Beginning of European settlements:Formation and growth of East India Company; Consolidation of British power in India : Battles of Plassey and Buxar; Control over Mysore; Subsidiary Alliance; Doctrine of Lapse; Doctrine of Escheat

<<2/”>a >h4 style=”text-align: center;”>Beginning of European settlements:Formation and Growth of East India Company; 

Luxury goods produced in east asian countries such as pepper, spices such as cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg, silks, cottons, tea and coffee were in great demand in Europe.These luxury goods from the East Indies came to Europe in small quantities via complex trade routes. Several of the European nations were anxious to find direct routes to this treasure house of expensive trade goods.

The East India Company was established in 1600 to challenge the Dutch-Portuguese monopoly of the spice trade. Queen Elizabeth granted the company monopoly rights to bring goods from India. With the approval of local Indian rulers, the East India Company (EIC) established trading posts in Bengal and Madras, trading in cottons, silks, indigo, saltpetre, tea and spices. Spices were valuable for use as a preservative (for otherwise inedible meat) and in medicines. Nutmeg was much sought after for the treatment of rheumatism and cloves for toothache.

After the downfall of Vijaynagra kingdom, southern India provided ample opportunities for the growth of East India Company in the southern India.

In 1634, the Emperor Shah Jahan’s firman granted the Company permission to establish factories
in Bengal with a fort at Piplee. In 1640, the Company acquired on very favorable terms, the concession of Madras which became the first independent position of the English in India. Permission was also obtained to build a fort the Fort of St.George and this was the origin of the Madras Presidency. -the Fort of St.George and this was the origin of the Madras Presidency.


Consolidation of British power in India : Battles of Plassey and Buxar;

According to this Imperial farman,the Company had to pay Rs. 3000 a year and in return could carry on trade duty- free in Bengal. The Company’s servants extended this privilege to their own coastal trade,inter- Asian trade and finally the inland trade.Sirajuddaulah asked the Company to stop meddling in the political affairs of his dominion, stop fortification, and pay the revenues. After negotiations failed, theNawab marched with 30,000 soldiers to the English factory at Kassimbazar, captured the Company officials, locked the warehouse, disarmed all Englishmen, and blockaded English ships.

The British retaliation started with hatching a conspiracy against the nawab in alliance with his officers like Rai Durlabh, Ami Chand, Mir Jafar and Jagat Seth.

The battle took place at Palashi on the banks of the Bhagirathi River. The belligerents were the Nawab Siraj-ud-daulah, the last independent Nawab of Bengal, and the British East India Company. Siraj-ud-daulah had become the Nawab of Bengal the year before, and he ordered the English to stop the extension of their fortification. Robert Clive bribed Mir Jafar, the commander in chief of the Nawab’s army, and also promised him to make him Nawab of Bengal. He defeated the Nawab at Plassey in 1757 and captured Calcutta.

Mir Jafar, The commander-in-chief of the Nawab was made the Nawab by Clive for his support to the English.
Mir Jafar responded by paying a sum of Rs.One Crore and Seventy Seven lakhs (17,700,000) to the Company and large sums to the Company officers as bribe. But Mir Jafar could not support the ever increasing demands of the English who werealso suspicious about his collaboration with the Dutch Trading Company. Mir Jafar,who was made nawab after the Battle Of Plassey, was deposed in 1760. Mir Qasim was placed on the throne by the British in the hope that he would be able to meet their financial demands.

In June 1763 under Major Adams British army defeated Mir Qasim the Nawab of Bengal. Mir Qasim fled to Patna and took help from Emperor Shah Alam II and Shujaud-Daula. On October 22-23, 1764, the decisive Battle of Buxar was fought. The belligerents were the East India Company on one side and combined forces of Mir Kasim, Shah Aalam II and Shuja-ud-Daula. The combined forces had 40000 soldiers and the British Forces had 18000 forces.

