Algorithm Method

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Algorithm method – meaning and quality, indefinate, definite

In mathematics, computing, linguistics and related subjects, an algorithm is a sequence of finite instructions, often used for calculation and data processing. It is formally a type of effective method in which a list of well-defined instructions for completing a task will, when given an initial state, proceed through a well-defined series of successive states, eventually terminating in an end-state. The transition from one state to the next is not necessarily deterministic; some algorithms, known as probabilistic algorithms, incorporate randomness. A step-by-step method of solving a problem or making decisions, as in making a diagnosis. An established mechanical procedure for solving certain mathematical problems.

Properties of algorithm


  • The input is the data to be transformed during the computation to produce the output.
  • Input precision requires that you know what kind of data, how much and what form the data should be.



  • The output is the data resulting from the computation.
  • Output precision also requires that you know what kind of data, how much and what form the output should be (or even if there will be any output at all!)


Algorithms must terminate after a finite number of steps.


Each instruction of the algorithm should be clear and unambiguous.


Every instruction must be basic enough to be carried out theoretically or by using paper and pencil.

Example of an algorithm: Design an algorithm to add two numbers and display the result.

Step 1 − START

Step 2 − declare three integers a, b & c

Step 3 − define values of a & b

Step 4 − add values of a & b

Step 5 − store output of step 4 to c

Step 6 − print c

Step 7 − STOP


Algorithms tell the programmers how to code the program. Alternatively, the algorithm can be written as :

Step 1 − START ADD

Step 2 − get values of a & b

Step 3 − c ← a + b

Step 4 − display c

Step 5 − STOP


Algorithm Analysis Efficiency of an algorithm can be analyzed at two different stages, before implementation and after implementation. They are the following:

A Priori Analysis

This is a theoretical analysis of an algorithm. Efficiency of an algorithm is measured by assuming that all other factors, for example, processor speed, are constant and have no effect on the implementation.

A Posterior Analysis

This is an empirical analysis of an algorithm. The selected algorithm is implemented using programming language. This is then executed on target computer machine. In this analysis, actual statistics like running time and space required, are collected.

Algorithm Complexity

Suppose X is an algorithm and n is the size of input data, the time and space used by the algorithm X are the two main factors, which decide the efficiency of X.

Time Factor

Time is measured by counting the number of key operations such as comparisons in the sorting algorithm.  

Space Factor

Space is measured by counting the maximum memory space required by the algorithm.

Space Complexity

Space complexity of an algorithm represents the amount of memory space required by the algorithm in its life cycle. The space required by an algorithm is equal to the sum of the following two components :

  • A fixed part that is a space required to store certain data and variables, that are independent of the size of the problem. For example, simple variables and constants used, program size, etc.
  • A variable part is a space required by variables, whose size depends on the size of the problem. For example, dynamic memory allocation, recursion stack space, etc.

Space complexity S(P) of any algorithm P is S(P) = C + SP(I), where C is the fixed part and S(I) is the variable part of the algorithm, which depends on instance characteristic I. Following is a simple example that tries to explain the concept :

Algorithm: SUM(A, B)

Step 1 –  START

Step 2 –  C ← A + B + 10

Step 3 –  Stop


Here we have three variables A, B, and C and one constant. Hence S(P) = 1 + 3.

Time Complexity

Time complexity of an algorithm represents the amount of time required by the algorithm to run to completion. Time requirements can be defined as a numerical function T(n), where T(n) can be measured as the number of steps, provided each step consumes constant time.

For example, addition of two n-bit integers takes n steps. Consequently, the total computational time is T(n) = c n, where c is the time taken for the addition of two bits. Here, we observe that T(n) grows linearly as the input size increases.


An algorithm is a step-by-step procedure for solving a problem. Algorithms are used in a wide variety of fields, including computer science, mathematics, and engineering.

Algorithm design is the process of developing algorithms. It is a creative process that requires problem-solving skills, mathematical skills, and programming skills.

Algorithm analysis is the process of studying the performance of algorithms. It is used to determine how long an algorithm will take to run and how much memory it will use.

Algorithm implementation is the process of writing a computer program that implements an algorithm. It is a technical process that requires knowledge of programming languages and data structures.

Algorithm testing is the process of verifying that an algorithm works correctly. It is a critical step in the algorithm development process, as it can help to identify and fix errors in the algorithm.

