Balban: theory of Kingship and Judicial System.

Balban: theory of Kingship and Judicial System

Theory of kingship

Balban was a despotic ruler and the reestablishment of the prestige of the crown was the immediate need before him. He streng­thened Monarchy/”>Absolute monarchy by suppressing all opposition. He tried to create a halo of superiority around him and declared himself a descendant of Afrasiyab dynasty. He exploited the religious feelings of the people in order to strengthen his position.

Balban through his theory of kingship endeavored to prove that he had not taken the throne by the poisoned cup or by the dagger of the murderer.

Balban laid Stress on two main points in his theory of kingship. First, monarchy is bestowed upon a person by the grace of God; hence it is divine, and secondly, a Sultan must be a despot. He used to say, “King is the representative of God on earth (Niyabat-i-Khudai) and in his dignity he is next only to prophethood and, therefore, his action cannot be judged by nobles or the people.”Balban

Once he told his son Bughra Khan, “Kingship is the embodiment of despotism,” and therefore, he was not answerable to anybody for the discharge of his functions as Sultan. Thus he tried to enhance the power and prestige of the crown.

Balban, in order to prove his claim to divine origin of the sovereign, made a complete change in his dress, behaviour and manner. Declaring himself a descendant of Afrasiyab dynasty, he gave up drinking, cut off from the jovial company of his courtiers, maintained aloofness and stopped meeting the common people.

Balban did not agree to meet a rich merchant of Delhi who was prepared to hand over all of his property in return of an interview with the Sultan. He had feeling of hatred for the low-born people. Once he said, “My veins begin to agitate when I behold a low-born person.”

Balban always maintained an external dignity. He never ex­pressed unusual joy or sorrow. His frowning look9 displayed an awe- inspiring Personality. He was sitting in the court when the news of the death of his beloved eldest son Muhammad was delivered to him, but he continued his administrative work without showing even a little sign of sorrow on his forehead. After finishing his duties when he returned to his bedroom, he wept bitterly for the death of his beloved son.

He always wore complete dress, none of his personal attendants had ever seen court nor did he permit anybody to do so.  Balban displayed his autocratic power and grandeur by framing certain rules for the court behaviour and forced the courtiers to act accordingly. He himself strictly followed these rules in his own life. His darbar was famous for its pomp and show. It was based on Persian model and many ceremonies and festivals of Persian style were celebrated in it.

The festival of Nauroz was one of the most renowned among them. The people of foreign countries who visited the court of Balban were stunned to see the royal splendour and the glamour of the court. He introduced the practice of Sizda or pros­tration and Paibos or kissing of the feet of the Sultan and thus tried to impose his superiority over his subjects. He assumed the title of Zille Illahi.

He did not permit his courtiers to take their seats so long as he remained in the court. He appointed black, tall and fearsome guards around him. They used to have naked swords in their hands. When­ever the Sultan went outside the palace, they marched with him shouting Bismillah. Bismillah. This show of power, pomp and splendor, no doubt, added to the prestige of the Sultan and enhanced the glamour of the court.

Judicial system of balban

In matters of judicial administration, the principle followed by Balban was one of strict impartiality. His near relations also could not avoid the process of law and Justice if they were in any way involved in any act of omission or commission. This had a salutary effect on the amirs and maliks who now did not venture to maltreat their servants, male or female or even their slaves, for they knew that they could not get away without punishment for their wrong-doings. A certain malik got one of his slaves killed by inhuman cruelties. The Sultan-came to know of this from the widow of the slave thus killed and ordered the malik to be flogged openly for the crime. Haibat Khan, a favorite of the Saltan himself, killed a man and in order to avoid punishment at the hand of Balban paid twenty thousand rupees to the widow of the man as compensation. The institution of an espionage system by Balban has already been referred to. The spies were also to report all cases of miscarriage of justice to the Sultan besides reporting on the occurrences of importance and about high ranking officers, even including Balban’s son Bughra Khan, to Balban.


Ghiyasuddin Balban, also known as Ghiyas ud-din Balban, was a Turkic slave who rose to become the third Sultan of the Delhi Sultanate in 1266. He was a strong and capable ruler who restored order and stability to the kingdom after a period of turmoil. He also made a number of important reforms that helped to improve the lives of his subjects.

Balban was born in 1200 in Turkistan. He was captured by the Mongols at a young age and sold into slavery. He was brought to India and sold to a Turkish nobleman, Ulugh Khan. Balban served Ulugh Khan loyally and rose through the ranks of his household. He became a trusted advisor and confidante of Ulugh Khan, and he was appointed as the governor of several provinces.

In 1266, Ulugh Khan died and his son, Muizuddin Kaiqubad, became the Sultan of Delhi. Balban was appointed as the regent of the kingdom, and he effectively ruled the kingdom on behalf of the young sultan. Balban was a strong and capable ruler, and he restored order and stability to the kingdom after a period of turmoil. He also made a number of important reforms that helped to improve the lives of his subjects.

