
Bhaskaracharya, also known as Bhaskara II or Bhaskara Acharya, was an eminent Indian mathematician and astronomer who lived during the 12th century CE. He made significant contributions to various branches of mathematics, including algebra, calculus, geometry, and trigonometry. Bhaskaracharya’s works continue to influence mathematical thought and education to this day.

Early Life and Education

Bhaskaracharya was born in the town of Vijjadavida (modern-day Bijapur district, Karnataka, India) in 1114 CE. He received his education from his father, Maheswara, who was also a mathematician and an astrologer. Under his father’s guidance, Bhaskaracharya mastered various mathematical concepts at a young age.

Contributions to Mathematics

Bhaskaracharya’s contributions to mathematics are numerous and diverse, covering a wide range of topics. Some of his notable works and contributions include:

1. Lilavati

  • “Lilavati” is one of Bhaskaracharya’s most famous works, dedicated to his daughter Lilavati. It is a comprehensive treatise on arithmetic, algebra, and geometry.
  • The book covers topics such as number theory, operations with zero, quadratic equations, and geometric shapes.
  • “Lilavati” also contains interesting mathematical puzzles and problems designed to teach mathematical concepts in a playful manner.

2. Bijaganita

  • “Bijaganita” is another significant work by Bhaskaracharya, focusing on algebra and arithmetic.
  • In this book, Bhaskaracharya discusses solutions to indeterminate equations, algebraic identities, and methods for finding square and cube roots.
  • He also introduces the concept of mathematical induction, a powerful proof technique widely used in modern mathematics.

3. Siddhanta Shiromani

  • Bhaskaracharya’s “Siddhanta Shiromani” is a monumental work that consists of four parts: Lilavati (arithmetic), Bijaganita (algebra), Goladhyaya (sphere), and Grahaganita (planetary equations).
  • This treatise covers advanced topics in Mathematics and Astronomy, including planetary motion, eclipses, and astronomical calculations.

Legacy and Influence

Bhaskaracharya’s works had a profound impact on the development of mathematics in India and beyond. His pioneering contributions to algebra, arithmetic, and geometry laid the foundation for future advancements in these fields. Bhaskaracharya’s methods and techniques continue to be studied and admired by mathematicians and students worldwide.


Bhaskaracharya, with his unparalleled mathematical genius and profound insights, remains one of the most revered figures in the history of mathematics. His contributions to various branches of mathematics have enriched the field and continue to inspire generations of mathematicians around the world.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. When and where was Bhaskaracharya born?
    • Bhaskaracharya was born in 1114 CE in the town of Vijjadavida (modern-day Bijapur district, Karnataka, India).
  2. What are some of Bhaskaracharya’s famous works?
    • Some of Bhaskaracharya’s famous works include “Lilavati,” “Bijaganita,” and “Siddhanta Shiromani.”
  3. What is the significance of Bhaskaracharya’s contributions to mathematics?
    • Bhaskaracharya made significant contributions to various branches of mathematics, including algebra, arithmetic, geometry, and astronomy. His works laid the foundation for many mathematical concepts and techniques still used today.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

  1. What is the title of Bhaskaracharya’s famous work dedicated to his daughter? a) Bijaganita b) Siddhanta Shiromani CC) Lilavati d) Goladhyaya
  2. Which of the following topics is NOT covered in Bhaskaracharya’s works? a) Algebra b) Arithmetic C) Trigonometry d) Geometry
  3. Bhaskaracharya’s “Siddhanta Shiromani” consists of how many parts? a) One b) Two c) Three d) Four
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