Agriculture of Tamilnadu

agriculture of Tamilnadu Introduction Agriculture is socially, economically and culturally entwined with the lives of people of Tamil Nadu. Agriculture cannot be easily dispensed with as it is the key component of economic Growth and development. Agriculture is undergoing perceptible changes as it gets transformed from a traditional to modern economy which is an important step towards Economic … Read more

Animal Husbandry of Tamilnadu

Animal Husbandry of Tamilnadu Animal Husbandry sector plays a vital role in sustaining rural livelihoods and improving the economy of rural Population. Livestock sector provides productive EMPLOYMENT especially self employment and guaranteed supplementary household income to a majority of rural households particularly small and marginal farmers besides providing nutritious food products like milk, meat and … Read more

Tamil Nadu Rivers and Drainage System 2

Thamirabarani River Originates: In Western Ghats In Tirunelveli District Tributaries: River Servalar, Pachaiyar And Chittar The river Tambaraparani (Now people call Tambaraparani as Thamirabarani) originates on the eastern slopes of Western Ghats in Tirunelveli district of Tamil Nadu. The origins of Tambarabarani and its tributaries are situated at the peaks called “Aduppukkal Mottai”, “Agathimalai” and “Cherumunji Mottai”, at … Read more

Natural hazards in Tamilnadu

Natural hazards in Tamilnadu Introduction Natural disasters are consequences of a NATURAL HAZARD like an earthquake, landslide, cyclone, flood, or tsunami which affects human activities. Human vulnerability to disasters is increased by POVERTY and the risk potential for disasters. A lack of planning, preparedness and appropriate emergency management systems can lead to devastating to human, animal, … Read more

Eco Tourism in Tamilnadu

Eco Tourism in Tamilnadu   Ecotourism may be defined as nature-based tourism that is educative and ensures the suitable use of environmental Resources, while producing viable economic opportunities for the host communities.   Tamil nadu’s geographical diversity provides wealth of eco tourisms that potentially support Eco tourism activities. These include INFRASTRUCTURE in remote areas. (D) … Read more

Tamilnadu vegitation

In Tamil Nadu, Forest vegetation is divided into 3 major groups according to temperature zones namely Tropical Forests, Montane Subtropical Forests and Montane Temperate Forests, which are sub divided into nine type groups based on moisture and physiognomic variation. They are S.No Major Forest Type group 1 Tropical wet evergreen 2 Tropical semi evergreen 3 … Read more

Climate of Tamilnadu

Tamil Nadu State is situated at the South-eastern extremity of the Indian Peninsula, bounded on the east by the Bay of Bengal, Western Ghats on its west, Indian Ocean on its south and Nellore and Chittoor districts of Andhra Pradesh and Kolar, Bangalore and Mysore districts of Karnataka State on the northwest. It has a … Read more

Soils of Tamilnadu

Soil is one of the most important non-renewable basic Resources on the earth’s surface. The major soil groups of Tamil Nadu are: Red soils, (62 per cent) Black soils (12 per cent) Laterite soils (3 per cent) and Coastal soils (7 per cent) The red soils are further classified as: Red loamy (30 per cent) … Read more

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