Air Force Group X Exam

Prelims Syllabus of air force group x Exam 2024

The AIR FORCE GROUP X Exam is a national-level examination conducted by the”>Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) for the recruitment of officers in the Indian Air Force (IAF). The exam is held annually and is open to candidates who have passed the Higher Secondary or equivalent examination with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics as compulsory subjects.

The syllabus for the Air Force Group X Exam is divided into two parts: General Studies and Technical. The General Studies paper covers topics such as Indian Polity and Governance, Indian economy, General Science, Current Affairs, and Geography. The Technical paper covers topics such as Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Engineering.

The Air Force Group X Exam is a very competitive exam and the competition is getting tougher every year. To crack the exam, it is important to start preparing early and to follow a systematic study plan. The syllabus is vast and it is important to cover all the topics thoroughly.

There are a number of books and online Resources available for the preparation of the Air Force Group X Exam. It is important to choose the right books and resources and to follow a study plan that suits your individual needs.

The Air Force Group X Exam is a challenging exam but it is not impossible to crack. With hard work and dedication, you can achieve your goal of becoming an officer in the Indian Air Force.

Here are some tips for preparing for the Air Force Group X Exam:

The Air Force Group X Exam is a national-level exam conducted by the Indian Air Force for the recruitment of officers in the Air Force. The exam is held every year and is open to candidates who have passed the 12th standard examination.

The syllabus for the Air Force Group X Exam is as follows:

The exam is divided into two parts: the written exam and the physical fitness test. The written exam is a two-hour exam consisting of 100 multiple-choice questions. The physical fitness test consists of a 1.6-kilometer run, a 100-meter sprint, and a high jump.

The Air Force Group X Exam is a competitive exam and the cut-off marks are high. To qualify for the exam, you need to score at least 50% marks in each subject.

The Air Force Group X Exam is a good opportunity for candidates who want to join the Indian Air Force. The exam is challenging but it is possible to crack it with proper preparation.

Here are some frequently asked questions about the Air Force Group X Exam:

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