Administrative Reforms in India including various important Commissions and committees.

<2/”>a >Why is Administrative Reforms needed?

  • Technological change
  • Advances in industrialisation
  • Growth in the number and complexity of governmental activities
  • Changes in social, political and economic spheres of life
  • All above have created extraordinary strains on the traditional machinery of the government
  • Obsolescence of institutions, roles, procedures and processes in the government

What are ways through which Administrative Reforms are done?

  • There are three forms
  • Traditional Approach: let the problem arise and then place a competent person to solve it. Aka Management process
  • Committee Process: appoint ad hoc committee. Like the Hoover Commission in US and Administrative Reforms Ccommission in India
  • Setting up O&M units

What are the types of reforms?

  • Macro or micro (affecting the entire administration or a part of it)
  • Procedural reform
  • Behavioural reform

Functions of O&M office

  • To assist line officials to improve management
  • Help reduce costs, save manpower, simplify procedures, save materials, speed operations, improve organisation
  • Chief functions are
    • Comprehensive reviews of departments
    • Planning new activities
    • Research in O&M techniques
    • Training O&M officials and employees
    • Co-ordinating the work of different O&M units in government
    • Undertaking ad hoc assignments to investigate and help solve particular problems
    • Analysing organisation methods and procedures
    • Developing management policies, handbook and other guidelines
  • How?
    • Research and Development
    • Training
    • Investigation
    • Co-ordination of management improvement programme
    • Information
    • Publication

Nature of O&M

  • O&M unit alone should not be responsible for effecting improvements in administration. It cannot be a substitute for management improvement. Efficiency specialists have an important place in government, but not efficiency engineer will ever solve the principal problems of government
  • O&M is primarily a service function
  • The role of O&M units is essentially advisory. It has therefore a line and staff function. Decisions should not be forced upon the department
  • O&M should be recognized as a work improvement study and not a fault-finding mission. O&M man should not assume a superior position of a fault-finder or a critic
  • It should not be presented as something too mysterious and technical

Advantages of O&M

  • It provides a machinery for a constant attempt to improve the Public Administration
  • It helps keep both the structure of government offices and the procedure adopted by them up-to-date in tune with the changing circumstances. Reduce time lag.
  • Help to accumulate a wealth of experience which can be drawn upon whenever required
  • A separate O&M department is needed because
    • Time: Senior officials of an agency of government often have little time to examine the problems of organisation and methods
    • Independence: Line officials lack the necessary perspective to look at problems of organisation and of office procedure
    • Experience: The fact that the O&M work is undertaken by a body of officials, who specialize in this work, is the essence of this system.

O&M Techniques

  • Management or Organisation Survey
  • Inspections
  • Work Measurement
  • Automation
  • Forms Control
  • Filing System




  • The use of IT in governance is aimed at having SMAdministrative ReformsT – Simple, Moral, Accountable, Responsive and Transparent – government.



Arora and Goyal

Administrative Reforms

  • Involves enhancement in the capacity of an administrative system to achieve its assigned goals.

Why Administrative Reforms

  • Only an administrative system that revitalises itself constantly can respond to the changing socio-economic Environment

Some important committees on Administrative Reforms

  • US: Haldane, Brownlow, First Hoover, Second Hoover, Fulton
  • India: Administrative ReformsC 1 (1966-70), Administrative ReformsC 2 (2007-)
    • 1947: Secretariat Reorganisation Committee (GS Bajapai)
    • 1948: economy Committee (Kasturbhai Lalbhai)
    • 1949: N Gopalswamy Ayyangar Committee (recommended O&M)
    • 1951: Planning Commission Report
    • 1953: Appleby Report (Public Administration in India: Report of a Survey). Based on his report
      • Indian Institute of Public Administration was set up
      • O&M Division was set up in the Cabinet Secretariat
    • 1954: Ashok Chanda (recommended more AI Services)
    • 1956: Second Appleby Report ( Re-examination of India’s Administrative System with Special Reference to Administration of Government Industrial and Commercial Enterprises)
    • 1957: Balwant Rai Mehta Coommittee Report (introduction of the Panchayati Raj system)
    • 1964: Santhanam Committee Report
      • Strengthen vigilance organisations
      • Adoption of a Code Of Conduct for civil servants
    • 1966: Administrative ReformsC 1 (Morarji Desai/K Hanumanthaiya) < Presented 20 reports between 1966-1970> Major recommendations
      • Appointment of Lokpal and Lok Ayuktas
      • Creation of full fledged department of personnel
      • Performance BUDGETING
      • Unified grading pay structure
      • Introduction of specialists into senior and middle management positions
    • 1973: 3rd Pay Commission
    • 1975: Kothari Committee on Recruitment Policy and Selection Methods
      • System of single examination for All-India Services was introduced
    • 1978: Committee on Panchayati Raj Institutions (Ashok Mehta)
      • Recommended setting up of Mandal Panchayats
    • 1977-80: National Police Commission
    • 1988: Sarkaria Commission
      • Creation of inter-state councils
    • 1989: Satish Chandra Committee on the Recruitment Policy and Selection Methods for All-India and Central Services