Nawab of Awadh becoming a grateful subordinate. Mughal emperor became a pensioner of Company.  Nawabs of Bengal and Awadh did not challenge the superior position of the Company again.

By the Treaty of Allahabad (1765), Nawab of Awadh Shuja-ud-Daula was confirmed in his
possessions on the following conditions:

  • Surrendering Allahabad and Kora to Mughal emperor Shah Alam
  • Rs 5o lakhs were paid to Company as war indemnity
  • Balwant Singh, zamindar of Benaras was confirmed in full possession of his estate.

Control over Mysore;

  • Haidar Ali, in 1761, overthrew Nanjaraj and established his own authority over Mysore
  • 1755: Established a modern arsenal at Dindigal with the help of French experts
  • Conquered Bidnur, Sunda, Sera, Canara and Malabar
  • He conquered Malabar because he wanted access to the Indian Ocean
  • First and Second Anglo-Mysore War
  • 1782: Succeeded by Tipu Sultan
  • Tipu Sultan was an innovator. Introduced a new calendar, a new system of coinage and new scales of weights and measures.
  • Keen interest in French Revolution
    • Planted a ‘tree of Liberty’ at Srirangapatnam and became a member of the Jacobin Club
  • Made efforts to build a modern navy
  • Mysore flourished economically under Hyder Ali and Tipu Sultan
  • Sent missions to France, Turkey, Iran and Pegu Myanmar to develop Foreign Trade
  • Some historians say that Tipu was a religious fanatic. But facts don’t support this assertion.

Haidar Ali was in command of the army in Mysore from 1749; he became the ruler of the state in 1761. Until his defeat by Sir Eyre Coote in 1781 Haidar Ali continued his struggle against the Company. Mysore finally fell to the Company forces in 1799, with the slaying of Tipu Sultan in 1799.

Subsidiary Alliance;

The Subsidiary Alliances system was introduced by Lord Wellesley in and after 1798. The British, under the Subsidiary Alliance System, agreed to protect the Indian rulers against external threats and internal disorder but, in return, the Indian rulers who accepted the Subsidiary Alliance system were to agree to the stationing of British contingent for whose maintenance they would pay a subsidy to the British. The ruler under the system of alliance could neither enter into alliance with any other power nor fight a war without prior permission from the British. A British resident was stationed at these ruling states that had the authority to interfere in State Politics.

Doctrine of Lapse and Doctrine of Escheat ;

The Doctrine of Lapse was an annexation policy devised by Lord Dalhousie, who was the Governor General of India between 1848 and 1856. There was a widespread custom of adoption among the Indian kings to secure an heir in the absence of a natural successor i.e. son. But as per the doctrine of lapse any Indian state created by or under the direct influence (paramount) of the British East India Company , as a vassal state under the British Subsidiary System, would automatically “lapse” or annexed by the British if the ruler was either incompetent or died without a natural male heir.By applying the doctrine of lapse, Dalhousie annexed the States of Satara (1848 A.D.), Jaipur (1849 A.D.), Sambhalpur (1849 A.D.), Bahat (1850 A.D.), Udaipur (1852 A.D.), Jhansi (1853 A.D.), and Nagpur (1854 A.D.).

Escheat is a common law doctrine that transfers the property of a person who died without heirs to the crown or state. It serves to ensure that property is not left in “limbo” without recognized ownership


The Beginning of European Settlements: Formation and Growth of the East India Company

The East India Company was formed in 1600 by a group of English merchants who were granted a royal charter by Queen Elizabeth I. The company’s original purpose was to trade with India, but it soon became involved in the politics of the region. In 1612, the company established its first permanent trading post in Surat, India. Over the next few decades, the company expanded its operations and established additional trading posts throughout India.

The company’s success in India was due in part to the Mughal Empire, which was at its height during the 17th century. The Mughals were a Muslim dynasty that ruled over much of India from the 16th to the 18th centuries. They were tolerant of other religions, and they allowed the East India Company to operate freely in their territories.

