Annexation of Punjab with special reference to the causes and consequences of the Anglo-Sikh wars

Annexation of Punjab with special reference to the causes and consequences of the Anglo-Sikh Wars

Sikh Wars, (1845–46; 1848–49), two campaigns fought between the Sikhs and the British. They resulted in the conquest and annexation by the British of the Punjab in northwestern India.

The first war was precipitated by mutual suspicions and the turbulence of the Sikh army. The Sikh state in the Punjab had been built into a formidable power by the maharaja Ranjit Singh, who ruled from 1801 to 1839. Within six years of his death, however, the government had broken down in a series of palace revolutions and assassinations. By 1843 the ruler was a boy—the youngest son of Ranjit Singh—whose mother was proclaimed queen regent. Actual power, however, resided with the army, which was itself in the hands of panchs, or military committees. Relations with the British had already been strained by the refusal of the Sikhs to allow the passage of British troops through their territory during the First Anglo-Afghan War (1838–42). Having determined to invade British India under the pretext of forestalling a British attack, the Sikhs crossed the Sutlej River in December 1845. They were defeated in the four bloody and hard-fought battles of Mudki, Firozpur, Aliwal, and Sobraon. The British annexed Sikh lands east of the Sutlej and between it and the Beas River; Kashmir and Jammu were detached, and the Sikh army was limited to 20,000 infantry and 12,000 cavalry. A British resident was stationed in Lahore with British troops.

The Second Sikh War began with the revolt of Mulraj, governor of Multan, in April 1848 and became a national revolt when the Sikh army joined the rebels on September 14. Indecisive battles characterized by great ferocity and bad generalship were fought at Ramnagar (November 22) and at Chilianwala (Jan. 13, 1849) before the final British victory at Gujrat (February 21). The Sikh army surrendered on March 12, and the Punjab was then annexed.


Raja Ranjit Singh established an independent Sikh kingdom in Punjab. But after his death in 1839, the political turmoil and instability that visited Lahore watered the British appetite to expand into the Punjab. In the absence of any capable Leadership, a situation existed that was highly vulnerable to interference from outside. As a result, two Anglo-Sikh wars were fought that sealed the fate of Sikh empire in the Punjab. Though very patriotic but less disciplined Sikh army could not withstand the onslaught of the British, the Punjab fell into the British hands and was annexed into the British empire in India. This annexation was not an isolated event but a sequel in the long chain of events following the death of Raja Ranjit Singh. It was, however, a demonstration of the deliberate act of wanton aggression on part of the British in India.

Marathas influence in the Punjab diminished to a great extent with Ahmad Shah Abdali’s invasions but those of Sikhs remained strong. Punjab comprised of 36 areas of which 12 were the Sikh principalities known as Misl. Ranjit Singh united 22 under his rule while the rest were recognized as the British protectorates. He concluded the Treaty of Amritsar also known as the Treaty of Perpetual Friendship in 1809 with the company accepting their right beyond Sutlej. However, after his death in 1839, the political instability prevailed in the Punjab and rapid change of governments was witnessed. Therefore, the British started looking across the river Sutlej irrespective of the fact that they had signed the treaty accepting each other’s spheres.

Ranjit Singh’s successors proved incapable to handle the state affairs. His son Kharak Singh was dethroned after a few months. His successor Kanwar Nau Nihal Singh also could not last long. In 1841, Sher Singh was installed but by that time Khalsa , the Sikh army, had ballooned and had also multiplied its influence. Sher Singh could not go well with Khalsa. He was murdered by an army officer. After that, Jind Kaur, the youngest widow of Ranjit Singh, became regent of her son Duleep Singh. Her brother, Jawaher Singh, became Vazir but he was also murdered in September during an army parade. Jind Kaur vowed publically to take revenge of her brother’s death.