Criticisms of ARC 1

·         Virtual absence of any strategy of selecting key or nodal points by the commission

·         Inadequate attention to improving field agencies

·         Ignored the behavioural aspects of administration

·         Not futuristic in orientation

·         Unplanned winding up







Administrative Reforms in India

  • Ancient Times: Mauryas and Guptas. Dharmashastra, Arthashastra and Thirukkural
  • Medieval Times: Mughals
  • British
    • Creation of Civil Services (Cornwallis)
    • Creation of Supreme Court and reforms in judiciary
    • Creation of central secretariat
    • Departmentalisation and consolidation of District Administration under the Collector
    • Urban local govt
    • Rule of Law
    • Institutionalisation of impersonal government
    • Police system
    • Establishment of Public Service Commission
    • Personnel Administration
  • Committees during British
    • Committee on ICS (1854)
    • Public Service Commission (1886-87)
    • Royal Commission on Decentralisation (1907-09)
    • Royal Commission on Public Service in India (1912-15)
    • Tottenham Committee (1945)
    • First Pay Commission (1946)
  • After Independence
    • More than 600 committees (Centre + State)
    • Kerala Administrative ReformsC (1958), Andhra Pradesh Reforms Enquiry Committee (1960), Rajasthan Administrative ReformsC (1963), WB Administrative ReformsC (1963)
    • Experts like Paul Appleby and Nicholas Kaldor have also written about Administrative Reforms in India

Major Concerns in Administration

  • Efficiency and Economy
  • Specialisation
    • Role of the specialist has been increasing slowly
  • Effective Coordination
  • Administration and development of public personnel
  • Integrity in public service
  • Responsiveness and Public Accountability
  • Decentralisation and Democratisation
  • Updating administrative technology


  • Political resistance. Measures involving devolution of power face a lot of resistance
  • At times, the govt that passed the reforms is different from the one implementing it. This may lead to improper implementation
  • Vested interests
  • Public apathy or antipathy
  • Administrative inexperience
  • Imposition from above
  • Ambiguity about implications
  • Inflexibility
  • Adhocism
  • Individualisation in place of institutionalisation


Success of Administrative Reforms will depend on

  • Need of the system and its beneficiaries
  • Public support and a feeling of sharing of reform-goals
  • Timeliness
  • Effective source of initiation
  • Political will
  • Administrative Entrepreneurship
  • Participation of key actors in the strategies for implementation
  • Pragmatism and flexibility
  • Effective reward and punishment system
  • Continuing evaluation and appraisal
  • Institutionalisation of reforms


Administrative reforms are changes made to the way a government operates in order to improve its efficiency and effectiveness. In India, there have been a number of administrative reforms over the years, many of which have been initiated by commissions and committees.

The Administrative Reforms Commission (ARC) was established in 1966 to review the administrative system in India and recommend reforms. The ARC made a number of recommendations, including the need for a more decentralized and participatory government, the need to improve efficiency and effectiveness, and the need to strengthen accountability.

The Administrative Reforms Committee (ARC) was established in 1970 to review the recommendations of the ARC and to suggest further reforms. The ARC made a number of recommendations, including the need to improve the training of civil servants, the need to improve the recruitment process, and the need to improve the performance evaluation system.

The Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) was established in 1964 to prevent Corruption in the government. The CVC has the power to investigate corruption cases, to recommend disciplinary action against corrupt officials, and to prosecute corrupt officials.

The Finance Commission (FC) is a constitutional body that is appointed every five years to recommend the distribution of central taxes between the central government and the state governments. The FC also recommends the grants-in-aid that the central government should give to the state governments.