The company’s success also owed much to its own internal organization. The company was run by a board of directors in London, and it had a well-trained staff of employees in India. The company also had a strong military presence in India, which it used to protect its interests.

Consolidation of British Power in India: Battles of Plassey and Buxar

The East India Company’s power in India grew steadily during the 18th century. In 1757, the company defeated the Nawab of Bengal at the Battle of Plassey. This victory gave the company control over Bengal, which was one of the richest provinces in India.

In 1764, the company defeated the Mughal emperor at the Battle of Buxar. This victory gave the company control over much of northern India.

With these victories, the East India Company became the dominant power in India. It began to rule the country directly, and it appointed its own governors and administrators.

Control over Mysore

The East India Company also came into conflict with the Kingdom of Mysore in southern India. Mysore was a powerful kingdom that was ruled by the Wodeyar dynasty. The Wodeyars were Hindu, and they were opposed to the East India Company, which was a British company.

The East India Company fought several wars against Mysore. In 1767, the company defeated Mysore at the Battle of Pollilur. This victory gave the company control over much of southern India.

The East India Company continued to fight against Mysore until 1799, when the company finally defeated the kingdom at the Battle of Seringapatam. This victory gave the company control over all of southern India.

Subsidiary Alliance

The East India Company used a system of subsidiary alliances to control the Indian states. Under this system, the Indian states agreed to pay tribute to the company and to allow the company to station troops in their territories. In return, the company promised to protect the Indian states from external threats.

The subsidiary alliance system gave the East India Company a great deal of control over the Indian states. The company used this control to expand its own territory and to suppress any opposition to its rule.

Doctrine of Lapse

The Doctrine of Lapse was a policy that was used by the East India Company to annex Indian states. Under this policy, any Indian state that had no male heir would be annexed by the company.

The Doctrine of Lapse was used by the company to annex several Indian states, including the Kingdom of Awadh in 1856. The annexation of Awadh led to the Indian Rebellion of 1857, also known as the Sepoy Mutiny.

Doctrine of Escheat

The Doctrine of Escheat was a policy that was used by the East India Company to acquire land in India. Under this policy, any land that belonged to a person who died without a will would be escheated to the company.

The Doctrine of Escheat was used by the company to acquire large tracts of land in India. This land was used to establish plantations and to build roads and railways.

The East India Company’s policies of subsidiary alliances, lapse, and escheat gave the company a great deal of control over India. The company used this control to expand its own territory and to suppress any opposition to its rule.

Beginning of European settlements

  • When did Europeans first arrive in India?

The first Europeans to arrive in India were The Portuguese, who landed in Goa in 1498.

  • What were the reasons for European colonization of India?

The main reasons for European colonization of India were economic and political. The Europeans were looking for new markets for their goods and new sources of raw materials. They were also interested in expanding their empires.

  • What were the effects of European colonization on India?

The effects of European colonization on India were far-reaching. The Europeans introduced new technologies and ideas to India, but they also exploited the Indian people and Resources. The colonization of India led to the decline of the Mughal Empire and the rise of British power in India.

Formation and growth of East India Company

  • What was the East India Company?

The East India Company was a British trading company that was founded in 1600. The company was granted a monopoly on trade with India by the British government.

  • How did the East India Company grow in power?

The East India Company grew in power by trading with India and by acquiring land in India. The company also became involved in the politics of India.

  • What were the effects of the East India Company’s rule on India?

The effects of the East India Company’s rule on India were mixed. The company brought some economic benefits to India, but it also exploited the Indian people and resources. The company’s rule also led to the decline of the Mughal Empire and the rise of British power in India.

Consolidation of British power in India : Battles of Plassey and Buxar

  • What were the Battles of Plassey and Buxar?

The Battles of Plassey and Buxar were two battles that were fought in India in the 18th century. The battles were important because they led to the consolidation of British power in India.

  • Who fought in the Battles of Plassey and Buxar?

The Battles of Plassey and Buxar were fought between the British East India Company and the Nawab of Bengal.

