Committee on Public Undertakings

The Committee on Public Undertakings: A Watchdog for Public Finances The Committee on Public Undertakings (COPU) is a parliamentary committee in India that plays a crucial role in scrutinizing the functioning of public sector undertakings (PSUs). Established in 1964, the COPU acts as a watchdog, ensuring transparency, accountability, and efficiency in the utilization of public … Read more

Public Accounts Committee

The Public Accounts Committee: Scrutinizing Public Finances and Holding Power to Account The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) stands as a cornerstone of parliamentary accountability in many democratic nations. This powerful committee, often referred to as the “watchdog” of public finances, plays a crucial role in scrutinizing government spending and ensuring that taxpayers’ money is used … Read more

Parliamentary Committees

The Vital Backbone of Democracy: A Deep Dive into Parliamentary Committees Parliamentary committees, often overlooked in the public eye, play a crucial role in the functioning of democratic governments. They are the workhorses of legislatures, providing a platform for detailed scrutiny of legislation, government policies, and public issues. This article delves into the multifaceted world … Read more

Parliamentary Control over executive

Parliamentary Control over the Executive: A Balancing Act of Power The relationship between the executive and the legislature is a cornerstone of democratic governance. While the executive branch, typically led by a president or prime minister, is responsible for implementing policy and governing the nation, the legislature, composed of elected representatives, holds the power to … Read more

Difference between Loksabha and Rajyasabha

The Two Houses of Indian Parliament: A Comparative Analysis of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha The Indian Parliament, the supreme legislative body of the country, is a bicameral legislature, meaning it comprises two houses: the Lok Sabha (House of the People) and the Rajya Sabha (Council of States). While both houses play crucial roles in … Read more

Issues in functioning of Parliament

The House Divided: Examining Key Issues in the Functioning of Parliament Parliament, the cornerstone of representative democracy, is tasked with the crucial role of enacting laws, scrutinizing the government, and representing the will of the people. However, in recent times, the functioning of parliaments across the globe has come under increasing scrutiny, with concerns raised … Read more

Multifunctional Role of Parliament

The Multifunctional Role of Parliament: A Vital Pillar of Democracy Parliament, the legislative branch of government, is often viewed as a forum for debate and lawmaking. However, its role extends far beyond these core functions, encompassing a multifaceted spectrum of responsibilities that are crucial for the proper functioning of a democratic society. This article delves … Read more

Difference between Rule of law and Rule by law

The Rule of Law vs. Rule by Law: A Tale of Two Systems The concepts of “rule of law” and “rule by law” are often conflated, leading to confusion and misunderstanding. While both terms involve the application of law, they represent fundamentally different approaches to governance and societal order. This article delves into the crucial … Read more

Budgetary process in parliament

The Budgetary Process in Parliament: A Symphony of Scrutiny and Approval The annual budget, a financial blueprint outlining government spending and revenue, is a cornerstone of any democratic society. It reflects the government’s priorities, shapes the lives of citizens, and ultimately determines the economic health of a nation. The process of crafting and approving this … Read more

Constitutional Amendment Bill

The Constitutional Amendment Bill: A Journey Through the Labyrinth of Change The Constitution, a bedrock of any nation, is a living document that evolves with the times. Amendments, the formal process of altering its provisions, are crucial for adapting to societal shifts, addressing injustices, and ensuring the document remains relevant and responsive to the needs … Read more

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