Balban’s theory of kingship was based on the idea that the king was the supreme ruler and that all other authority derived from him. He believed that the king had a duty to protect his subjects and to ensure that justice was done. Balban’s judicial system was based on the Islamic law code, the Sharia. He established a system of courts to administer justice and to punish criminals. He also appointed judges to ensure that the law was applied fairly.

Balban’s reforms included a number of measures to improve the security and prosperity of his kingdom. He built new roads and bridges, and he established a system of military garrisons to protect the borders. He also encouraged Trade and Commerce. Balban’s military campaigns were successful in expanding the Delhi Sultanate and in defeating its enemies. He defeated the Mongols in a number of battles, and he also extended the sultanate’s territory into Gujarat and Malwa.

Balban died in 1287 after a reign of 35 years. He was succeeded by his son, Muizuddin Kaiqubad. Balban is remembered as one of the greatest rulers of the Delhi Sultanate. He was a strong and capable leader who restored order and stability to the kingdom. He also made a number of important reforms that helped to improve the lives of his subjects.

Balban’s legacy is a mixed one. He is remembered as a strong and capable ruler who restored order and stability to the Delhi Sultanate. However, he is also criticized for his harsh and authoritarian rule. Balban was a complex figure, and his legacy is still debated by historians today.

Balban: Theory of Kingship

Balban was a Muslim ruler of the Delhi Sultanate in India. He was the third sultan of the Mamluk dynasty, and he ruled from 1266 to 1287. Balban was a strong and capable ruler, and he is credited with restoring order and stability to the Delhi Sultanate after a period of civil war.

Balban’s theory of kingship was based on the idea that the king was the supreme authority in the state. He believed that the king had a duty to protect his subjects and to ensure their welfare. Balban also believed that the king had a duty to uphold justice and to punish those who broke the law.

Balban’s theory of kingship was based on the Islamic concept of the caliphate. The caliph was the supreme religious and political leader of the Islamic world. Balban believed that he was the rightful successor to the caliphate, and he used this to justify his rule.

Balban’s theory of kingship was successful in restoring order and stability to the Delhi Sultanate. He was able to defeat his enemies and to consolidate his power. Balban also instituted a number of reforms that improved the lives of his subjects.

Balban: Judicial System

Balban’s judicial system was based on the Islamic law code, the Sharia. The Sharia is a comprehensive code of law that covers all aspects of life, including religious, social, and political matters.

Balban appointed a chief justice, or qazi, to oversee the judicial system. The qazi was responsible for appointing judges and for ensuring that the law was applied fairly.

Balban’s judicial system was effective in maintaining order and justice in the Delhi Sultanate. The system was based on the Sharia, which was a well-respected and established code of law. The system was also efficient and fair, and it was able to resolve disputes quickly and effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Who was Balban?
    Balban was a Muslim ruler of the Delhi Sultanate in India. He was the third sultan of the Mamluk dynasty, and he ruled from 1266 to 1287. Balban was a strong and capable ruler, and he is credited with restoring order and stability to the Delhi Sultanate after a period of civil war.

  2. What was Balban’s theory of kingship?
    Balban’s theory of kingship was based on the idea that the king was the supreme authority in the state. He believed that the king had a duty to protect his subjects and to ensure their welfare. Balban also believed that the king had a duty to uphold justice and to punish those who broke the law.

  3. What was Balban’s judicial system like?
    Balban’s judicial system was based on the Islamic law code, the Sharia. The Sharia is a comprehensive code of law that covers all aspects of life, including religious, social, and political matters. Balban appointed a chief justice, or qazi, to oversee the judicial system. The qazi was responsible for appointing judges and for ensuring that the law was applied fairly.

  4. What were some of Balban’s achievements?
    Balban was a successful ruler who restored order and stability to the Delhi Sultanate. He was also a strong and capable military leader who defeated his enemies and expanded the territory of the Delhi Sultanate. Balban also instituted a number of reforms that improved the lives of his subjects.

  5. What were some of Balban’s failures?
    Balban was a harsh and authoritarian ruler who was not always popular with his subjects. He also faced a number of challenges, including rebellions and invasions, during his reign.

  6. What was Balban’s legacy?
    Balban is remembered as a strong and capable ruler who restored order and stability to the Delhi Sultanate. He is also remembered for his reforms and for his contributions to the development of the Islamic law code, the Sharia.

  1. Balban was a:
    • Mughal emperor
    • Sultan of Delhi
    • Rajput ruler
    • Maratha warrior
  2. Balban was known for his:
  3. Balban’s reign was marked by:
    • peace and prosperity
    • political stability
    • military expansion
    • cultural revival
  4. Balban’s death in 1286 was followed by:
    • a period of decline
    • a period of chaos
    • a period of stability
    • a period of expansion
  5. Balban’s legacy is that of:
    • a strong and effective ruler
    • a wise and just ruler
    • a tolerant and enlightened ruler
    • a great military commander

1. Sultan of Delhi
2. military prowess
3. peace and prosperity
4. a period of decline
5. a strong and effective ruler

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