The Sur administrative reforms in Haryana

The Sur Administrative Reforms   Haryana was the ancestral home of Sher Shah. His grandfather Ibrahim Khan Sur who came from Afghanistan, served under Jamal Khan Sarang Khani of Hisar- Firuzah who bestowed on him ‘several villages in pargana Narnaul for the maintenance of forty horsemen’. His son, Hasan Khan, entered the service of Umar … Read more

The invasion of Nadir Shah and Haryana

The invasion of Nadir Shah   Nadir Shah (the king of Persia) after the occupation of Afghanistan decided to march on India whose unsettled borders and negative defence policy ideally suited his purpose. He passed through Jalalabad, Peshawar, Wazirabad and further carried destruction and disorder throughout the region between Lahore and Sarhind which according to … Read more

The Satnami revolt

The Satnami revolt   An offshoot of the medieval Bhakti Movement, the Satnami movement had its origin in the Sadhs, a Unitarian sect founded in 1543 by Birbhan, of the village Bijesar of Narnaul pargana} It was probably a branch of the Raidasi jamayat (organization) founded after the famous saint Raidasa. Birbhan although claimed to … Read more

The impact of Sikhism in Haryana

The impact of Sikhism   Haryana also felt the impact of Sikhism. Several Sikh Gurus visited Kurukshetra and other parts of Haryana and in their memory various Gurudwaras were built here. An account of these visits is available in the works of Macauliffe and the Sikh traditional literature of Bhai Santokh Singh who had received … Read more

Mugals in Haryana- The short lived empire

The short lived empire Huinayun who succeeded Babur on December 26, 1530 appointed his brothers Mirza Hindal and Mirza Kamran as governors of Miwat and Sirhind-Hisar respectively. But this proved to be suicidal for the very existence cf the newly founded empire. While, Humayun was busy fighting the Afghans at Gaur, Hindal revolted.   Sher … Read more

Religious and Cultural Activities – The rise and growth of Sufism

Religious and Cultural Activities – The rise and Growth of Sufism   Situated between Punjab and Delhi, Haryana had been the scene of frequent warfares which left disturbing effects and made life rather difficult. Although the Muslim rulers, by and large, adopted an intolerant Attitude towards the Hindus and frequently destroyed their holy places, the … Read more

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