The Battle of Taraori and aftermath

The Battle of Taraori and after   Dattaji who had raised the seige of Sukkartal decided to meet the Shah. He crossed the Jamuna at the Andhera Ghat (December 18, 1759) and then finalised his plans at Kunjapura. The best 25,000 troops he himself retained while the others under Janakoji and Imad formed his rear … Read more

The Afghan-Maratha conflict and Haryana

The Afghan-Maratha conflict   The Durrani Invasions {114S, 1750, 1751)   These anarchical conditions of India specially of Panjab and Haryana greatly facilitated the ambitious scheme of Ahmad Shah, an Afghan chief of the Abdali clan who rose to power in Afghanistan after the assassination of Nadir Shah in 1747, He was styled by the … Read more

Development of Architecture in Medieval Haryana

In Haryana during the medieval period there has been considerable interest in the construction of buildings mostly in the form of tombs (in the sacred memory of Muslim saints and men of eminence), mosques and other associated religious establishments for prayers, recitation and the teaching of the holy scriptures. These are scatered all over Haryana … Read more

The Battle of Karnal and Aftermath

The Battle of Karnal   On February 13, 1739 began Persian advance along the plain between the canal on the Jamuna. Prince Nasrullah taking position north of Indian camp facing Nizam’s division. Nadir Shah himself at first at the head of the vanguard but after Saadat Khan’s joining the emperor shifted to a position about … Read more

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