversity of a site and provides a means for comparing different sites.  The species richness depends largely on climatic conditions. The number of individuals of different species with in a region represents Species evenness or species equitability. The product species richness and species evenness give species diversity of a region. When a species is confined entirely to a particular area, it is termed as endemic species.

Ecosystem diversity

It describes the assemblage and Interaction of spices living together and the physical Environment a given area. It relates varieties of habitats, biotic communities ecological processes in Biosphere. It also tells about the diversity within the ecosystem. It is referred as Land escape diversity because it includes placement and size of various ecosystems.  For example, the landscapes like grass lands, deserts, Mountains etc. show ecosystem diversity. The ecosystem diversity is due to diversity of niches, trophic levels and ecological processes like nutrient cycling, food webs, energy flow, role of dominant species and various related biotic interactions. Such type of diversity can generate more productive and stable ecosystems or communities capable of tolerating various types of stresses e.g. drought, flood etc.

Importance of biodiversity

The biodiversity has the following importance’s:

 Productive values

Biodiversity produces a number of products harvested from nature and sold in commercial markets. Indirectly it provides economic benefits to people which include water quality Soil protection, equalisation of Climate, environmental monitoring, scientific research, recreation etc.

Consumptive value

The consumptive value can be assigned to goods such as fuel woods, leaves, forest products etc. which may be consumed locally and do not figure in national and international market.

Social value

The loss of biodiversity directly influences the social life of the country possibly through influencing ecosystem functions (energy flow and biogeochemical cycle). This be easily understood by observing detrimental effects of Global Warming and Acid Rain which cause an unfavorable alteration in logical processes.

Aesthetic value

Aesthetic values such as refreshing fragrance of the flowers, taste of berries, softness of mossed, melodious songs of birds, etc. compel the human beings to preserve them. The earth’s natural beauty with its colour and hues, thick forest, and graceful beasts has inspired the human beings from their date of birth to take necessary steps for its maintenance. Similarly botanical and zoological gardens are the means of Biodiversity conservation and are of aesthetic values.

Ecological value

Biodiversity holds great ecological value because it is indispensable to maintain the ecological balance. Any disturbance in the delicately fabricated ecological balance maintained by different organisms, will lead to severe problems, which may threaten the survival of human beings.

Biodiversity hotspots

A biodiversity hotspot is a biogeographic region that is both a significant reservoir of biodiversity and is threatened with destruction.

Indian Biodiversity Hotspot area

Western Ghats (Sahyadri Hills)

The Western Ghats, also known as the Sahyadri Hills , is a mountain chain running from the north to the South and is isolated by the Arabian Sea to the West, the arid Deccan Plateau to the East, and the Vindhya-Satpura ranges to the North. They have different vegetation types: scrub jungles and grasslands at low altitudes, dry and moist deciduous forests, montane grasslands and shoals, and the precious tropical evergreen and semi evergreen forests. Complex topography, high rainfall and relative inaccessibility have helped the region retain its biodiversity. Of the 15,000 flowering plant species in India, there are an estimated 4,780 species in the Western Ghats region. There is also a great diversity of traditional crop Plants and an equal diversity of animal life. A large number of amphibians, freshwater fishes and invertebrate groups are endemic to Western Ghats.

Indo-Burma (Eastern Himalayas )

The hotspot contains the Lower Mekong catchment. It begins in eastern Bangladesh and then extends across north-eastern India, south of the Bramaputra River, to encompass nearly all of Myanmar, part of southern and western Yunnan Province in China, all of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Cambodia and Vietnam, the vast majority of Thailand and a small part of Peninsular Malaysia. In addition, the hotspot covers the coastal lowlands of southern China (in southern Guangxi and Guangdong), as well as several offshore islands, such as Hainan Island (of China) in the South China Sea and the Andaman Islands (of India) in the Andaman Sea. The hotspot contains the Lower Mekong catchment.


