6th JPSC Mains admit card released

Dear all 6th JPSC Mains admit card are released. download now , The 6th JPSC Mains exam is scheduled to be held on 26th and 27th March 2023. The admit cards have been released on the official website of the JPSC. The exam will be conducted in two shifts, morning and afternoon. The morning shift … Read more

Discuss the challenges of Indian Agriculture and present an outlook.

Indian economy still is agro based economy and INFRASTRUCTURE Promoting the use of modern technology Providing subsidies to farmers Expanding the coverage of agricultural insurance Promoting the cultivation of high-value crops Encouraging farmers to form cooperatives Providing training and extension Services to farmers These measures have helped to improve the productivity of Indian agriculture. However, … Read more

What is ecosystem? Goods and services provided by the ecosystem is immense. Discuss

An ecosystem is defined as the structural and functional unit of Biosphere consisting of community of living beings and the physical Environment, both interacting and exchanging materials between them. Ecosystems vary greatly in size and Elements, but each is a functioning unit of nature. There are two components of ecosystems i.e. biotic and abiotic. Ecosytems … Read more

Explain the nature of DPSP? What are the difficulties to implement the DPSP?

DPSP are enumerated in part IV of the constitution under ARTICLE 36 -51. Objective of DPSP is to create welfare state where social and economic Democracy is achieved through legitimate ways. They are non-enforceable in nature i.e. one cannot go to court for their non implementation. Since independence government through statute or constitutional amendments have … Read more

What is Bhakti movement? What are the essential feature of bhakti movement?

The Indian culture and civilisation have undergone regormation and revitalisation many times throughout history of mankind. The Bhakti movements of 14th-16th century represented one such phase of revitalisation and reformation of Indian culture. This movement was lead by saints like Hinduism more accessible to the common people by using vernacular languages in religious texts and … Read more

Analyse the importance of Birsa Munda Movement for tribal rights in British India.

Munda Rebellion is one of the prominent 19th century tribal rebellions in the subcontinent. Birsa Munda led this movement in the region south of Ranchi in 1899-1900. The Mundas traditionally enjoyed a preferential rent rate as the khuntkattidar or the original clearer of the forest. But in course of the 19th century they had seen this … Read more

Archived DPMQ

[su_heading]Paper III[/su_heading] [su_posts template=”templates/list-loop.php” posts_per_page=”20″ tax_term=”1622″ tax_operator=”0″ order=”desc”] [su_heading]Paper IV[/su_heading] [su_posts template=”templates/list-loop.php” posts_per_page=”20″ tax_term=”1623″ tax_operator=”0″ order=”desc”] [su_heading]Paper V[/su_heading] [su_posts template=”templates/list-loop.php” posts_per_page=”20″ tax_term=”1624″ tax_operator=”0″ order=”desc”] [su_heading]Paper VI[/su_heading] [su_posts template=”templates/list-loop.php” posts_per_page=”20″ tax_term=”1625″ tax_operator=”0″ order=”desc”], Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that deals with the creation of intelligent agents, which are systems that can reason, … Read more

Highlight the Characteristics of Indian economy

Indian economy has come a long way since independence. From socialist pattern to liberalised era it , from being agrarian to service oriented economy it has seen many ups and downs. The basic features of Indian economy are enumerated as follows: India is a developing economy with low per capita income. Current Per capita income … Read more

Discussion Forum for JPSC Mains Exam

Dear All we have launched a discussion forum for the dedicated preparation and guidance for 6th JPSC Mains Exam. Users will be able to get following Services:- Doubt clearance for Mains topics by PSC Notes Experts. Continuation of Daily Mains Practice Question (DMPQ). Requests for redevelopment of notes (for topics not upto the students satisfaction). … Read more

JPSC Mains Printed Notes- With Cash on Delivery

After the great demand by students for cash on delivery (COD) for printed Notes.We have launched the COD Facility in colebration with Delhivery.. Choose COD as payment option at checkout. Book your COD Package Now Details of products presently available for COD facility. Description- The notes are on Average 800+ pages and package is around 2kg for all the states. … Read more

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