  • What were the results of the Battles of Plassey and Buxar?

The British East India Company won the Battles of Plassey and Buxar. The victories led to the consolidation of British power in India.

Control over Mysore

  • What was Mysore?

Mysore was a kingdom in southern India.

  • Who ruled Mysore?

The kingdom of Mysore was ruled by the Wodeyar dynasty.

  • When did the British take control of Mysore?

The British took control of Mysore in the early 19th century.

  • What were the effects of the British takeover of Mysore?

The British takeover of Mysore led to the decline of the Wodeyar dynasty and the rise of British power in southern India.

Subsidiary Alliance

  • What was the Subsidiary Alliance?

The Subsidiary Alliance was a treaty that was signed between the British East India Company and Indian states in the 18th and 19th centuries.

  • What were the terms of the Subsidiary Alliance?

The terms of the Subsidiary Alliance required Indian states to agree to a number of conditions, including:

  • To allow the British to station troops in their territories
  • To pay tribute to the British
  • To follow British advice on matters of Foreign Policy

  • What were the effects of the Subsidiary Alliance?

The Subsidiary Alliance led to the decline of Indian independence and the rise of British power in India.

Doctrine of Lapse

  • What was the Doctrine of Lapse?

The Doctrine of Lapse was a policy that was adopted by the British East India Company in the 19th century.

  • What were the terms of the Doctrine of Lapse?

The terms of the Doctrine of Lapse stated that if a ruler of an Indian state died without a male heir, the British would take control of the state.

  • What were the effects of the Doctrine of Lapse?

The Doctrine of Lapse led to the annexation of a number of Indian states by the British.

  1. The East India Company was formed in:
    (A) 1600
    (B) 1602
    (C) 1608
    (D) 1612

  2. The first British settlement in India was established at:
    (A) Surat
    (B) Madras
    (C) Bombay
    (D) Calcutta

  3. The Battle of Plassey was fought in:
    (A) 1757
    (B) 1764
    (C) 1767
    (D) 1770

  4. The Battle of Buxar was fought in:
    (A) 1757
    (B) 1764
    (C) 1767
    (D) 1770

  5. Tipu Sultan was the ruler of:
    (A) Mysore
    (B) Hyderabad
    (C) Awadh
    (D) Bengal

  6. The Subsidiary Alliance was a system in which:
    (A) The British East India Company would provide military support to Indian rulers in exchange for control of their finances.
    (B) Indian rulers would provide military support to the British East India Company in exchange for control of their territories.
    (C) The British East India Company would provide economic support to Indian rulers in exchange for control of their trade.
    (D) Indian rulers would provide economic support to the British East India Company in exchange for control of their resources.

  7. The Doctrine of Lapse was a policy in which:
    (A) The British East India Company would annex the territories of Indian rulers who died without a male heir.
    (B) The British East India Company would annex the territories of Indian rulers who were deemed to be incompetent.
    (C) The British East India Company would annex the territories of Indian rulers who were hostile to the British.
    (D) The British East India Company would annex the territories of Indian rulers who were allies of the French.

  8. The Doctrine of Escheat was a policy in which:
    (A) The British East India Company would take possession of the property of Indian rulers who died without a male heir.
    (B) The British East India Company would take possession of the property of Indian rulers who were deemed to be incompetent.
    (C) The British East India Company would take possession of the property of Indian rulers who were hostile to the British.
    (D) The British East India Company would take possession of the property of Indian rulers who were allies of the French.

  9. The British East India Company was able to consolidate its power in India due to a number of factors, including:
    (A) The Company’s superior military forces.
    (B) The Company’s ability to exploit divisions among Indian rulers.
    (C) The Company’s ability to win the support of Indian merchants and bankers.
    (D) All of the above.

  10. The British East India Company’s rule in India was marked by a number of features, including:
    (A) Economic exploitation of India’s resources.
    (B) Political repression of Indian people.
    (C) Social and cultural disruption.
    (D) All of the above.

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