The National Commission to Review the Working of the Constitution (NCRWC) was established in 2000 to review the working of the Constitution of India and to recommend reforms. The NCRWC made a number of recommendations, including the need to amend the Constitution to provide for a more federal System of Government, the need to amend the Constitution to provide for greater Transparency and Accountability in government, and the need to amend the Constitution to provide for greater participation of the people in government.

The Planning Commission (PC) was a government body that was responsible for planning the Economic Development of India. The PC was abolished in 2014 and its functions were transferred to the NITI Aayog.

The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) is a parliamentary committee that is responsible for examining the accounts of the government. The PAC has the power to summon government officials and to ask them questions about the government’s expenditure.

The Public Grievances Committee (PGC) is a parliamentary committee that is responsible for examining complaints from the public about the government. The PGC has the power to recommend action to the government to resolve the complaints.

The Sarkaria Commission was established in 1983 to review the relationship between the central government and the state governments. The Sarkaria Commission made a number of recommendations, including the need to strengthen the Federal System of Government, the need to improve the coordination between the central government and the state governments, and the need to improve the financial relations between the central government and the state governments.

The Sixth Pay Commission was appointed in 2006 to review the pay and allowances of central government employees. The Sixth Pay Commission recommended a number of changes, including a significant increase in the pay and allowances of central government employees.

The Seventh Pay Commission was appointed in 2014 to review the pay and allowances of central government employees. The Seventh Pay Commission recommended a number of changes, including a further increase in the pay and allowances of central government employees.

The Tenth Finance Commission was appointed in 1990 to recommend the distribution of central taxes between the central government and the state governments. The Tenth Finance Commission recommended a number of changes, including a significant increase in the share of central taxes that was allocated to the state governments.

The Thirteenth Finance Commission was appointed in 2009 to recommend the distribution of central taxes between the central government and the state governments. The Thirteenth Finance Commission recommended a number of changes, including a further increase in the share of central taxes that was allocated to the state governments.

The Fourteenth Finance Commission was appointed in 2015 to recommend the distribution of central taxes between the central government and the state governments. The Fourteenth Finance Commission recommended a number of changes, including a further increase in the share of central taxes that was allocated to the state governments.

The Fifteenth Finance Commission was appointed in 2017 to recommend the distribution of central taxes between the central government and the state governments. The Fifteenth Finance Commission is currently in the process of making its recommendations.

The Zonal Councils are a body of representatives from the central government and the state governments. The Zonal Councils are responsible for coordinating the development activities in the different regions of India.

Administrative reforms have been an important part of the development of India. The reforms have helped to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the government, and they have helped to make the government more accountable to the people.

What are the different types of administrative reforms?

Administrative reforms can be classified into two broad categories: structural reforms and procedural reforms. Structural reforms focus on the organization and structure of the government, while procedural reforms focus on the way the government operates.

What are some examples of structural reforms?

Some examples of structural reforms include:

  • Decentralization: This involves transferring power and responsibility from the central government to lower levels of government, such as state and local governments.
  • Privatization: This involves selling government-owned assets to private companies.
  • Corporatization: This involves converting government agencies into corporations, which are run like businesses.

What are some examples of procedural reforms?

Some examples of procedural reforms include:

  • Streamlining procedures: This involves making government procedures simpler and more efficient.
  • Deregulation: This involves reducing the number of rules and regulations that businesses have to comply with.
  • E-government: This involves using information technology to improve the delivery of government services.

What are the benefits of administrative reforms?

Administrative reforms can have a number of benefits, including:

  • Increased efficiency: By making government procedures simpler and more efficient, administrative reforms can help to reduce costs and improve service delivery.
  • Increased transparency: By making government more open and accountable, administrative reforms can help to build trust between citizens and the government.
  • Increased effectiveness: By improving the way the government operates, administrative reforms can help to achieve government goals more effectively.

What are the challenges of administrative reforms?

Administrative reforms can be challenging to implement, for a number of reasons. These include:

  • Resistance to change: Employees may be resistant to changes in their work practices, and may need to be convinced of the benefits of reform.
  • Lack of Resources: Reforms can be expensive, and governments may not have the resources to implement them effectively.
  • Political instability: Reforms can be difficult to implement in countries with unstable political systems.

What are some examples of successful administrative reforms?

Some examples of successful administrative reforms include:

  • The New Zealand Public Service reforms of the 1980s: These reforms resulted in a more efficient and effective public service in New Zealand.
  • The Indian Administrative Service reforms of the 1990s: These reforms resulted in a more professional and accountable civil service in India.
  • The Chinese government’s e-government reforms: These reforms have resulted in a more efficient and accessible government in China.

