State Legislature : Organization, Powers and functions

Articles 168 to 212 in Part VI of the Constitution deal with the organisation, composition, duration, officers, procedures, privileges, powers and so on of the State Legislature.In most of the States, the Legislature consists of the Governor and the Legislative Assembly (Vidhan Sabha). This means that these State have unicameral Legislature. In a Six States( … Read more


  Languages of Tamilnadu Tamil is the Official Language of Tamil Nadu state and one of the 18 languages mentioned in the eighth schedule of the Indian constitution. Tamil is one of the classical languages of the world, with a rich heritage of literature. It is the most widely spoken language in Tamil Nadu. Besides … Read more


  Tamilnadu has a rich history of culture and tradition that has evolved over centuries. Perhaps the most profused flowering of the Tamil culture is in the handicrafts of Tamilnadu. Flights of fancy are tempered by tradition. Imagination and creativity find expression in the skill of loving, caring, disciplined hands. The crafts of Tamilnadu speak … Read more


  Tamil Nadu has a well established transportation system that connects all parts of the state. This is partly responsible for the Investment in the state. Though the present transportation system is substantial, it needs to be developed further to keep pace with the rapid increase in use. The whole transportation system of Tamilnadu can … Read more


  In Tamilnadu, coastal regions, are represented by many geomorphological features such as alluvial plains, cheniers, paleolagoonal plain and strandlines, coastal sand dunes, beaches, beach ridge and ridge plain, sand dune, sandy bar, mudflat etc. identified by many workers. Coastal geomorphology of the study area is represented by the depositional features like beaches, sand dune, … Read more


  Energy Security and environmental Sustainability are vital to our future. Energy security is very important for economic Growth.  RENEWABLE ENERGY sources are essential in view of the depleting nature of conventional energy Resources.  Electricity is a critical Biomass energy Tide energy Ocean Thermal Energy Small hydro project Among the above mentioned sources, three renewable energy … Read more

Progress of Agricultural Science and its impact

Development and Progress in agriculture sector is a comprehensive topic and hence we have subdivided into following topics for better understanding [su_posts template=”templates/list-loop.php” posts_per_page=”40″ tax_term=”2886″ order=”desc”], Agricultural science is the application of science to the production of food and fiber. It includes the study of plant and animal breeding, Soil science, water management, pest control, … Read more

Annexation of Punjab with special reference to the causes and consequences of the Anglo-Sikh wars

Annexation of Punjab with special reference to the causes and consequences of the Anglo-Sikh Wars Sikh Wars, (1845–46; 1848–49), two campaigns fought between the Sikhs and the British. They resulted in the conquest and annexation by the British of the Punjab in northwestern India. The first war was precipitated by mutual suspicions and the turbulence … Read more

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