Freedom movement in Nagaland

Freedom movement in Nagaland The British contact with the Naga began after the Treaty of Yandabo in 1826. This treaty for the first time brought the concept of map and boundary and the tribal of the hills particularly the Naga became its victim. The demarcation of boundary placed the groups into separate regions or pails … Read more

Peasants and tribal movements in Nagaland

Peasants and tribal movements in Nagaland Nagas Rebellion  Nagas were once head hunters, as they used to cut off the heads of the enemies and preserve them as trophies. But with the advent of Christianity and Education, the Nagas, comprising more than 30 tribes, have evolved a rich culture and tradition. The Naga national movement … Read more

Art forms of Nagaland

Art Forms of Nagaland The rich arts and crafts of Nagaland portray the artistic caliber and creative imagination of the local craftsmen of the north eastern state of India. Nagaland has several small scale cottage and medium scale industries that produce fine products of the traditional art of the state. The art of weaving is … Read more

Handicrafts of Nagaland

Handicrafts of Nagaland It is well known that Nagas are the living examples of skilled labours and craftsman and their handiworks are famous worldwide. Although we have come across several centuries since humans have learnt to make clothes, learnt Pottery, do farming etc. But the people in Nagaland, mainly the tribes still make their things … Read more

Fairs and festivals of Nagaland

Fairs and festivals of Nagaland Sekrenyi Festival The Sekrenyi Festival starts with the “kizie’ ritual and on the first day the men go for a bath to the village well. Two young tribals then clean the well at night and it is guarded to prevent anyone from using it after it is cleaned. The early … Read more

Feudatory states of Nagaland

Feudatory states of Nagaland The Ancient History of the Nagas is unclear. Tribes migrated at different times, each settling in the northeastern part of present India and establishing their respective sovereign mountain terrains and village-states. There are no records of whether they came from the northern Mongolian region, southeast Asia or southwest China, except that … Read more

Scheduled tribes of Nagaland

Scheduled tribes of Nagaland Angami Naga The Angamis are a major Naga ethnic group native to the state of Nagaland in North-East India. They are listed as a Scheduled Tribe, in the 5th schedule of the Indian Constitution. They are known for the Sekrenyi celebrations every February. The Angami Nagas are settled in Kohima District … Read more

Folk dances of Nagaland

Folk dances of Nagaland Dance lovers finds it as a means of relaxations and distressing from the mundane life. Dance comes to its ultimate perfection when ancient tradition and cultural blends with music and rhythm in equal proportion. For the people of Nagaland, dance is the extreme, Heightening of pleasure, Zest and joy. They enjoy … Read more

Population of Nagaland

Population of Nagaland The population of Nagaland consists of almost two million people, of which 1.04 million are males and 0.95 million females. Among its districts, Dimapur has the largest population (379,769), followed by Kohima (270,063). The least populated district is Longleng (50,593). 75% of the population lives in the rural areas. As of 2013, … Read more

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