Threats to biodiversity

Biodiversity is considered as a reservoir of Resources to be used for the manufacture of food, medicine, industrial products, etc. But with an increased demand of rapid population Growth, biodiversity is gradually depleting.

Habitat destruction

The primary cause of loss of biodiversity is habitat loss or destruction which is resulted due to the large industrial and commercial activities associated with agriculture, Irrigation, construction of Dams, mining, fishing etc.

 Habitat fragmentation

With increased population, the habitats are fragmented into pieces by roads, fields, canals, power lines, towns etc. The isolated fragment of habitats restricts the potential of species for dispersal and colonization. In addition, the habitat fragmentation also brings about microclimatic changes in Light, temperature, wind etc.



The most dreaded factor inducing loss of biodiversity is environmental pollution which include Air Pollution, Water Pollution, industrial pollution, pollution due to chemical Pastes, pesticides radioactive materials etc.

Over exploitation

The Natural Resources are over exploited to meet growing rural POVERTY, intensive technological growth and Globalization/”>Globalization-3/”>Globalization of economy. All these factors together may be responsible for the extinction of a number of species.

Conservation of Biodiversity

Biodiversity is being depleted by the loss of habitat, fragmentation of habitat, over exploitation of resources, human sponsored ecosystems, climatic changes, pollution invasive exotic spices, diseases, shifting cultivation, poaching of wild life etc.

Since the human beings are enjoying all the benefits from biodiversity, they should take proper care for the preservation of biodiversity in all its form and good Health for the future generation i.e., the human being should prevent the degradation and destruction of the habitats thereby maintaining the biodiversity at its optimum level.

Conservation of biodiversity is protection, upliftment and scientific management of biodiversity so as to maintain it at its threshold level and derive sustainable benefits for the present and future generation. In other words, conservation of bio-diversity is the proper management of the biosphere by human beings in such a way that it gives maximum benefits for the present generation and also develops its potential so as to meet the needs of the future generations.


Biodiversity is the variety of life on Earth. It includes the variety of plants, animals, Fungi, and Microorganisms, as well as the variety of ecosystems in which they live. Biodiversity is important for many reasons, including:

  • It provides us with food, medicine, and other resources.
  • It helps to regulate the climate and clean the air and water.
  • It provides us with places to enjoy nature and recreation.
  • It is a source of inspiration and wonder.

Unfortunately, biodiversity is declining at an alarming rate. This is due to a number of factors, including habitat loss, overexploitation, pollution, Climate Change, and invasive species. The loss of biodiversity has a number of negative consequences, including:

  • Loss of ecosystem Services. Ecosystems provide us with a number of essential services, such as water purification, pollination, and flood control. When ecosystems are lost, these services are also lost.
  • Extinction of species. When a species goes extinct, it is lost forever. This can have a ripple effect on the entire ecosystem.
  • Decline in genetic diversity. Genetic diversity is important for the long-term survival of species. When genetic diversity declines, species are more likely to become extinct.
  • Impact on human health. Biodiversity loss can also have a negative impact on human health. For example, the loss of forests can lead to an increase in the spread of diseases.

There are a number of things that can be done to conserve biodiversity. These include:

  • Conservation. Conservation is the protection of biodiversity. This can be done through a variety of methods, such as creating Protected Areas, managing land use, and educating the public about the importance of biodiversity.
  • Restoration. Restoration is the process of returning an ecosystem to its original condition. This can be done after an ecosystem has been damaged by human activities or natural disasters.
  • Sustainable use. Sustainable use is the use of natural resources in a way that does not harm the environment. This can be done through a variety of methods, such as Sustainable Agriculture and Fisheries-2/”>Fisheries.
  • Education and awareness. Education and awareness are essential for conserving biodiversity. People need to understand the importance of biodiversity and the threats it faces in order to take action to protect it.
  • Policy and regulation. Policy and regulation can also play a role in conserving biodiversity. Governments can pass laws that protect biodiversity and regulate activities that threaten it.
  • Research and monitoring. Research and monitoring are essential for understanding the status of biodiversity and the threats it faces. This information can then be used to develop effective conservation strategies.
  • International cooperation. International cooperation is essential for conserving biodiversity. Many of the threats to biodiversity, such as climate change and invasive species, are global in nature. Therefore, it is necessary for countries to work together to address these threats.