What are some examples of unsuccessful administrative reforms?

Some examples of unsuccessful administrative reforms include:

  • The Soviet Union’s Economic Reforms of the 1980s: These reforms failed to improve the Soviet economy and contributed to the collapse of the Soviet Union.
  • The Argentine government’s economic reforms of the 1990s: These reforms failed to prevent the Argentine economic crisis of 2001.
  • The United States government’s healthcare reform of 2010: This reform has been controversial and has not been fully implemented.

What are the future trends in administrative reforms?

The future trends in administrative reforms are likely to include:

  • A focus on efficiency and effectiveness: Governments will continue to look for ways to make their operations more efficient and effective.
  • A focus on transparency and accountability: Governments will continue to look for ways to make their operations more transparent and accountable.
  • A focus on citizen participation: Governments will continue to look for ways to involve citizens in the decision-making process.
  • A focus on e-government: Governments will continue to use information technology to improve the delivery of government services.
  1. Which of the following is not a commission or committee that has been set up to recommend administrative reforms in India?
    (A) The Administrative Reforms Commission
    (B) The Mandal Commission
    (C) The Sarkaria Commission
    (D) The National Commission to Review the Working of the Constitution

  2. The Administrative Reforms Commission was set up in
    (A) 1966
    (B) 1970
    (C) 1977
    (D) 1985

  3. The Mandal Commission was set up in
    (A) 1966
    (B) 1970
    (C) 1977
    (D) 1985

  4. The Sarkaria Commission was set up in
    (A) 1966
    (B) 1970
    (C) 1977
    (D) 1985

  5. The National Commission to Review the Working of the Constitution was set up in
    (A) 1966
    (B) 1970
    (C) 1977
    (D) 2000

  6. The main recommendations of the Administrative Reforms Commission were
    (A) To reduce the size of the government
    (B) To decentralize the government
    (C) To improve the efficiency of the government
    (D) All of the above

  7. The main recommendations of the Mandal Commission were
    (A) To provide reservation for Other Backward Classes (OBCs) in government jobs and educational institutions
    (B) To increase the representation of Women in government jobs and educational institutions
    (C) To improve the economic condition of the OBCs
    (D) All of the above

  8. The main recommendations of the Sarkaria Commission were
    (A) To strengthen the federal system of government
    (B) To improve the relations between the Centre and the states
    (C) To protect the rights of the states
    (D) All of the above

  9. The main recommendations of the National Commission to Review the Working of the Constitution were
    (A) To amend the Constitution to make it more relevant to the present times
    (B) To remove the obsolete provisions of the Constitution
    (C) To simplify the language of the Constitution
    (D) All of the above

  10. Which of the following is not a major administrative reform that has been implemented in India?
    (A) The introduction of the New Public Management (NPM)
    (B) The introduction of the Right To Information (RTI) Act
    (C) The introduction of the Mandal Commission recommendations
    (D) The introduction of the Sarkaria Commission recommendations

  11. The NPM is a set of reforms that aim to make the government more efficient and effective. It includes the following:
    (A) Decentralization
    (B) Privatization
    (C) Marketization
    (D) All of the above

  12. The RTI Act is a law that gives citizens the right to access information held by the government. It was passed in 2005.

  13. The Mandal Commission recommendations were implemented in 1990. They provided reservation for Other Backward Classes (OBCs) in government jobs and educational institutions.

  14. The Sarkaria Commission recommendations were implemented in 1988. They strengthened the federal system of government and improved the relations between the Centre and the states.

  15. Which of the following is not a major challenge to administrative reforms in India?
    (A) Corruption
    (B) Bureaucracy
    (C) Lack of political will
    (D) All of the above

  16. Corruption is a major problem in India. It is estimated that corruption costs the Indian economy billions of dollars every year.

  17. Bureaucracy is another major challenge to administrative reforms in India. The bureaucracy is often seen as slow, inefficient, and unresponsive to the needs of the people.

  18. Lack of political will is another major challenge to administrative reforms in India. Politicians are often more interested in winning Elections than in reforming the government.

  19. Despite the challenges, there have been some successes in administrative reforms in India. The introduction of the NPM and the RTI Act are two examples of successful reforms.

  20. The future of administrative reforms in India is uncertain. The challenges are great, but there is also the potential for significant progress.

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