These unstable conditions encouraged the British to take advantage. They enhanced their military presence on the other bank of Sutlej and also annexed Sind in 1843. As the tension grew, their diplomatic relations were also broken. The company started moving towards Ferozpur that was followed by Sikhs crossing the Sutlej in December 1845. An encounter took place at Ferozpur where the Sikh army was routed completely though they demonstrated great courage and bravery. The treaty of Lahore was signed in March 1846. The Sikh had to surrender huge territories and an indemnity of 15 mn rupees. Failing to pay this heavy amount was to be compensated by cessation of Kashnir, Hazara, and some other places between Indus and Beas to the company. Daleep Singh was to continue as the ruler of the Punjab and her mother as the regent. However, at request of the council the company officials signed another treaty known as the Treaty of Bhyroval. This treaty provided the maharani a pension of 150000 but she was to be replaced by a British resident in Lahore aided by a Regency council. This gave them an effective control over the government.

Henery Lawerence became the resident but he fell ill and left for London. He was replaced by Sir Frederick Corrie. He adopted a stiff policy because of which the relations turned quite strained. As a result, the second Anglo-Sikh war broke out. Sher Singh revolted at Multan on September 14, 1848. The Sikhs repelled a British attack in the battle of Ramnagar. The war continued for sometime but the final battle took place at Gujrat where the Sikhs were utterly defeated and their power was razed to ground. On March 30, Daleep Singh held his court for the last time at Lahore at which he signed away all claim to the rule of the Punjab. In this way annexation of the Punjab was accomplished.,

The annexation of Punjab was a major event in the history of India. It was the result of the Second Anglo-Sikh War, which the British won. The annexation led to the end of the Sikh Empire, and it also led to the displacement of many Sikhs. The annexation also led to the British Raj, which was the period of British rule in India.

The Sikh Empire was founded in 1799 by Maharaja Ranjit Singh. He was a brilliant military leader and statesman who united the Sikh tribes and created a powerful empire. The empire reached its peak under Ranjit Singh’s rule, and it controlled much of the Punjab region.

The first Anglo-Sikh war was fought in 1845-1846. The main cause of the war was a dispute over the border between the Sikh Empire and British India. The British wanted to expand their territory into the Punjab region, and the Sikhs were determined to resist them.

The second Anglo-Sikh war was fought in 1848-1849. The main cause of the war was the Sikh Empire’s refusal to pay reparations for the first Anglo-Sikh war. The British were determined to punish the Sikhs for their defiance, and the Sikhs were determined to resist the British.

The First Anglo-Sikh War was fought between the British East India Company and the Sikh Empire. The war lasted from December 1845 to February 1846, and it resulted in a British victory.

The war began when the British East India Company invaded the Sikh Empire. The British were led by General Hugh Gough, and the Sikhs were led by Maharaja Ranjit Singh. The British were initially successful, and they captured the Sikh capital of Lahore. However, the Sikhs rallied and defeated the British at the Battle of Sobraon.

The war ended with the Treaty of Lahore, which was signed on February 29, 1846. The treaty forced the Sikhs to cede a large amount of territory to the British, and it also forced them to pay a large indemnity.

The Second Anglo-Sikh War was fought between the British East India Company and the Sikh Empire. The war lasted from December 1848 to February 1849, and it resulted in a British victory.

The war began when the British East India Company invaded the Sikh Empire. The British were led by General Sir Henry Hardinge, and the Sikhs were led by Maharaja Dalip Singh. The British were initially successful, and they captured the Sikh capital of Lahore. However, the Sikhs rallied and defeated the British at the Battle of Chillianwala.

The war ended with the Treaty of Lahore, which was signed on February 29, 1849. The treaty forced the Sikhs to cede all of their territory to the British, and it also forced them to disband their army.

The annexation of Punjab was the process by which the British East India Company took control of the Sikh Empire in 1849. The annexation was a result of the Second Anglo-Sikh War, which the British won.

The British annexed Punjab because they wanted to expand their territory and control the region’s Resources. They also wanted to prevent the Sikhs from becoming a powerful threat to British India.

The consequences of the annexation of Punjab were far-reaching. It led to the end of the Sikh Empire, and it also led to the displacement of many Sikhs. The annexation also led to the British Raj, which was the period of British rule in India.

The annexation of Punjab was a major turning point in the history of India. It marked the end of an independent Sikh state, and it ushered in a period of British rule. The annexation had a profound impact on the lives of millions of people in Punjab, and it continues to be a source of controversy today.