Conserving biodiversity is essential for the future of our planet. We need to take action now to protect the diversity of life on Earth.

What is biodiversity?

Biodiversity is the variety of life on Earth. It includes all living things, from plants and animals to bacteria and fungi. Biodiversity is important because it provides us with food, medicine, and other resources. It also helps to regulate the climate and protect us from natural disasters.

What are the different types of biodiversity?

There are three main types of biodiversity: genetic diversity, species diversity, and ecosystem diversity. Genetic diversity is the variety of genes within a species. Species diversity is the variety of different species on Earth. Ecosystem diversity is the variety of different ecosystems on Earth.

What are the causes of biodiversity depletion?

There are many causes of biodiversity depletion, including habitat loss, overexploitation, pollution, and climate change. Habitat loss is the destruction of natural habitats, such as forests and wetlands. Overexploitation is the use of resources at a rate that is faster than they can be replenished. Pollution is the release of harmful substances into the environment. Climate change is the long-term change in the Earth’s climate.

What are the effects of biodiversity depletion?

The effects of biodiversity depletion are far-reaching. They include the loss of food and medicine, the disruption of ecosystems, and the increase in the risk of natural disasters. Biodiversity depletion also contributes to climate change.

What can be done to conserve biodiversity?

There are many things that can be done to conserve biodiversity, including protecting habitats, reducing pollution, and managing resources sustainably. We can also educate others about the importance of biodiversity and encourage them to take action to protect it.

What is the future of biodiversity?

The future of biodiversity is uncertain. If we do not take action to conserve it, biodiversity will continue to decline. This will have serious consequences for humans and the planet. However, if we take action to protect biodiversity, we can ensure that it will continue to thrive for future generations.

  1. Which of the following is not a type of biodiversity?
    (A) Genetic diversity
    (B) Species diversity
    (C) Ecosystem diversity
    (D) Cultural diversity

  2. Which of the following is the most important factor in determining the biodiversity of an area?
    (A) Climate
    (B) Soil type
    (C) Landform
    (D) Human activity

  3. Which of the following is the most common cause of biodiversity loss?
    (A) Habitat destruction
    (B) Overexploitation
    (C) Pollution
    (D) Climate change

  4. Which of the following is the most effective way to protect biodiversity?
    (A) Create protected areas
    (B) Reduce pollution
    (C) Manage resources sustainably
    (D) All of the above

  5. Which of the following is a non-native species that has a negative impact on the environment?
    (A) Invasive species
    (B) Exotic species
    (C) Alien species
    (D) All of the above

  6. Which of the following is a way to prevent the spread of invasive species?
    (A) Quarantine
    (B) Inspection
    (C) Eradication
    (D) All of the above

  7. Which of the following is a way to restore biodiversity?
    (A) Reintroduction
    (B) Reforestation
    (C) Reclamation
    (D) All of the above

  8. Which of the following is a benefit of biodiversity?
    (A) It provides us with food, medicine, and other resources.
    (B) It helps to regulate the climate.
    (C) It provides us with places to enjoy nature.
    (D) All of the above

  9. Which of the following is a threat to biodiversity?
    (A) Habitat destruction
    (B) Overexploitation
    (C) Pollution
    (D) Climate change

  10. Which of the following is the most important thing we can do to protect biodiversity?
    (A) Educate ourselves about the issue.
    (B) Support organizations that are working to protect biodiversity.
    (C) Make changes to our own lifestyles to reduce our impact on the environment.
    (D) All of the above

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