Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP): Expanding Irrigation and Reducing Delays

The Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP) was launched by the Government of India in 1996-97 to provide financial assistance to States for the swift completion of ongoing major and medium irrigation projects. The program recognizes that irrigation is the backbone of Indian agriculture, and timely completion of irrigation projects is crucial to expanding the area under irrigation, boosting yields, and reducing dependence on rainfall.

Objectives of AIBP

  • Accelerating Project Completion: Addresses delays in irrigation projects and ensures timely utilization of created potential.
  • Expanded Irrigation Coverage: Increase the area under irrigation, providing water security to more farmers, particularly in rain-fed regions.
  • Productivity Enhancement: Enhance agricultural productivity and contribute to higher farm incomes.
  • Central Financial Assistance: Provide central government funding as grants to states to supplement their resources for project completion.
  • Prioritizing the ‘Last Mile’: Focus on completing the last-mile infrastructure, including distributaries and field channels to ensure water reaches farmers’ fields.

Implementation Framework

  • State-Led Implementation: States identify and prioritize eligible projects for inclusion under AIBP.
  • Regular Monitoring: Projects are monitored by a dedicated committee for faster clearances and approvals to accelerate completion.
  • Focus on Sustainability: Encourages water use efficiency and beneficiary participation in long-term maintenance.

Impact of AIBP

  • Millions of Hectares Brought Under Irrigation: AIBP has contributed significantly to the expansion of India’s irrigation potential.
  • Crop Diversification and Intensity: Reliable irrigation has enabled crop diversification and increased cropping intensity in many areas.


  • Which projects are eligible for assistance? Ongoing major and medium irrigation projects that qualify based on specific criteria.
  • How is central assistance provided? The Centre provides financial support as 90% grant for projects in special category states and 25-50% grant for other states.


  1. The primary focus of AIBP is to:
    • A. Offer free agricultural inputs
    • B. Eradicate rural poverty
    • C. Accelerate completion of irrigation projects
    • D. Train farmers in advanced agricultural techniques
  2. Which of these is NOT a direct benefit of the AIBP?
  • A. Expanding area under irrigation
  • B. Crop diversification
  • C. Increased agricultural productivity
  • D. Free housing for poor farmers

Answer Key: 1-C, 2-D


The Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme has been instrumental in pushing for faster completion of irrigation projects, reducing cost and time overruns that often plague such large-scale infrastructure. By aiding in the creation of irrigation potential, AIBP has played a role in enhancing agricultural productivity, mitigating drought risk, and bolstering the incomes of India’s farming communities. Continued emphasis on the ‘last mile’ connectivity, participatory irrigation management, and integrating water efficiency measures will be critical to maximize the long-term impact of the AIBP on India’s agricultural landscape.

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