The Anglo-Sikh Wars were a series of two wars fought between the Sikh Empire and the British East India Company in the mid-19th century. The first war was fought from 1845 to 1846, and the second war was fought from 1848 to 1849. The British won both wars, and the Sikh Empire was annexed by the British East India Company.

The causes of the Anglo-Sikh Wars are complex and disputed. Some historians argue that the wars were caused by British expansionism, while others argue that they were caused by Sikh aggression. The consequences of the wars were far-reaching. The annexation of Punjab by the British East India Company led to the end of the Sikh Empire and the establishment of British rule in the region.

Here are some frequently asked questions about the Anglo-Sikh Wars:

  1. What were the causes of the Anglo-Sikh Wars?

The causes of the Anglo-Sikh Wars are complex and disputed. Some historians argue that the wars were caused by British expansionism, while others argue that they were caused by Sikh aggression.

  1. What were the consequences of the Anglo-Sikh Wars?

The consequences of the wars were far-reaching. The annexation of Punjab by the British East India Company led to the end of the Sikh Empire and the establishment of British rule in the region.

  1. Who were the main players in the Anglo-Sikh Wars?

The main players in the Anglo-Sikh Wars were the Sikh Empire and the British East India Company. The Sikh Empire was ruled by Maharaja Ranjit Singh, who died in 1839. The British East India Company was a trading company that had established a large empire in India.

  1. What were the key battles of the Anglo-Sikh Wars?

The key battles of the Anglo-Sikh Wars were the Battle of Ferozeshah, the Battle of Chillianwala, and the Battle of Gujrat. The Battle of Ferozeshah was fought on December 21-22, 1845. The Battle of Chillianwala was fought on January 13, 1846. The Battle of Gujrat was fought on February 21, 1849.

  1. Who won the Anglo-Sikh Wars?

The British won the Anglo-Sikh Wars. The first war was fought from 1845 to 1846, and the second war was fought from 1848 to 1849. The British won both wars, and the Sikh Empire was annexed by the British East India Company.

  1. What was the impact of the Anglo-Sikh Wars on the Sikh people?

The Anglo-Sikh Wars had a profound impact on the Sikh people. The wars led to the end of the Sikh Empire and the establishment of British rule in the region. The wars also led to the deaths of many Sikhs and the displacement of many more.

  1. What is the legacy of the Anglo-Sikh Wars?

The legacy of the Anglo-Sikh Wars is complex and disputed. Some historians argue that the wars were a necessary step in the development of India, while others argue that they were a tragedy for the Sikh people. The wars continue to be a source of debate and controversy today.

The following are MCQs about the causes and consequences of the Anglo-Sikh wars:

  1. Which of the following was NOT a cause of the First Anglo-Sikh War?
    (A) The British East India Company’s desire to expand its territory in India
    (B) The Sikh Empire’s growing power and influence in the region
    (C) The British fear of a Sikh-Afghan alliance
    (D) The Sikh Empire’s refusal to pay tribute to the British

  2. Which of the following was NOT a consequence of the First Anglo-Sikh War?
    (A) The British East India Company gained control of the Punjab region
    (B) The Sikh Empire was weakened and its power was reduced
    (C) The British and Sikh empires signed a peace treaty
    (D) The British East India Company became the dominant power in India

  3. Which of the following was NOT a cause of the Second Anglo-Sikh War?
    (A) The British East India Company’s desire to annex the Punjab region
    (B) The Sikh Empire’s refusal to pay tribute to the British
    (C) The British fear of a Sikh-Afghan alliance
    (D) The Sikh Empire’s growing power and influence in the region

  4. Which of the following was NOT a consequence of the Second Anglo-Sikh War?
    (A) The British East India Company annexed the Punjab region
    (B) The Sikh Empire was defeated and its power was destroyed
    (C) The British and Sikh empires signed a peace treaty
    (D) The British East India Company became the dominant power in India

  5. Which of the following was the most significant consequence of the Anglo-Sikh wars?
    (A) The British East India Company gained control of the Punjab region
    (B) The Sikh Empire was weakened and its power was reduced
    (C) The British East India Company became the dominant power in India
    (D) The Anglo-Sikh wars were a major turning point in the history of India

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