Algorithm optimization is the process of improving the performance of an algorithm. It is a challenging task that requires creativity and problem-solving skills.

Algorithm complexity is the study of how the running time of an algorithm depends on the size of the input. It is a fundamental concept in computer science, and it is used to analyze the performance of algorithms.

Algorithm design techniques are methods that can be used to develop efficient algorithms. They include divide-and-conquer, dynamic programming, greedy algorithms, and backtracking.

Algorithm analysis techniques are methods that can be used to study the performance of algorithms. They include asymptotic analysis, worst-case analysis, and Average-case analysis.

Algorithm implementation techniques are methods that can be used to write efficient computer programs. They include data structures, algorithms, and programming languages.

Algorithm testing techniques are methods that can be used to verify that an algorithm works correctly. They include unit testing, integration testing, and system testing.

Algorithm optimization techniques are methods that can be used to improve the performance of an algorithm. They include heuristics, local search, and metaheuristics.

Algorithm complexity theory is the study of the computational complexity of problems. It is a branch of theoretical computer science that deals with the Resources required to solve problems.

Algorithm design heuristics are rules of thumb that can be used to develop efficient algorithms. They are not guaranteed to produce optimal algorithms, but they can be helpful in developing algorithms that are good enough for most practical purposes.

Algorithm analysis heuristics are rules of thumb that can be used to analyze the performance of algorithms. They are not guaranteed to be accurate, but they can be helpful in estimating the running time of an algorithm.

Algorithm implementation heuristics are rules of thumb that can be used to write efficient computer programs. They are not guaranteed to produce optimal programs, but they can be helpful in developing programs that are good enough for most practical purposes.

Algorithm testing heuristics are rules of thumb that can be used to verify that an algorithm works correctly. They are not guaranteed to find all errors in an algorithm, but they can be helpful in finding common errors.

Algorithm optimization heuristics are rules of thumb that can be used to improve the performance of an algorithm. They are not guaranteed to produce optimal algorithms, but they can be helpful in developing algorithms that are good enough for most practical purposes.

Algorithm complexity classes are sets of problems that have the same asymptotic running time. The most well-known complexity classes are P, NP, and NP-complete.

Algorithm design paradigms are approaches to algorithm design. They include the divide-and-conquer paradigm, the dynamic programming paradigm, the greedy algorithm paradigm, and the backtracking paradigm.

Algorithm analysis paradigms are approaches to algorithm analysis. They include asymptotic analysis, worst-case analysis, and average-case analysis.

Algorithm implementation paradigms are approaches to algorithm implementation. They include the data structure paradigm, the algorithm paradigm, and the programming language paradigm.

Algorithm testing paradigms are approaches to algorithm testing. They include unit testing, integration testing, and system testing.

Algorithm optimization paradigms are approaches to algorithm optimization. They include heuristics, local search, and metaheuristics.

What is a search algorithm?

A search algorithm is a set of instructions that tells a computer how to find information in a Database.

What are the different types of search algorithms?

There are many different types of search algorithms, but some of the most common include:

What are the advantages and disadvantages of different search algorithms?

The advantages and disadvantages of different search algorithms depend on the specific application. For example, breadth-first search is often used for tasks where it is important to find all of the possible solutions, while depth-first search is often used for tasks where it is important to find the solution as quickly as possible.

What are some of the challenges in developing search algorithms?

One of the biggest challenges in developing search algorithms is the need to balance the trade-off between efficiency and accuracy. In order to be efficient, a search algorithm must be able to quickly find the desired information. However, in order to be accurate, a search algorithm must be able to explore all of the possible solutions.

What are some of the applications of search algorithms?

Search algorithms are used in a wide variety of applications, including:

What are some of the future trends in search algorithms?

One of the biggest trends in search algorithms is the development of more efficient algorithms. As the amount of data that needs to be searched continues to grow, it is becoming increasingly important to develop algorithms that can quickly find the desired information.

Another trend is the development of more accurate algorithms. As search algorithms become more sophisticated, they are able to find more accurate results. This is important for applications where it is important to find the correct information, such as medical diagnosis or legal research.

Finally, there is a trend towards the development of more user-friendly search algorithms. As search engines become more popular, it is important to make them easy to use for people of all levels of expertise.

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